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General Discussions

Utterly disappointed.

What I had expected to be a fun event that actually took to grinding has now turned out to be a "get this one cosmetic for free and shell out money because we're a fun and interactive company who totally isn't making a bunch of money off skins." I'm disappointed by this, but not totally surprised since this is BHVR. This goes to show me that instead of wanting a fun gaming experience, BHVR is expecting more money to be shelled out for cosmetics for an event. E V E N T. I also don't agree with BHVR making the skins available forever since they were introduced during an event therefore making these cosmetics worthless like every other cosmetic put on the store, simply because everyone else has the opportunity at any point in time to buy them.

These 7 Event Outfits are worthless now. This is all in my opinion. Attack, ######### and moan, or complain if you please. :)

Stay safe out there...

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  • Member Posts: 476

    What about cosmetics makes the game not a fun experience? I really don't understand why cosmetics and gameplay would be connected.

  • Member Posts: 1,642

    @Chi said:
    It doesn't feel like they are event cosmetics when you can still get them after the event yeah...

    Doesnt feel like event cosmetics when you can purchase them too^^

  • Member Posts: 41

    This is how I see it, "Here's a really cool event that we made really cool skins for, but you can only unlock a complete outfit or 3 Individual Pieces of different outfits, but we'll allow you to buy it all with real money and ignore the grind."

    BHVR passed up a great opportunity for a grind and exclusive cosmetics. I don't know what they're thinking. Just money-hungry it seems :/

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    So you can purchase them so what, YOU'RE GETTING TO GET THEM FOR FREE !!!!!! The people that're going to be on vacation or unable to play or not able to play enough will be able to buy them in that case. Do any of you complaining about this consider anyone else besides yourselves in this situation, or are you looking at this only from a selfish standpoint?

    There's been posts from weeks back from people saying they wouldn't be able to play or hardly at all so they'll not get a chance to all 4 pieces let alone one. By allowing them to be purchased it allows those who can't get them to get them. It isn't all about a cash grab and sure they make some extra money but they also ensure that those who don't get a chance for whatever reason don't get screwed over or feel left out.

  • Member Posts: 475
    edited October 2018

    It is fair imo.
    Not everyone has the chance to play 24hs/day.
    Someone has to go to work and do the job while hardcore players are doing the grind ...
    Or maybe it's just your EGO, because you will not be able to say "hey look i am a pro cuz i got this outfit"

  • Member Posts: 1,650

    @rafajsp said:
    It is fair imo.
    Not everyone has the chance to play 24hs/day.
    Someone has to go to work and do the job while hardcore players are doing the grind ...

    Yes we understand this. I do at least.

    I'm just asking for at least 1 more 3 piece set be open to grind for.

    The event is 13 days long man.

    Don't act like its just this coming weekend. ;)

  • Member Posts: 647

    @Dwight_Confusion said:

    @powerbats said:
    So you can purchase them so what, YOU'RE GETTING TO GET THEM FOR FREE !!!!!! The people that're going to be on vacation or unable to play or not able to play enough will be able to buy them in that case. Do any of you complaining about this consider anyone else besides yourselves in this situation, or are you looking at this only from a selfish standpoint?

    There's been posts from weeks back from people saying they wouldn't be able to play or hardly at all so they'll not get a chance to all 4 pieces let alone one. By allowing them to be purchased it allows those who can't get them to get them. It isn't all about a cash grab and sure they make some extra money but they also ensure that those who don't get a chance for whatever reason don't get screwed over or feel left out.

    Stop it with your elitism...

    The event runs 13 days dude. Stop.

    If you don't have time to play in 13 days then you don't have time for anything. Period.

    People are just wanting to grind man. It's simple. They want a chance to play for long term rewards at extreme cost of time and success.

    We're not asking for every skin to be free. I want to have a chance to play a ton during the greatest season of the year in my favorite game to earn awesome stuff...


    It's that simple.

    There's no reason why they can't let it be 2 outfits/6 pieces for 30 and then 100 total vials. Why not?

    Not everyone is like you who can play the game during the event. I know people who won't have their computer for a good 3 weeks cause they are taking trips to different countries and exploring the world. They have been supporting dbd for over a year. I don't see a problem in them being able to buy one of the skins if they want when they return back home.

  • Member Posts: 647

    @GrannyonAcid said:
    What about cosmetics makes the game not a fun experience? I really don't understand why cosmetics and gameplay would be connected.

    Apparently fortnite has gotten into peoples heads because apparently if you have this cool looking skin, you are a god now...

    I play pig and she has no cosmetic besides her bloody counterpart. Skins mean literally nothing and all of these post about not being able to unlock every skin and hating BHVR for it is pretty sad since it isn't related to game play it self.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Dwight_Confusion said:

    @rafajsp said:
    It is fair imo.
    Not everyone has the chance to play 24hs/day.
    Someone has to go to work and do the job while hardcore players are doing the grind ...

    Yes we understand this. I do at least.

    I'm just asking for at least 1 more 3 piece set be open to grind for.

    The event is 13 days long man.

    Don't act like its just this coming weekend. ;)

    The only ones with elitism here is you and the rest, you want more free stuff end of story, you can't explain it away anymore. You may have 13 days but what about everyone else that doesn't have those 13 days to do it? All you're showing is that you're feeling entitled to get more than what's been offered.

  • Member Posts: 1,650

    @powerbats said:

    @Dwight_Confusion said:

    @rafajsp said:
    It is fair imo.
    Not everyone has the chance to play 24hs/day.
    Someone has to go to work and do the job while hardcore players are doing the grind ...

    Yes we understand this. I do at least.

    I'm just asking for at least 1 more 3 piece set be open to grind for.

    The event is 13 days long man.

    Don't act like its just this coming weekend. ;)

    The only ones with elitism here is you and the rest, you want more free stuff end of story, you can't explain it away anymore. You may have 13 days but what about everyone else that doesn't have those 13 days to do it? All you're showing is that you're feeling entitled to get more than what's been offered.


    It's a 13 day event.

    I'm just asking mainly... that we have a chance to unlock 3 more pieces during the event for free.

    The rest can be behind a pay wall. I'm fine with that. I get it.

    Not everyone is taking 2 week vacations right now... and if they are. Good for them.

    Their choices shouldn't affect me right?

  • Member Posts: 476

    @powerbats said:
    So you can purchase them so what, YOU'RE GETTING TO GET THEM FOR FREE !!!!!! The people that're going to be on vacation or unable to play or not able to play enough will be able to buy them in that case. Do any of you complaining about this consider anyone else besides yourselves in this situation, or are you looking at this only from a selfish standpoint?

    There's been posts from weeks back from people saying they wouldn't be able to play or hardly at all so they'll not get a chance to all 4 pieces let alone one. By allowing them to be purchased it allows those who can't get them to get them. It isn't all about a cash grab and sure they make some extra money but they also ensure that those who don't get a chance for whatever reason don't get screwed over or feel left out.

    Nice to see someone else around that understands. People that play video games are generally really selfish. It's crazy how they can't understand.

    And the problem with upping it from 3 pieces to 6 is that then people would complain it's not 9.

  • Member Posts: 209

    I was so hype for this event. I was ready to tryhard to get all this cosmetics! And then i've watch the dev stream, and i got diseapointed. Cant unlock all the skins? Only one outfit? And the rest is with auric cells...Not even with shards... It's time for me to have a bad night...

  • Member Posts: 40

    @Dwight_Confusion said:

    There's no reason why they can't let it be 2 outfits/6 pieces for 30 and then 100 total vials. Why not?


    Capping the number of vials you can get ISN'T NECESSARY because the amount of time that the event runs is ALREADY CAPPED.

    Sure, some crazy players might play the entire time to try and unlock everything, but so what?! That's just GOOD for the game and for the community.


  • Member Posts: 252

    I was so hype for this event. I was ready to tryhard to get all this cosmetics! And then i've watch the dev stream, and i got diseapointed. Cant unlock all the skins? Only one outfit? And the rest is with auric cells...Not even with shards... It's time for me to have a bad night...

    So true! I prepared for this. I saved 1 million bloodpoints and 3 completed daily challenges so i could get as many offerings as possible but they messed up. I don't even know how they thought this was a good idea.
  • Member Posts: 1,650

    @Troylus said:

    @Dwight_Confusion said:

    There's no reason why they can't let it be 2 outfits/6 pieces for 30 and then 100 total vials. Why not?


    Capping the number of vials you can get ISN'T NECESSARY because the amount of time that the event runs is ALREADY CAPPED.

    Sure, some crazy players might play the entire time to try and unlock everything, but so what?! That's just GOOD for the game and for the community.


    I agree.

    I'm thankful to get the 1 free outfit with vials... but it just kills me that they've made it just the 3 pieces.

    Why not make it like 200 vials for the next outfit? OR whatever # they seem reasonable? Some of us want to grind and get in the halloween spirit and try to grind man.

    I seriously hope they add a 2nd free set for a high vial count.

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    @powerbats said:
    So you can purchase them so what, YOU'RE GETTING TO GET THEM FOR FREE !!!!!! The people that're going to be on vacation or unable to play or not able to play enough will be able to buy them in that case. Do any of you complaining about this consider anyone else besides yourselves in this situation, or are you looking at this only from a selfish standpoint?

    There's been posts from weeks back from people saying they wouldn't be able to play or hardly at all so they'll not get a chance to all 4 pieces let alone one. By allowing them to be purchased it allows those who can't get them to get them. It isn't all about a cash grab and sure they make some extra money but they also ensure that those who don't get a chance for whatever reason don't get screwed over or feel left out.

    So by that same logic they should just bring back the original legacy and put them into the cash shop? its not like there are not people who did not have the time to earn them or for the ones who bought the game too late so its exactly the same scenario you just mentioned, but I would bet if they even hinted at that there would be a huge uproar about how it devalued what some earned funnily enough kind of like any event skin wouldn't you say?

    Events like legacy have been timed so people have a chance to earn rewards in game for the actions they do, every event so far has been something to earn by playing the game doing objectives, this is the first one that is different and most of the items being released with it you have to pay for, they should have done one like in the past, a simply skin as less is more.

    I am fine with the practice of selling cosmetics but to use an event to push them and only tell people the day before after its been all over their forums for a couple of weeks? it has been gaining hype about earning them and they could have at anytime been honest regarding how it would work without having to showcase anything, it is not a great idea for any company to bait consumers into paying for something as it breaks a lot of the trust consumer have and are less likely to spend money on what they release int he future.

    The skins are basically the new look legacy, its really not a coincidence they make something using basically the same effects that people have been asking for and then charge for it,

  • Member Posts: 187

    @Dwight_Confusion said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Dwight_Confusion said:

    @rafajsp said:
    It is fair imo.
    Not everyone has the chance to play 24hs/day.
    Someone has to go to work and do the job while hardcore players are doing the grind ...

    Yes we understand this. I do at least.

    I'm just asking for at least 1 more 3 piece set be open to grind for.

    The event is 13 days long man.

    Don't act like its just this coming weekend. ;)

    The only ones with elitism here is you and the rest, you want more free stuff end of story, you can't explain it away anymore. You may have 13 days but what about everyone else that doesn't have those 13 days to do it? All you're showing is that you're feeling entitled to get more than what's been offered.


    It's a 13 day event.

    I'm just asking mainly... that we have a chance to unlock 3 more pieces during the event for free.

    The rest can be behind a pay wall. I'm fine with that. I get it.

    Not everyone is taking 2 week vacations right now... and if they are. Good for them.

    Their choices shouldn't affect me right?

    The problem I have with this is that you may ask for one, then the next person asks for two, then three, then they are all free. The problem isn't that they give one skin away for free, it is that people EXPECT them to give more away and won't be happy no matter what they get.

    I am not trying to call you out, but even if BHVR came out today and said two free ones people would scream for more. They have to make a decision and all of us as a player group has to make decisions too. Their decision is how do we make money to pay our staff and keep our game going and we as players have to decide when enough is enough.

    I understand there are many players and many of us here on the forums that have sunk hours into this game. The grind is not pretty, but an event should bring more players and more money in, not be an event to grind for things. This game is enough grind stop trying to add new things to grind for.

    Many hardcore DBD players say this will be 1-2 days worth of grind, but for those average players that 1-2 grind is 10 or so days. I am sorry you have time to sit and grind that long many don't. I think this is more than fair allow those who have the time to earn them and those who want more pay for them. Everyone is on an even playing field then.

  • Member Posts: 1,532
    There’s people that actually enjoy grinding? 

    Do you enjoy chores too? You must love working. I envy you on that. 
  • Member Posts: 4,299

    @Nightmare247 said:

    The problem I have with this is that you may ask for one, then the next person asks for two, then three, then they are all free. The problem isn't that they give one skin away for free, it is that people EXPECT them to give more away and won't be happy no matter what they get.

    I am not trying to call you out, but even if BHVR came out today and said two free ones people would scream for more. They have to make a decision and all of us as a player group has to make decisions too. Their decision is how do we make money to pay our staff and keep our game going and we as players have to decide when enough is enough.

    I understand there are many players and many of us here on the forums that have sunk hours into this game. The grind is not pretty, but an event should bring more players and more money in, not be an event to grind for things. This game is enough grind stop trying to add new things to grind for.

    Many hardcore DBD players say this will be 1-2 days worth of grind, but for those average players that 1-2 grind is 10 or so days. I am sorry you have time to sit and grind that long many don't. I think this is more than fair allow those who have the time to earn them and those who want more pay for them. Everyone is on an even playing field then.

    They already have a solution to help those that cant grind as much and its been used in the past, community events, old and new players get them, its a goal so we all work together for something which are better than separate ones as once a player get there reward they don't generally care about the others.

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  • Member Posts: 7,068

    The bottom line is if they cave in on this you'll just expect more each time and after the complaint fest here they'll be less inclined to do anything that gives multiples again. In the future they'll probably just go back to what happened during the Summer BBQ event and that's 1 per side.

    They're doing a 2 week event to both celebrate the new movie but also Halloween but all you all can think about is me me me and how you're not getting enough FREE stuff.

  • This content has been removed.
  • Member Posts: 1,532

    That's not the bottom line, that's your opinion.

    But isn’t your opinion usually on the bottom line of your reply? Hmmmmmmmmmmm
  • This content has been removed.
  • Member Posts: 3,688
    Guess I aren't getting them then becauase they aren't getting a penny more from me until DS is out of the game.
  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    ZombieGenesis said:

    That's not the bottom line, that's your opinion.

    But isn’t your opinion usually on the bottom line of your reply? Hmmmmmmmmmmm

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    Well his was at the top. So it should read "The top line is..."

    So wait won't that make mine now the bottom line? 😁

  • Member Posts: 797
    edited October 2018
    Chi said:

    It doesn't feel like they are event cosmetics when you can still get them after the event yeah...

    If only these event cosmetics were slightly altered in someway showing those who earned it VS those that bought it would be nice.

    (Like maybe event unlocked cosmetics were OG color schemes and purchased ones were green for example)

    Im honestly only hoping for 2 whole cosmetic set unlocks (I hope the Dev's change their mind)

    So I could either get one outfit for survivors and one for killers.

    Or just get wraiths and Billy's since those 2 look the best for killers. 

  • Member Posts: 1,650

    @powerbats said:
    The bottom line is if they cave in on this you'll just expect more each time and after the complaint fest here they'll be less inclined to do anything that gives multiples again. In the future they'll probably just go back to what happened during the Summer BBQ event and that's 1 per side.

    They're doing a 2 week event to both celebrate the new movie but also Halloween but all you all can think about is me me me and how you're not getting enough FREE stuff.

    Wrong again.

    Re-insert .50 and try again dude.

    They've never had an event lasting this long right? Or no event longer than this... and these cosmetics are awesome.

    It isn't about getting more... it's about having the chance to grind for 6/21 pieces.

    I'm right. I make sense. Stop.

  • Member Posts: 623

    I was so hype for this event. I was ready to tryhard to get all this cosmetics! And then i've watch the dev stream, and i got diseapointed. Cant unlock all the skins? Only one outfit? And the rest is with auric cells...Not even with shards... It's time for me to have a bad night...

    What event? Is it playable on console? I didn't hear anything about this.
  • Member Posts: 742

    It's a dumpster fire of a event now lets be honest lol

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Dwight_Confusion said:

    @powerbats said:
    The bottom line is if they cave in on this you'll just expect more each time and after the complaint fest here they'll be less inclined to do anything that gives multiples again. In the future they'll probably just go back to what happened during the Summer BBQ event and that's 1 per side.

    They're doing a 2 week event to both celebrate the new movie but also Halloween but all you all can think about is me me me and how you're not getting enough FREE stuff.

    Wrong again.

    Re-insert .50 and try again dude.

    They've never had an event lasting this long right? Or no event longer than this... and these cosmetics are awesome.

    It isn't about getting more... it's about having the chance to grind for 6/21 pieces.

    I'm right. I make sense. Stop.

    Have you actually looked at what you just wrote, the only one wrong here is you.

    Fact BBQ summer event was 2 weeks and was in fact 15 days.

    This is totally about getting more, you're saying one thing then complaining you can't do the exact opposite. You have a chance to grind for pieces, you just want the chance to grind for more pieces. That is the very definition of getting more or wanting more.

    So no you're not right and are completely wrong, the only one that needs to stop is you. i just used your own arguments and showed how you're saying 2 opposite things at once.

  • Member Posts: 965
    Original people from dbd the beggining has any event made any cosmetics connected to event. Not in the 4 years .... 
  • Member Posts: 10

    Argumentum ad cellarium at its finest.

  • Member Posts: 965
    I miss starbreeze so much right now.

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