Competitive and bloodpoint system killing game

Mak528 Member Posts: 3
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hear me out. Bloodpoint rewards shape the gameplay and It creates 'sweaty' killers and survivors. Red rank survivor and killer here btw because ironically this is the credibility you need to have to make an input, with the level of toxicity here. It'll be impossible to please everyone so just throw in casual matches or something similar. Not everyone is good at the game and wants to simply enjoy it.

Casual match can still award points simply for playing the game. You want players right? Why deter them with such competitive toxicity? Sometimes you want to play with friends but you dont have a full party for custom games. Sometimes as killer it is fun to actually play in the scare factor. But that's usually not possible if every try hard survivor isnt gen rushing. Or every sweaty killer is running the same 3-4 try hard perks.

These forums are constantly filled with the same dribble of complaining of one side or the other. And playing as long as I have, it is getting dreadfully boring waiting 15 minutes for a match for a predictable sweaty killer with PGTW, Ruin, etc. And vice versa with every survivor running the same perks. There's just no more variety. And friends wanting to try the game are turned off immediately because some killers purposely lower their ranks to destroy lower tiered players or other bs farming reasons to complete rift challenges. Anyways, that ends my rant. Complain like you normally do. But the wait times are getting longer and both sides growing more and more generic and predictable.

P.S. yes I made an account just to post this. But I've lurked the community long enough to know and the amount of hours I've played solo and with friends.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Ingobernables
    Ingobernables Member Posts: 1

    I don't fully agree with you, me not being that competive is reason why i prestiged my survivor to level III

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164
    edited November 2020

    Posted on wrong one. Anyway yea I agree. The sweatiness is just really made the game #########. Its so hard to have fun nowadays. I definitely dont play as often as I used to. Neither does anyone I know.

  • Mak528
    Mak528 Member Posts: 3

    I'm not sure I get your point. I also had prestige level III. Unless your point is the reason i do it which is to reset everything and force myself to switch it up so I'm not always running the same build like most are. And again, the competition is dull imo.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    I mean honestly, ruin undying has been one of the more healthy things I have seen for the game.

    It's super counterable, and the killer has to apply a good amount of map pressure for it to do anything. Chasing 1 survivor all game makes ruin undying worthless, you have to constantly be pushing people off generators and downing people for it to work.

    Going into a game without any slowdown perks as killer is annoyingly stressful most of the time, and applying enough pressure to win usually still results in you eating second chance perks. I was playing some no slowdown Billy at rank 1 earlier and it went something like:

    Spawn in, chainsaw to gen, down survivor. Hook survivor, BBQ to next gen. Find nobody. Survivor is saved, return to hook. Down savior. Hook savior. Start to chainsaw away when savior deliverances and immediately gets on a gen. Get locker DS'd by savior. Tunnel him down and hook him again because I hate locker DS.

    Patrol gens until he is unhooked, return to hook. Eat BT. Eat instant medkit. Finally finish him off. 2 gens left.

    Down next survivor, hook next survivor in basement. BBQ over to 2 survivors working on gen. Down survivor, start chasing last survivor. Guy in basement gets a 4% and triggers tinkerer. Return to defend gen. Get locker DS'd again. Down and put him back into the basement. BBQ over to next survivor and down them. Guy in basement dies and third survivor kills himself.

    Go stand on Hatch since I used a "Hatch will spawn here" offering. Close Hatch. Start to chainsaw away when 4th survivor jumps out with a key they looted from a chest.

    Yeah I won, but it was pretty infuriating. Back to ruin undying for me.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,409

    I think ruin undying is really unhealthy for the game.

    Having one perk combo that is so mandatory that you should always run it, reminds me of old ruin. Thats a bandaid-fix.

    Then its not reliable. Totem perks are all a risk, but this combo is to random. It strenghts depends on the totem location like every hex, but its random whether survivor need to cleanse 2, 3, 4 or 5 totems. Its too luck based.

    But its good that the killer has to work for it with applying pressure.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I have some questions to you. You say that the bloodpoint reward shape the gameplay. Can you explain the amount of camping killers then, which affectes bloodpoins negativly?

    Gens do bring bloodpoints, as do dull totems, yet a lot of survivors seem to be allergic to both. Can you explain?

    Longer games bring more bloodpoints than short ones, yet a lot of survivors gen rush, and a lot of killers tunnel. Can you explain?

    As you might suspect, i doubt your theory, based on those examples as well as my personal experience. I dont care about bloodpoints, because they are so incredibly easy to get in my opinion. But then, as a survivor i seldom get less than 24k bloodpoints, a lot of times i get more than the killer.

  • Mak528
    Mak528 Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2020

    Newer killers tend to camp more and that's bound to happen. I guess I could've been more specific as everything revolves around it to be rewarded which I understand the intention. But because of it, you have people doing rift challenges by exploiting or doing one thing just to complete a challenge for that boost of bloodpoint rewards. And the reason killers that have played more camp is because of survivors also gen rushing and having challenges that requires them to either escape with said character, open gate with said character, escape with new item collected, finish 3 generators in a single match, spend 240 seconds cooperative action, etc. So many challenges for a survivor player banked on them escaping and doing generators that it completely affects their gameplay. Because the only way to be quickly rewarded and progress is doing challenges over playing the game for fun.

    There is no flexibility in the rewarding of playing this game. It's 'get gud' or take years to unlock things in the blood web and years to get shards or spend real money. Which dont get me wrong, I have no issues being a red rank but I have only lately been playing with friends now whenever I play and they are not as seasoned and I in turn witness indirectly and directly, their frustrations.

    Side note, the rank system from competition in combination with bloodpoint and challenges are what's causing players in red/purple rank to lower their rank to destroy newer players. So often do I see someone rank 14-17 with all tier 3 skills and ending with 25k+ score just to get blood points more easily at the cost of making the newer players suffer more instead of being able to learn.

  • TheExpert
    TheExpert Member Posts: 2

    I think you're somewhat right, but in the same time you point out the wrong things. Sure, the game could really use a casual match system like you said, but there are way more things drastically wrong with the game, that should be fixed/reworked first. Casual matches would fix the problem for some people, but the overall game would still have the same issues.

    First, they should completely change most of the perks, make them EXACTLY the same in terms of power, the only difference being some that are more fun to use, while others are harder to use, but can offer the player more if used correctly, the best example of this being dead hard and sprint burst.

    Also, the latests maps added are fundamentally wrong and don't respect any kind of rule in comparison to other maps, they are less strong, require different playstyles and, most importantly, don't work with all the perks/killers you can bring in a match. So maps should either have equal strength for all perks/killers or they should completely remove the RNG, making either the killer choose the map, or the survivors voting it. RNG shouldn't be a thing in a game based around fixed perks that only work in certain situations, except tile/pallet RNG, because that seems to distribute strength equally.

    Lastly, the whole ranking, mathmaking system is complete BS. You rank up based on some emblems you get by just playing the game. Thing is, you aren't playing the game alone, there are 3 other players that can esentially piggyback you up to rank 1. All you need to do is let them take the heat and play as immersed as possible, ocassionally doing gens and getting 1-2 unhooks / match. This is fundamentally wrong as you can rank up without getting any new experience, or improving your skills at all. Possibly the only fix for this would be greatly increasing the killers strength, so much that the only way to win a match is by having a team of 4 capable players. Or just remove all the emblems you get with the help of others, and instead focus on that one player. How many gens has HE did? How much time did HE chase the killer? Like this, you won't be able to rank using the help of other people and you'll only get to higher ranks based on YOUR skill, not theirs.