We need a "no DS, BT, Unbreakable, Adrenaline, OoO" weekend



  • monster1125
    monster1125 Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2020

    These perks being removed would be terrible for the game. Because I hope we all can agree that tunneling and camping is fun for no one. And with out ds or barrowed the best strategy would to be to tunnel. And if ur not one of those killers that would tunnel or face camp I'm sorry but there are plenty. I've had 6 today. And I'm just glad about the bloodlust bc now I can see what I'm doing wrong if I die I can't just think it's blood lust and throw away that learning moment. Like I'm 364 hours in and I just learned bloodlust goes up every 15 sec. Game don't teach u much if u don't go online.

  • zackdaylight
    zackdaylight Member Posts: 190

    We all understand what you’re saying, but what you don’t understand is that not every “camping and tunneling” game is as perfect as that. Getting an actual game where the killer gets somebody down and just sits there in front of him while the other survivors are on gens isn’t the only way of “camping” or “tunneling”. There’s other ways, and once you realize that, you will realize you’re incredibly wrong.

  • monster1125
    monster1125 Member Posts: 2

    Also Im new here why does all of these posts on almost all of the posts seem so toxic with survivor vs killer toxicity. or is that just normal

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,440
    edited November 2020

    I think you are missing the point of OP then. The point isn't annoying perks, those listed are flat out the meta for survivors period. It is not uncommon at red ranks to see a team of 4 survivors that all of DS, BT, UB, DH. Sometimes one of them forgoes DS or UB for another perk but it's pretty rare.

    If you want to compare it, you should be asking to remove Undying/Ruin/Pop/Corrupt/BBQ as those are pretty meta. Although i'd argue that BBQ isn't really meta as thrilling is a better version of it, people just run BBQ instead of thrilling because of the extra bloodpoints.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I've listened enough. You've said there are other anti-camping/tunnelling perks. If I am camping then these perks that help with camping do nothing at all.

    You said if you want to save them you need to work as a team. That wouldn't matter without a flashlight, I'm getting my kill. Doesn't matter if I'm playing a perkless M1 killer I'm still getting a kill.

    You said not every game is going to be a camper or tunnelled. That's actually correct. If the killer is destroying that team or is just genuinely being too nice then he won't camp or tunnel. However any good killer will turn to camping when they need to because the survivors have nothing to stop them.

    You failed to give me a proper counter to a tunnelling/camping killer. You failed to acknowledge the point I made earlier about a game where there is an obsession (implying someone might have DS) and no obsession. Even with your 1,800 hours you fail to see why removing both BT and DS at the same time would be bad decision.

    I'm done lol I can't keep going on my head is beginning to hurt. I'll let you have the last word since you'll want it. No matter what it says I'm done for this discussion. Good luck in your future games mate 👍 hope BL coming back tomorrow makes your killer games more fun.

    Night everyone 😁 sorry for keeping this discussion open longer than it should've been.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    I think kicking a gen is useless if you dont have pgtw anyway and a weekend with no slowdown addon will result in a slugging fest or a mori fest

  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173

    so you can camp and tunnel all you want with no risk to it? yeah, no.

  • Dragonivy759
    Dragonivy759 Member Posts: 29

    Tell me tell me. How is bbq a second chance perk. How is franklin's a second chance perk. How is insidious even a good perk?

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    killers don't need second chances or really need any effort tho tbh lol what

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Tell us again how survivors are screeching when this is like the 7000th salty killer post I've read like this this weekend.

    Screech on, screecher.

  • doggomanno
    doggomanno Member Posts: 15

    I feel like perks aren't the same as bloodlust. I would be interested if they made it so that you couldnt run some perks together so that you can't have invincibility half the time but apart from that it seems a lil unnecessary. ######### OoO tho. OoO shouldn't exist

  • adahy1510
    adahy1510 Member Posts: 3

    This is some very jaded logic

    Bloodlust as we know right now is a mechanic of a killer, but acts very much like a perk. But that doesn't mean it's the equivalent of perks. You're comparing 2 differing functions: perks and mechanics stating that they are the same.

    Imo I think they are running this experiment because bloodlust acts like a perk would. I think they want to see how baseline chases would work so they can add bloodlust as a perk where it's value would be more appreciated.

    If you are complaining about crutch perks this badly...well there is really no way other way to say it but you need to get good. Like this isn't a toxic remark, but an actual get better. Stop playing everyone else's way.

    90 % of the fan base dont utilize most of the perks because they don't know how. Like you have to start playing your own game at some point and stop looking at "meta" perks (odd term for a game that is based around rng and not developed for competitve play)

    For instance: everyone says ds is broken blahblah anti tunnel blahblah. But I love ds as a KILLER. I play with obsession perk builds like stfl and dying light and gladly eat ds because it allows you to just rack up your stacks.

    Like seriousky. Stop playing vanilla and just play strategically and you'll not care about these crutch perks as much.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Ruin undying can be exploited cause u can run it on blight/billy/nurse, find 3 gens and literalyl prevent them from ever popping.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    That would also require the totems spawning around the 3 gens so that the killer can protect them. Also, even with ruin, gen regression tick rate is still less than survivor progress tickrate, so if the survivors work together, they can definitely repair one of those last 3 gens.

    Even in your very specific very rare situation, there is counterplay to ruin and undying. I don't think you understand what the word exploit means, in the context of DBD it means using a perk in a way that it is not intended to be used. Both decisive strike and bt were intended to be used as defensive perks, which is why they're so strong. They can very easily be used as offensive perks to give survivors free time, and there isn't a way to counter these perks for the killer. Killer can't stop people from unhooking in front of their face, nor can they prevent the unhooked survivor from diving into them and bodyblocking them, forcing the killer to hit them.

    There really is no way for any hex perk to be exploited, unless the killer is able to choose where the totems spawn or has some way to put the totems out of reach for the survivors. Totems will always have counterplay, and that's a poor comparison to perks like DS and BT that cannot be countered by the killer. In your example, the survivors have to mess up by allowing the killer to do a 3 gen strategy, then the killer has to be lucky in having his totems within the range of the 3 gens, and he has to be lucky in that the survivors don't find the totems during the match. Survivors just need to run DS and BT to get the full value out of their perks.

  • of course and let toxic killers tunnel and camp with ruin and undying ;) Dont be braindead like OP

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    most of the meta for survivors is considered annoying with exception of stuff like kindred

    the same not quite true with killers. also in op's post hes talking about temporarily removing hated perks and i suggested both sides would want this for it to be fair

  • BasementDweller
    BasementDweller Member Posts: 465

    If a killer is camping with ruin and undying that defeats the entire purpose of this build (to apply pressure).

  • maaadinsomniac
    maaadinsomniac Member Posts: 440

    I agree with this. I'm playing sometimes without perks anyway, so whatever. Just do it!

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    It's funny because you're targeting specific perks when bloodlust is just a mechanic. The only reason bloodlust is given because YOU screwed up I'm a rank 1 killer and I hardly need bloodlust so I don't see why you're targeting specific perks

  • BassTram
    BassTram Member Posts: 195

    I think we need to have a no Pharmacy weekend. I mean a FREE GREEN MEDKIT!? WHAT HAVE THE DEVS DONE TO THIS GAME!?

  • antifreedomring
    antifreedomring Member Posts: 24

    If you take away noed and moris for this then you got a deal. Did any of you play the no perk challenge when it was on? It was a killer stomping ground

  • bootrocks
    bootrocks Member Posts: 10

    As someone who only plays killer and has had plenty of time to think on the DS/BT/ETC.... debate, I honestly think these perks are needed and healthy for the game. Granted I'm not gonna face camp while someone is hanging because the other 3 are just gonna gen rush and no one is gonna have a good time. Does it suck to get DS/BT/etc..., yeah sure but I'm sure it sucks for survivors to go down 3 seconds after getting unhooked. Best to just play around it honestly I think. I'm not the best killer, highest I ever got is 5 but I think those perks are fine... honestly I think the whole game is really. Lol I used to think flashlights were toxic but now I'm a grizzled vet lol it's all good

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Sounds like a butt hurt post. A no perk

    no item no add on weekend would be nice to mess around with. But specifically taking out second chance perks only on survivor no. Not in for it.

  • thiccwanda
    thiccwanda Member Posts: 10

    I honestly don’t see the problem with bloodlust being removed. As a rank 1 killer if your getting on bloodlust 2-3 then your playing badly. Removing bloodlust is actually gonna make killers better it will just take a minute. However the whole weekend all I got was leather faces when playing survivor I maybe got 2 different killers the whole weekend and pretty much all of the leather faces camped/tunneled.

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    Bro if your not a bad survivor a killer that is camping or tunneling won't be affective against you

    You have the mentality of "If Im the last to respond to an online argument, that means I won it" which lead you to completely ignore the content of all my comments and just blindly respond.

    I never said (or implied) there was only one way of camping. And what I'm saying is there are ways to get around every type of tunneling or camping, but everyone just happens to ignore those parts.

  • SpicyTopRamen
    SpicyTopRamen Member Posts: 68

    I'd be fine without any of those so long as there was a mechanic in the game to keep a killer from tunneling off hook.

  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334

    This is why you aren't and should never a be a dev, that's such a bad idea

  • Crimbojambo
    Crimbojambo Member Posts: 82

    You're demanding survivor perks turned off when Blood Lust is a passive for all killer that triggers by missing a hit. I don't think this post is about Blood Lust at all me thinks.

  • Unseen_Force
    Unseen_Force Member Posts: 218

    Why do survivor mains carry around a unwritten rule book for how killers should play?

  • CogHead
    CogHead Member Posts: 14

    But here's the issue: Good killers don't need bloodlust to catch survivors.

    If said survivors don't have those perks mentioned, killers can get away with a tunneling and camping play style, developing bad habits for the killer player.

  • judge_fist
    judge_fist Member Posts: 114

    Unfortunately its pretty much every thread on the forum is like this. Even if you politely explain your point while not putting anyone else's down. No matter what you do their will be toxic people replying with illogical bs. I chalk it up to that's just gamers for you best to just ignore it.

  • judge_fist
    judge_fist Member Posts: 114
    edited November 2020

    I can't think of any killer that requires no skill, effort or complex understanding of the game mechanics. What killers do you play? Only time I can think it requires little effort as killer is vs bad survivors. Dont see that much at my ranks though lol

  • theSilentOne1
    theSilentOne1 Member Posts: 2

    I agree they need to remove small groups of perks to test what good they actually do because blood lust was a key mechanic for beginner killers its necessary maybe not after a certain rank or play time but necessary all the same otherwise tou would turn off new players. This kind of testing would allow them to see more about how to balance certain perks for both killers and survivors and i think they should spend their time on that before they keep adding more to the game try to balance out the perks a bit so that we can all have a better experience regardless of skill level

  • judge_fist
    judge_fist Member Posts: 114
    edited November 2020

    Those are not easy killers to win with by any means. Your not helping your point friend lol When I hit a 2 pip or even close to a 2 pip (I say this because it's the best indicator of a win) with clown or trapper I have to sweat and make virtually no mistakes the whole round. They very much require skill and effort even the top tier killers do more or less.

    Post edited by judge_fist on
  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785
    edited November 2020

    Sounds like a normal Huntress game to me if I can't use those perks.

    As for tunneling, not as much.

  • Vulcanicore
    Vulcanicore Member Posts: 2

    because survivors don’t use it like that, they unhook in your face then the one with by takes hits and forces it, or they take their ds and run at the killer then go in a locker. And there’s another tactic where right as you hook the survivor unhooks and so you down the unhooked, then the one who just got unhooked, unhooks the other survivor so now they both have ds and borrowed time

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,440

    I mean, dead hard literally rewards survivors who play badly. So does DS, UB etc.

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    I love it, but the devs probably won't knowing our luck.

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    And you know what this no bloodlust did?

    Made a lot of killer players quit because it actually DOES help against higher ranks.

    2400+ hours in and have been to red rank before "ranking got fixed/removed" - I'd like to think that you saying this shows you aren't thinking of what killer players are going through - but you want them to give a crap about you and your game.

    Really uncool, and that's why I'm on break and talking on the forums.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    The more I play, the more I think something like BBQ should be base kit. Or whatever that one is that shows survivor auras whenever a gen is completed.

    The game is best when there's that survivor-killer interaction. Whole-game stealth is such a terrible thing for the game. It's boring as hell to play as killer and never see anyone, and it's boring as the survivor to constantly be crouching in a bush knowing you'll never be spotted because you're rocking the Blendette cosmetics.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    I think you should reconsider your play style.

    You apparently run into tunnelers and campers every game. Once in a while is random misfortune. But at some point, when a pattern seems to be emerging, you should examine the common theme in those games.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,764

    Ah yes because when I run the killer for 3 gens and they decide to camp me for it, then take advantage of the fact that I don't like using DS very much and prefer perks like For The People or Blood Pact to force an obsession hoping it'll work and it doesn't, in solo-queue when I have no communication with my teammates except from hook gymnasitcs hoping they're an older player that knows I mean "camping" and not a newer one that thinks I mean "save me", it's entirely my fault for running them and I should just get worse at DBD so I don't get tunneled and camped which then means I'll be seen as the weaker link and get tunneled.

    What a good idea!

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 646

    DS allows survivor saves even when the risks are high. Meaning one survivor runs in with BT, and unhooks right in the killers face (The punishment should be everyone gets hit). Instead of being punished the unhooked will sponge an attack with endurance which would’ve downed the unhooker. Then DS denies the killer the unhooked too. Low risk. High reward. That’s why I run STBL to shut that type of nonsense down.

    I played enough killer to realize how one sided this game can be when survivors coordinate effectively. BT is fair because there are ways around it. Oblivious, and Undetectable. There is no counter to DS other than to camp on purpose to remove their DS early. They’ll even D/C because I took their DS away too soon. DS simply should not activate after all the generators are powered. It’s designed to keep players in the game during the trial from otherwise being killed too soon. If you play “fair” by leaving them alone they will try to keep DS until end game... Then you can’t kill any of them... 😒

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    I think you're underestimating the amount of tunnelers/campers in the game. I'm a red rank survivor so I barely see them anymore, but I can always tell when I have a killer that's in yellow or green ranks... because they LOVE to camp.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    How about they do 5 perk weekend, let everyone have 5 perks instead of 4 :D