Is there a DLC character you regret buying?

Could be different reasons but heres a few.
- The killer's power feels weak.
- Difficult to master.
- You just lost interest over time.
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All of them (except Nightmare)
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Pyramid head.
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Quentin Smith. I got Vigil from the shrine not long after and I don't really care about him or his perks right now... Maybe if he got his face reworked to resemble a little more of the movie, I'd consider playing with him. But anyway, I hate his perks. Should've just bought Freddy.
I also regret buying Deathslinger. I like Zarina, but I don't like him or his perks. I'm horrible at aiming: what was I thinking?
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Legion. Doesn't saw the changes comming, as a newbie that I was back in the day.
A bit Freddy, for the same reason as by Legion. Other then that, nop. But I haven't buy much. Before I spent much more money on something, I like to have fun with the product and also to be sure, that I get for my money a product as it was advertised.
That is not ment to be a rant. Please don't let us do it here. Just my point of view.
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Not really. Piggy was kinda dissapointing, but thats it.
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My all time favorite Killer I've bought is Legion. Went from Rank 20 to Rank 1 before I even tried another. They were the reason I switched from a pure Survivor player to a Killer/Survivor flex.
Bubba is probably my least favorite Killer I've bought. He feels really terrible to play and I only got him for BBQ. It was about 2-3 months before BBQ went on the shrine so the bloodpoints I earned were probably worth it. But it's just sad that I have a Killer that I hate that much. He does horrible in emblems because he's an insta-down Killer and the clumsiness of his power is just awful. It feels like you have no control over chase because you have to hug corners to get kills but the hitboxes of the environment are so weird that you sometimes hit things and go in to tantrum and feel absolutely cheated out of a down.
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Legion. Haven't played them in a long, long time. Haven't wanted to.
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I'm pretty much with you on deathslinger. Really didn't think long term. The other is plague and jane. I was still new when I bought the chapter didn't realise I could have bought plague on her own. I've used jane a couple times for dailies and thats about it. Plague has decent perks but boy do I struggle to play her.
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Probably none that I harshly regret, because I either like their appearance/power (survivor/killer) or I like the perks I gained access to through them.
If unique teachable perks weren't a factor though, then there's only on killer I would probably consider a regret and it's Plague. I do not like playing Plague.
My alt-pick would be Hag, but I got her for free (benefits of being a console player) so she doesn't count.
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Deathslinger is another one for me. Same with Legion. Like, I can do well with Deathslinger. I've played FPS most of my life and because of that his ADS is hilariously easy to abuse. But I don't find him fun. I had a BLAST with him and the new map is his launch month. But I've never really had the feeling to go back and play him again.
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I bought the game in the first place specifically for Pyramid Head. After a few hundred hours playing it, Pyramid Head feels terrible to play. His shockwave is the only decent part of his kit, and it is trivial to juke for any player that is looking at the red stain. His torment trails are embarrassingly useless and all but TWO of his addons affect them, basically meaning he's a killer with no addons. Moreover, almost all his stuff seems to be focused on being Undetectable for some reason, as if the lack of a terror radius makes up for the fact that he's gigantic, makes a ton of noise by just walking, and using his power in any way is as loud as a generator exploding.
What feels even worse is that the inevitable response is "actually, pyramid head is really good because he can blah blah loops." No. That doens't make him good. Having a thing that makes loops slightly less safe if the killer flawlessly performs a trick AND the survivor isn't paying any attention at all is a terrible power, much less that the recovery is so long that the survivor may as well be getting a free Sprint Burst every time you miss with it. Or "actually, his torment is super strong because it negates all the survivor hook perks." No again. It takes so much time to set torment trails, they can't be set in the spots every other trap can, AND there's a very severe hard cap on how many trails you can have and how long before they fade away. The only time people get tormented is if they run over your trail in a loop, which is, at best, one person at a time. The killer instinct alert is so short as to be pointless, the trail neither damages nor slows, torment does not affect player actions in any way, rescuing from a cage removes up to two instances of torment making you have to start the whole process over again, and even if you DO get a cage off, you're shutting down all the killer-hook perks as well as just shipping them off to be grabbed by the survivors working on gens far away from you.
The core idea of the killer powers is so neat, yet what I can only assume is the result of endless survivor complaints has delivered a wildly under-utilized kit that boils down to "short range huntress." The fact that the last attention he got was in the form of a shockwave nerf with zero buffs to his torment trails or his totally worthless addons kinda tells me that the developers are fine with where he's at, which is a tremendous disappointment for me.
There are lots of fun killers to play and I really wish that the guy who got me into the game in the first place was one of them.
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I was really starting to thing I was the only one who felt this way about PH. Yes cages are useful againt this and that but negate my favorite slowdowns (pop, dying light) and other general hook idea perks. Agree about the trails as well. PH just not one of my favs right now.
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Well Oni and Deathslinger are the only ones I probably will never touch again. But then again I bought them with shards so whatever. (Oh and Huntress but she was free anyway)
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No I do have favorites but I secretly love them all.
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Oni. I suck as him. Tried to learn and practice and could never get the hang of him.
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Chains of Hate chapter, weaker killer and no perks on either side that are really good, just the situational For the People and memey Red Herring.
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I regret buying laurie spirit and deathslinger.
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Buckle Up.
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Legion. I bought the gang with Iridescent Shards so I could see what it was like to play them before they received their most recent adjustments, and now I'm getting killer dailies for them, and I absolutely hate playing them now (because I comfortably am accustomed to missing on other killers and doing just fine otherwise). Same goes for Plague.
Edit: I would say Doctor, but I don't regret the time I had with him before he was made unenjoyable for me.
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I don't really regret buying anyone, I don't play Hag much, but her teachables are dope.
It'd be nice if they brought Old Freddy back, I never got to play him. Same with Old Legion.
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All of them. Bought them all to support bhvr when they said, back in 2018, they would get 60 fps on consoles. How fool i was
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Pyramid head
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Ghostface and Plague. Not because I hate them but I used Auric Cells to buy them instead of buying them through the steam store and so I didn't get the unique item piece for Ghostie or Jane.
Not a huge deal, but I regret buying them wrong.
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Oni: not fun to play as imo.
Felix: perks are borderline useless.
Demi: fun, but weak.
Blight: his only power is movement, can't cut off loops. (Or I'm just bad)
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Freddy, after the rework is so damn boring.
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Ash for sure. I never even used Mettle before the change. Total waste.
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Ash / demo dlc
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Demogorgon probably. But I don't really regret. I'm just so bad with this killer, I don't think I will play him ever again.
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Blight, Pyramid Head, and most of the DLC survivor's!
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How dare you
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Pig, and Blight.
pig cause she’s awful and so boring to play.
blight cause I’m on console and he’s remarkably frustrating to use and was the definition of an impulse buy. I’d say clown too but I’ve actually been having a lot of fun with him recently so he gets a pass.
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Ghostface:when i play him i get revealed behind walls, when against him i get exposed behind walls
Blight:i just dont like him
Steve:god please, his voice make my ears bleeding and laugh at the same time
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Ash. Only DLC I don't have
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Ash and Nightmare on Elm Street. I only played Freddy post-rework for a little bit and I was just so bored after like 2 weeks of playing him. The little effort required to be good with him and having so much at my disposal for free bored me to tears. And I haven't even levelled up Quentin to this day. And Ash's perks are just eh. Flip flop might become useful in the next chapter if you wanna do that cheesy af combo with power struggle.
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The blight
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I really liked his pinball bouncy concept, but I overtime began to hate his steering when attacking with the cane. Without the addon, the killer feels so frustrating to control. It's in a whole different level when compared to killers like Hillbilly and Oni who also rely on steering.
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Bubba and Laurie. I am not confident with bubba chainsaw. Laurie's perks are cool change, but sole survivor seems almost useless.
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Well, I am not going to lie. Ash, but not because MoM was OP but because at first thought, the perks seemed cool but that was on paper... Hearing his voice in the lobby was like "cool, a survivor with his voice in-lobby" but after many MANY many "what now?" you start to get annoyed of him. Then I suppose all DLC's have their pro and their cons
After that, I suppose Descend Beyond.
Don't missunderstand me, Felix is super handsome and a good looking man but the perks could have been better and his voice reminds me very much Steve's voice and I dislike Steve.
He's cool, but his power could be way better AND the fact that wehen we tested it in the PTB it was an earlier version that we were supposed to test made me a bit angry actually.
His perks looks really cool on paper but they're not. Blood Favor, the first problem it's the limited ranged for an hex, meaning if it's a totem it means it's breakable so you ought to give it a great power for its weakness. Undying is cool but it's very RNG dependant. You could have a way to make that Undying it's not the first totem that you destroy and that you can keep half of your medals or if the number of medal is more than two, you lose them, in case of Devour Hope,there's no point in losing all medals if you have one for example.
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Deathslinger. His perks kinda suck and I don't enjoy his power much. Next would be Ash lol.
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1.Legion behavior straight freddied him and nerfed him further even when he was already struggling. Here hoping one day they will rework him.
2.Clown his perks were nice but the killer was and still is incredibly underwhelming his bottles lack any nuances and the reward for getting good with him has low payoff. Atrocious low effort killer that needed way more nuances. Imo the iridescent instadown add on should have been base.
3.Pyramid Head I was disappointed how his power felt so different and contradictory to what I expected from pyramid head. I anticipated some new take on tombstone myers with a pyramid head twist but no. Fire some odd projectile attack that correct me if I'm wrong never appears in the franchise. The look don't get me wrong was excellent for what it is but hey what can you do.
Since I hate being negative all the time I do want to say killers that surprised me in terms of how fun they were to play from the killers perspective:
1.Blight the buggy collision worried me but I cant deny they shipped him in a fantastic state and his skill ceiling is exactly what I expect from premium dbd.
2.Deathslinger seemed like a worse huntress but the more I played the more I felt that his abilities had incredible depth. Also has a super satisfying pull in and smack loop.
3.Oni the man's sheer presence reek of a slugger champion and nothing more satisfying then whizzing around the map with heavy footsteps battering puny survivors and earth underneath his thicc club.
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Sit down. Come one, come all. It is time for me to tell you all a story.
I was a sorry young lad, with no DLC killers in my pocket and a curiosity for who would suit me well. I bounced around and settled on Plague. Now, the early games as Plague were easy. But after 2 matches, it started going uphill fast. You see, I thought Plague would be overpowered. Forcing the survivors to choose between giving you a powerful ranged attack or being a one hit the whole games sounded like powerful stuff! But alas, I was wrong. So very wrong. Plague took the soul out of Dbd like no other killer has.
With that in mind, I have to say that I really regret getting Legion.
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Ash and The Plauge. The plauge was also my first prestiged character and I went all the way to P3 with all perks just to never use her :(
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Quentin because I hate him so much and I play so badly as him and Ghostface because I really don't like his power of the feeling of him when playing him
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Freddy, I liked old Freddy, then they just straight up changed him entirely with no say in it from my end, basically I SHOULD get a refund because what he is now is not even close to what I bought.