Exit Gates need a slight change

I believe that exit gates need a small change, this being that the progress of opening the doors should reset when a survivor lets go (similar to totems). I feel that this could lead to a lot of benefit in the game, for one making endgame collapse a more significant game function. As it stands now, the endgame collapse might as well not even exist since survivors can just 99% doors creating no barrier between them and escaping. And even though killers can open doors themselves to force the endgame collapse, its usually a waste of time to do that and giving the survivors even more freedom when you could be chasing down another survivor. Making the door progress reset forces the survivors to make a huge decision for the endgame; either open the doors and force the collapse, or leave the doors closed to go for a last minute save but risk not being able to open the doors in time.
There are also many benefits that this change could have to the game and its meta. For one, it would enhance many perks like blood warden, remember me, wake up, and no one left behind. Blood warden would become better as in the endgame, survivors would be more inclined to open exit gates for not wanting to risk the long opening animation during a vital escape point. Wake up would become more viable as opening the exit gates faster would actually be important especially when going for last minute clutch saves. In addition, the bonus healing and rescue speeds from no one left behind could be more useful as opening the gates would be more incentivized. Remember me would also become better as having the exit gates take longer to open would incentivize the survivors to start the endgame collapse even during a dangerous point in the game.
Overall, making this small change to exit gates, I feel would make a significant impact on the gameplay in DBD. In addition, the only small drawback is that survivors would be forced to open the gates when someone is hooked in order to be able to go for an effective save causing the endgame collapse. However, those clutch saves would still be possible but it would put a lot more pressure on the survivors to make the move if they want the save. I would almost consider that another benefit considering that camping is a problem of its own. Consideration would be appreciated.
Sounds decent and wee thought out
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I mean I'm pretty sure the devs came out and said they don't want the EGC to actually put any pressure on the survivors only force the match to end (which is contradicting itself lol.) So I don't think they will ever change it tbh.
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If the devs actually said this then that would be quite ridiculous cause for one: why can killers open the doors themselves? and for two: isnt that the exact purpose of blood warden?
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Blood warden does ntohing because of the 99%
I wish the doors at least lost progress somewhat quickly
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if it regresses like ruin and not instantly sure, otherwise no because it's unfair and survivors will stand no chance if they get caught opening a gate even if it's almost done.
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Hate to break it to you, but yeah they said it. EGC was only introduced to keep players from taking the match hostage after it's over. Blood Warden was not designed with EGC in mind, and besides that's a perk not a default game mechanic.
That being said, I agree that gates need some work.
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No thanks. Too many gates spawn close together or too many Killers who can easily patrol two gates for this to work.
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Remember Me would need a nerf cus he just has to go to both gates and get stop the progress it is to slow to open the gate in time
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That'd be insanely OP.
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very strange that devs made to EGC silver line on timer :D i always think for what this silver line and have 1 answer,,,,because survivor's game must be easy and simple
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Perhaps so the whiners of this game can be happy the survivors and the killers don't play each other at all. Two different games with no interaction lol
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I'd honestly say make endgame collapse start immediately after gens are done, but the timer is extended by a minute
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As someone who plays surv a bit more, I believe doing this would ultimately just play to the killer's advantage 95% of the time. It's already easy enough to pressure a surv off the gate when working on it. I'd maybe be open to a small regression system, but a full reset would be too much imo
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Kinda sucks when you're the last one alive though
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So killers can get an easy win no thanks its hard enough to open gates without getting caught doing so a full reset would unbalance the game entirely and when your the last survivor and killer closes the hatch then what you see me I run away and avoid getting killed only to have to risk it all again think I'd rather give you 4k if I'm honest
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No It will not
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End game collapse is already a huge change that only benefits killers. You have the option to open doors if you want to. It's a give and take like everything else in the game.
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I hate survivors but i disagree on this one lol
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I think a lot about how matches end could be worth changing, but definitely not this in this manner.
"Gate Ruin" might make a good side benefit to bloodwarden though?
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Go open the door yourself. It takes 1 second.
Endgame is fine.
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Because it screws survivors over if the hatch has been active before any gate's open.
- someone has a key, opens hatch without making sure everyone can get out. killer closes hatch, starting egc.
- last survivor heads for gate, killer heads for hatch, closes it. survivor starts opening the gate, killer comes up, survivor goes to hide and isn't spotted.
in both these pretty common cases this change would screw survivors over. And killers can always unlock the gate themselves if the egc ain't active yet.
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Egc was never ment to be a serious thing, it already has play potential with triggering noed/blood warden if u open the door urself. Get tired of seeing baby killers such as urself say survivor must be easy, theyve added doors to alot of areas that screw survs over, taken alot of strong loops aswell yet there's no mass out cry from them. If u incline on easy lets talk the exit gates literally side by side on most maps, I don't see u rallying for that to change? Why's that, need a easy kill/win?. If ur not gonna input valuable balancing information it'd be best to stay quiet with the rest of the good kids
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This would have to come at a price, killer mobility would have to be heavily hit and powers would need changed aswell, as is most maps have side by side exits and even when they don't depending on how many survs is alive the exit maybe impossible to get reguardless. Maybe at some point down the road this could be a thing but as is it already has tons of play potential and things you can do.
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I disagree. Cause it means the killer just has to walk between the doors and survivor will never be able to actually open the gate especially since it takes 20 seconds and if they get off it resets to 0%.
It's better to have the time regress rather than reset completely.
Otherwise you'll have killers like nurse and hillbilly (and other who can move quickly) effectively hijack the game because nobody can open a gate as they run between them which is something hillbilly does easily especially is the exit gates spawn on the same side of a map.
So best option is a 5% regress per second (same rate of opening) which is fair for both sides imo because the end game is broken in that it rarely finishes.
That or make the end game crisis 60 seconds instead of 120 seconds forcing survivors to abandon the guy in the hook.
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I like the idea and the time and thought you put in it. I have a few suggestions to make this work. I would make the gates regress similar to how gens regress after being kicked (without the kick obviously). It might be beneficial if it regressed faster the closer to open the gate is then as it gets closer to the bottom of the progress bar the regression would slow down. Maybe the gate resets or regresses after being untouched for x amount of time. Just spitballing ideas here but, I do believe were on to something here lol
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I'd rather leave exit gates as they are but disable DS once the exit gates are powered. BT is fine, sometimes I make clutch saves and sometimes I turn one kill into two. But I feel bad when I see killers get DS'ed in the exit gate, that crap just ain't right.
As is, opening the exit gate is already a pretty dangerous moment for survivors. There are only two gates, and there may be no safe place to run to if the killer comes over, leaving the survivor(s) very exposed (that depends on map RNG, obviously, but so does the gates being across the map or within spitting distance of each other).
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Sry baby Trapper. I'm a meg main, and I am currently tea-baging you.
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No. As long as gates spawn so close to each other so often, that sometimes there's not a single chance to open them, especially against high mobility killers.
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Exactly the gate spawns on some of these maps literally some of these killers can run quickly over to the other door even when you're the last survivor and you're running back to the door and it happens to reset you're basically screwed over unless you find the hatch but that's a low chance to get the hatch it's already bad enough that sometimes when you're by the hatch the killer can stand on top of it and you can't even get in. you Killers have it easy you guys have the most OP perks with the hexes if you run the right build and some of these noobs that are killers or just killers in general like to pretend that they're not camping but they're actually perimeter camping you even when they have you know barbecue and chili hex retribution no one escapes death so you tell me that the gates need a change because as my player I risk my life to get my friend off the hook and take a safety hit so he can take a hit extra when I go to the door and unlock it so stupid.
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Another thing I already posted how I feel about this but hear me out what about this a timer pops up for the killer when he stays around a survivor for too long to prevent camping I feel like that would help better the game because some of these players pretend they're camping but they're just running around you like the outskirts a bit so that's why I want like a circle perimeter boundary of how close the killer can actually stay around you for when you're hooked some of you Killers might disagree but I think this is the best way to prevent campers and on top of that that's why we have the timer because of you guys taking hostage over the game and on top of that you guys have an advantage of using hex retribution that will change the position of your hex and it'll give us more time to get rid of it. I want to see more people talk about how they feel about this no hate just honesty what are your thoughts about improving this game and improving the camping stupidity in this game.
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a) make your own thread
b) when you do, use periods
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Yes it blatantly would. Either two things would happen:
1) time to open exit gate stays the same
2) time to open exit gate is reduced
In the case of 1) it would literally be impossible to open the exit gate against high mobility killers like spirit/billy that are just patrolling. They can patrol between any two exit gates faster than a survivor can solo the gate.
So you would have to go with 2 (or remove high mobility killers)... in which case survivors would *always* escape against low mobility killers. There's just no way to possibly keep pressure on two gates with a low mobility killer if the time to open them was lower than it is now.
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Wow amazing come back. So logical and thought out.
Have you completely forgotten that Hillbilly/Nurse/Spirit/etc exist? There'd be no point in even bothering to try to open the doors once the hatch was closed.
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This is a good idea, but the gates would need to be opened faster too. Down to 6 seconds maybe.
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Actually that should be a perk on a new killer. Possibly even a Hex that activates at end game like NOED. Combined with NOED, Remember Me, and Bloodwarden. That would be an interesting combination. If you pressure survivors off the gates they’ll be forced to break the totems, which wastes their time. If Remember Me is stacked it’ll take ages to open the door.
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I call otter bs on this u do so much for the killer and nothing for the survivor I left the game for two months because of the bs just leave us survivors in the fog
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5th gen pops EGC begins? How bout that EGC is just another mech for killers which, they have em all. priority over pallets,the hatch, powers, mori imagine if the game was balanced and survs had powers unique to each surv imagine if surv could throw a mori and cut the gens down to 2.5 gens to escape or a power that slows the killer down or speeds the surv up. Dosnt seem fair yet these are killer powers making no sound invisibility teleportation instant down seems about right
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A) I'm allowed to have my own opinion you have no control over the forums.
B) I type anything how I want it's a free world and I can say whatever I want I'm not here offending anyone that's my personal opinion and you can just disagree or agree you don't have control over the threads.
C) why make a thread if you can't handle other people's opinions just saying I have the right to speak out if I want to about this. you Killers have more leverage over the survivors in every way don't know why you guys are complaining about the exit gate.
D) is that better that I put periods now?
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Agreed. In far to many maps the gates spawn very or fairly close enough to one another for a reset, or even regression to be fair. And if we’re being honest perks like Blood Warden do work, it’s just a matter of knowing when to use it, in what builds, and what Killers work best with the perk. Not all perks are going to be great for all killers, just like not all perks are going to be great for all survivors. Explore your options, play with new builds, and always trust that there is a reason the gates don’t regress or restart. Even taking that option out is enough for a killer to be losing a game having hooked and sacrificed one survivor, to then end up with a full kill game maybe 3 kill game. As I said earlier, certain killers are better at gate patrol as well. Huntress for example, can throw an axe as far as until it collided with something. In most maps, the gates spawn within close vicinity allowing her to be at one gate and halt progress on another by simply throwing an axe. Like I said, explore your options more and try new builds. There’s more than one way to skin a cat.
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If the gates are close then the killer will camp both doors it's not fair because the killer camps both doors going back and forth so if we have to restart each time I would just delete the game u guys care about killers but not us !!
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Who is "u guys"? Most people disagree with this idea, no devs have commented here, and the devs have stated before that they're not going to make the exit gates regress because of how much it would hurt solo survivors.
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I would agree with this only if they make the gates spawn opposite sides of the map cause to many killers patrol gates. The gates spawn to close together most of the time.
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Good lord, that was a strong reaction. First of all, yes, I'm glad you decided to use punctuation, because now I can read what you're saying without having a stroke. Making it easier for people to understand you is always a good thing. To the topic at hand: I'm aware that I don't have control over the forums, but hijacking a thread that's getting lots of attention to inject your own, relatively unrelated ideas is hard to see as either unaware or bad faith. I'm aware that it's a free world and that you can do what you want, but that doesn't mean that I have to like what you do, and it doesn't mean that I can't comment on what you say.
Incidentally: who said that I'm a killer main? Does "disagrees with me" just automatically translate to "plays the other side" to you?
(Edited for spelling)
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As a survivor, I never understood the whole 99% thing. It doesn't make any sense to me. So I would support some sort of regression to the gate if it's not fully opened. The problem with that is if you're the last survivor left, it'll be pretty much game over, unless you either have a key to reopen the hatch, or the gates are a good distance apart, which doesn't happen often unless it's an indoor map.
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Anything to make easy even easier. The more challenging it is, the less they like it.
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that is my ideia how exit gates and some endgames perk should work:
- exit gate switch can be damaged by killers if there is more than 1 survivor, the regress is half of progression
- Remember me: You become obsessed with one Survivor. Each time you hit your obsession, you increase the exit gate opening time by 8 seconds up to a maximum of 16/24/32 additional seconds. exit gate' progress regress every that a non-obsession leave switch. If there is only one survivor, the additional seconds is reduced by half and exit gates doesn't regress. The obsession is not affected by Remember Me. You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
- Blood Warden: As soon as the exit gate is opened, blood warden is activaded. The auras of any Survivors located within Exit Gate areas are revealed to you.Once per Trial, hooking a Survivor while Blood Warden is active calls upon The Entity to block both Exits for all Survivors for 30/40/60 seconds. Every time that you picked up a survivor, the entity blocks both exiits for 16 seconds.
- Noed: A Hex rooting its power on hope. You are animated by the power of your Hex Totem when the Survivors are on the verge of escaping. Once the Exit Gates are powered, if there is a Dull Totem remaining on the Map, this Hex is applied to it. While Hex: No One Escapes Death is active, Survivors who previously hooked suffer from the Exposed Status Effect and your Movement speed is increased by 2/3/4 %.
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I think it should but it should be linked to the lights on the door how far it regresses, (each light takes 5 seconds to light up) so if the door has 3 lights powered the highest progress it would regress back to is 75% (5 seconds to open)