I'm tired of killers getting terrible visibility all the time...

Corn, crotch camera on blight, tall grass, walls only survivors can see over, cramped fov...I dunno about you fellas but I'm getting so sick of not being able to see..survivors get satellite overview vision but we can't even get a decent fov on killers..its frustrating playing blight on a swamp or the corn or having these walls that only block killer vision while survivors can still see you just fine..it makes the game feel so much more sluggish and Janky..
Could we at least open discussion on an fov upgrade?? At least then we may not be completely blinded by tall grass
I can't fully remember but didn't the devs say blight is getting his camera adjusted?
But I don't know if they ever gave us a date on that change so who knows if/when it will actually happen.
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Yes supposedly it'll get revisited..but blight is just the biggest stain on this particular issue
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I don't think the op had a problem with just blights camera. I know what they mean you can feel pretty blind sometimes without shadowborn. Kinda wish there was an fov slider ngl
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Still don't see why it has to be so dark for killers. They're killers, meant to be predators. Brighten it up a bit.
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The amount of times I've commented on here saying I want an FOV slider...that's literally the only thing I want in DbD at this point , I couldn't care less about if they never fix Billy anymore he's dead to me. But the FOV is a universal thing and I'm seriously considering stretching my res for killer because I'm sick of it being so abysmally low.
Such an easy QoL change that they will never make because it's just that.
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The darkness is the least of my concern here but I feel you to an extent
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Its just silly..the devs need to realize game health and quality is way more important than some misguided vision they may have
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I think it'd be fair with how sounds for killers are in the toilet now, survivors can run past the killer on some maps and the footsteps just are to low to hear or the chase music is ear bleedingly loud for no reason other than to give survivors another chance to get away.
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Depending on the killer, especially with the new sort of "black mist" effect in newer maps I legit can lose a survivor that runs past me even though I was looking right at them. If my FPS drops for even a fraction of a second every survivor vanishes and with how osunds are, it's hard to locate them.
It's frankly intolerable.
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You mean you dont like getting 360'd in the corn and grass?
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Blight has a low camera so you dont run onto small props you didnt see
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I'd trade the camera in a heartbeat
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I feel your pain...optimization issues just make this worse
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Yeah..sounds break every patch after they finslly get fixed
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It's dark as hell on console i struggle chasing on certain maps not to mention the visual updates makes the maps even darker
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Its not the darkness..its the fact that survivors can hide under your fov, a frame drop makes them dissapear, etc..the fov is way too restrictive
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I'm saying it being super dark is also a problem at least for me the other things tou listed are also a problem
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I suppose it is with characters like Adam and claudette