Can we take a hint from dc's and suicides?
To me it seems very obvious that playing against spirit is absolutely 0 fun. Majority of the matches I play when a spirit is in it someone either dc's or kills themselves first hook.
Isn't this a big indicator that changes should be made to this killer? IMO killers should not only be fun to play, but fun to play against and if people are willing to take dc penalties and depips just to avoid playing a killer as much as they do spirit then I think its time for a rework or some kind of change to help.
Are you saying that DCs and hook suicides should be a tactic adopted by the community in order to get the changes they want?
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I think until the day that they give survivors a mini map with the killers location on it at all times, there will always be a survivor main somewhere asking for a nerf
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the problem is that usually fun killers to go agaisnt for survivors arent fun for the killer, because most times for survivors a fun killer is a weak killer, somehow the nurse is the exception, lots of thousand hours survivors love to go against nurses, yes untill they find the one that doesnt fall for the tricks and they get completely destroyed... but it is what it is.
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Do you even realize how many hours I put into this game just to be good at Spirit? It hurts the Killer too.
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I think until the day that they give killers a mini map with the survivors location on it at all times, there will always be a killer main somewhere asking for a nerf.
Do you see what I did there?
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No, it's a big indicator that those survivors don't know how to play against the Spirit, don't want to learn, and should probably not be playing at all if they're just going to ruin the game for everyone else because they can't handle losing.
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People will DC for any petty reason.
I have had games playing as wraith where someone DCs because I found them first.
I have had games as survivor where the same thing happened against a clown where one of my teammates DCed when they got downed first.
Does that mean WRAITH AND CLOWN both need nerfs?
No it means survivors are being petty.
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The majority of DCs I experience as either killer or survivor is someone going down first and immediately DCing or suiciding on hook.
What conclusions can you even draw from this aside from shattered egos?
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I was once a doctor dcer.
I still don't like playing against him, but these forums are full of useful tips against any killer or survivor tactics.
Those that dc or suicide, are just unwilling to learn.
I quickly learned my errors and will not dc or suicide in any match. If a match was difficult or frustrating, just by asking for advice on here I will quickly find out what we did wrong.
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It did with Legion.
It did with Nurse.
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A good example at how willing to learn and giving up hurt.
Willing to learn hurts killer, giving up only hurts you and team.
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Wow thats very intuitive of you lol, did you come up with that yourself?
Killers are pretty consistent with their complaints.
Survivor complaints are a mixed bag of however theyre feeling that day.
You can be mediocre at survivor and still hit rank 5, while mediocre killers would struggle to get out of green ranks, especially with the matchmaking system
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Im glad you cleaned up your act, but you were a "doctor dcer" only like 2 or 3 days ago lol
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This is inaccurate. You don't need to be mediocre, you can be god awful at either side and still get to rank 1. The solution to most of either sides complaints right now is just playing better. The game is pretty well balanced. Most people don't want to get better, they just want the game to get easier.
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I also joined just 2-3 days ago.
It's never too late.
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spatial sound takes 5 minutes to activate last i checked. did you spend hours looking up how to do it?
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Isnt the percentage of red rank killers only about 10% of all killer players?
Survivor functions pretty well, maybe sometimes I get hit through a pallet or a window and I think "theres no way".
But every time I play killer theres always something like a missed grab animation, a downed survivor teleporting, or poor hit tracking.
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I mean rank doesn't really mean anything other than time spent at this point. Maybe at one point in time it did when there were things like actual infinites in the game but not today.
Those are just examples of bad coding on the devs part not poor balance.
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One side having more "bad coding" then the other side sounds like poor balance to me lol
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On console the game can jump while a skill check triggers and I'm forced to miss, or dead hard ect.
It's not just killer sided, but I do agree that it's frustrating.
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Yes what youre complaining about is server latency, which both sides experience. Server latency and bad coding are two different things.
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Why do you quote "bad coding?" Is it not bad coding to have such awful bugs? Are you implying that the devs intend to have ######### coding in their game to secretly screw over killers?
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I mean honestly the community has resorted to much worse.
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So I guess it's OK for me to DC every time I get DS'd?
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Worked for Legion
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It's mentalities like this that show just how little people understand about the killers they complain about.
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Retorts like these remind me why ds unbreakable is so much fun x
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I would love to see all the people that claim spirit "requires no skill, just a headset" actually try to play her blindfolded.
Interestingly enough, Monto uploaded a video today of him playing spirit while blindfolded and it took him 12 hours to get a single 4K using an Ebony Mori.
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"Ah yes, let me do a gen in the killer's face because I'm invincible" so fun.
Toxicity aside, let me give you 5 reasons why Spirit isn't as simple as "just use your ears 4head."
1.) Using sound to track survivors while phasing is for when you get close. That's why Stridor is so good on her, because it increases the distance you can be from a survivor to be able to track them perfectly. Before you get to this stage, you need to predict where they are going to go (assuming you are in a loop/maze tile or if you are trying to cut them off) and/or use environmental queues to track them, which are quite subtle alot of the times, minus scratch marks of course
2.) The Spirit is weaker when the survivor is healthy, because they can mindgame a Spirit 10x better when healthy, just like any other killer.
3.) The Spirit is still in the Killer role. That means you have to outsmart 4 people at minimum 4 times each, but realistically 7-9 times each because second chance and exhaustion perks exist. Playing Spirit doesn't just magically make this go away.
4.) Iron Will is a very common perk for survivors, so The Spirit is always at a disadvantage against these survivors, even when she should have the advantage
5.) Sounds are buggy. Like, REALLY buggy. It's hard to say "just use your ears" when what your ears hear isn't consistent
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I have to agree, Spirit is the only killer in the game that gets me to suicide on hook.
She's just miserable to go against and whilst she isn't entirely skill-less, she is definitely the easiest killer for the output she gets in strength.
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I think your hint here should be addressed in a much better manner. If they can't take the heat and have to hammer the leave match button to protect their ego. Then maybe they shouldn't be playing a multiplayer game. When I see mass dcing I don't think wow this opponent is busted, I think shame on them for ditching there teammates. How is it this community can look at these things and think getting better is the issue. The real issues is people need to learn to play on for the sake of the team and not let every nod and teabag be treated as some blow to your ego. This is a team game at its core, you can play for yourself but if you do note the chances of victory drops dramatically.
I think people like this need to be temp banned with penalties that multiply the more you dc. Now if someone is holding you hostage then fair report them log the evidence and send it along. But if they ever feel like their personal enjoyment means they can freely jump out of a game because its not going your way then frankly I'm disgusted. Why the hell are they acting like children and throwing a tantrum take the L move on salvage what you can from the experience.
Feel free to question a killers balance via mechanics level of play and interaction's I can 100% respect that. But never take someone's frustration as reasoning to take action. Logic is a much more valuable tool for balance then emotions. Release Freddy was nerfed for this exact reason. I don't like it its to strong counterplay came in and he was not just bad he was the worst killer in the game.
Edit. Encourage players to behave better. Some games implement a commendation system to credit players who make the effort to play on and do the best they can. This is worth looking into. Nerfing a killer based off of bad vibes is only going to antagonize the other side. At least use some valid reasoning for changes instead of just looking to satisfy their own "FUN".
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That's way too much to ask. They are too busy releasing a new killer, buffing yet another killer, and reworking maps so they are more friendly for killers. Their new balance target is 4K.
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I think what the OP is saying is that nobody playing the game wants to dc or forcefully die on first hook because that's not fun. However, when the distaste for a trial is so great that it overcomes the desire to not dc, then the OP is saying that there's an issue. There is no situation where someone will dc purposefully because of something in the match if he/she is enjoying the match, so regardless of whether changes happen or not due to patterns of dcs, dcs will not become more common if players want a killer to be changed. Players who don't dc already won't start dcing because they have no reason to do so, since the immediate result of a dc will always be a transient effect on the player who dcd, and future changes don't affect that.
Personally, I don't dislike playing against Spirit for any reason particular to The Spirit, but I understand others do not feel that way.
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It's already worked in the past look at what they did to legion because everyone and their streamers started to mass DC everytimes they got a legion as the killer.
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DCing against a killer just means you're too lazy to at least let the match play out and/or learn that killer's counters. For those reasons, as well as the DC penalty, I don't advise doing that.
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Try doing this in less than 12 hours with any other killer with a Mori and see if you can. You won't be able to. If you can even get a chance to win as a killer when you're literally blindfolded that's saying something about how easy a killer is. And I complain about spirit a lot and I don't think, in the times I've played her, got less than a 3k except for one time when I just wanted to get a tome challenge done then go AFK.
She's ridiculously easy. And that's not even a bad thing every killer in the game is easy to play, simplicity and accessibility is what made DbD so popular in the first place. why are people so obsessed with insisting that their killer main is hard to play?
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The only lesson to be learned is that many modern gamers are just brats who want to play a pvp game but don't want to be challenged by it. I enjoy versing spirits, nurses, and slingers... Because they all make you think differently about how you play the game.
Unfortunately, the relaxed and streamlined experience of playing survivor tends to make people want to NOT have to think.
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What like 1, maybe 2?
This post was made by Nurse gang