Fix the game before implementing a Ban system.

So... Just played a match, I'm the last survivor and get downed. Then I don't get picked up and get teabaged from the pig. I wait for 30 seconds and nothing changes. So I dc because I can use my time better. And for this I get a 5 minutes Ban? Seriously? The developers build a banning system because too many people disconnect. How about changing stuff like this, that you don't have to dc?!
Being honest the D/C penalty shouldn't have even been implemented as I know now it hurts Survivors that are kicked from the match and those that actually have to step away for personal reasons. Sure I get what they were trying to fix but the negatives are outweighing the positives.
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I don't agree with that, because if you have to step away, or stop for any reason you only get locked out for like 3 or 4 minutes, it would be over by the time you even got back.
If you had to disrupt everyone's game again like literally 15 minutes later the lock would only be like 9 - 14 minutes.
At that point you have to decide if you should be playing, or go deal with whatever issue that is, be it your internet, or real life, or something else.
As for survivors kicked from the match, it only really punishes you for when it's your connection dropping. You see a lot of BS complaints otherwise; and I am sure there ARE some small slip ups, but even in the rare chance it slips up the time bans take a while to actually escalate.
My connection is not the best after 12 I find, I've had it drop on me in game before. I've left games in frustration before. I've been kicked, disconnected, I've had it all or done it all- and I've never had any unreasonable wait times ever, not once, since the system was implemented.
However rage quits, which were frequent problem, and it would not be uncommon to happen over and over and over again game after game- almost never happen. I had one DC rage quit in the PAST WEEK, instead of several in a day. That's a huge improvement.
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Slugging and letting you bleed out is not a bannable offense. Neither is teabagging. Your "reason" for DCing is precisely why the penalty was introduced.
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Tbh I don't understand your complain.
You decided to dc and complain about a penalty?
It was your decision to dc so you can expect a ban, you know it is implemented and still you chose for that option the fault is yours and yours alone.
Killers have to face tagging survivors a lot of the matches, so you can expect it to happen from a killer too sometimes.
Yes it sucks to be left on the ground but just sit it out, it's only a few minutes.
Do the same as me, just go to the toilet, get something to drink and by the time you get back the match is over.
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Looking at it problems occur in real life most of the time. I had a buddy that I played Siege with who had to back out of ranked games because he had a kid to look after. My point is that Dead By Daylight lacks a casual mode where people can play while still being able to attend to real life occurrences. When I first started streaming the game Killers use to bring me to a corner of the map and leave me and do it again and again. I think it was two weeks ago I was caught by a Clown who just threw bottles at me while I was down. Anytime a survivor would pick me up he would smack me back down. On PC it might be easier to just tab out and do other stuff until the match is over but on console that is a whole other basket.
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You're joking right? Why should I stay in the match when my opponent don't play by fair sports? I want to play a video game and have fun and not playing a Bullying simulator
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I'm not, no. I don't like being slugged or teabagged either, but the fact is those things are not bannable. Players wanting to enforce what they perceive as "fair play" is one of the reasons why the DC penalty had to be implemented.
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Look it from a killers perspective?
Why if all gens are done, survivors decide to stay in the match to keep tbagging and bully the killer instead of leaving?
And when he decide to dc, you'll be complaining what a baby killer he is and he should uninstall, etc.
You might play fair and nice, but that change that other do.
So yeah you can expect things like this once in a while from killers