I hate hatch offerings.

Why were hatch offerings even added to the game? All these features that actually could be useful and help both killers and survivors, an offering for hatch spawn is added?
Everyone already complained about hatch camping, specially solo survivors like myself who get left to die on hook because a "team mate" who hide all game decides to wait for hatch instead...
I guess it could be helpful against this since the killer can find it before the lazy, selfish anti-mate, otherwise, what was really the point? I've never seen anyone asking for this kind of offerings. It just makes no sense to me.
Yeah I was against it when they announced it. No idea why it's an offering it's not a good idea. More often then not it's abused by SWF's or toxic killers who use it to just camp hatch for the last survivor but they don't close it.
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Seems like another episode of the devs philosophy to bandaid fix problems via perks/addons/offerings instead of do a real change.
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I hate the new offerings, they just make the bloodweb grindier.
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It's not even a bandaid since it doesn't fix anything, it makes things worse for solo q.
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Tbh I quit this game 3 months ago and don't really know how those offerings work exactly. But I think it has something to do with hatch spawn locations?
If yes, then they seem like a bandaid for the endless discussions about the fairness of hatchspawns by giving up the offering slot for an advantage.
This way killer get not a random.but real advantage in this matter at the cost of not being able to mori or have influence on the map.
Survivors only real impactful offerings in my opinion where map offerings and they also can give them up to aquire the advantage for the hatch.
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It is advantageous to people who camp hatch and swf with keys.
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Community: BHVR can you please improve this awful grind,please?
BHVR:Nah,have some more garbage offerings lmao
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I wouldn't have minded it there were made secret