Why IRI HEADS still in this game

-1/3 huntresses i met uses it
- unplayable because simply OP
-unplayable games because half of the surv DC once downed first
Like.. what you need more ? Lol
I feel like I wouldn't have a huge problem with Iri head if they just made her hatchet hitbox more fair. Latency is already giving her hits round 90 degree turns on dedicated servers. Either fix that or the hitbox, its absurd right now.
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Homing hatches would be nice
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It's unfortunately not as big of a problem as other things. It is a problem but there are certain things that need to be worked on first.
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What do you mean? You don't love going against a huntress with iri head + belt + ebony + her disgusting large hatchet hitboxes? smh
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Yeah all Huntress needs is just an addon rework, her power is fine, always has been. Her addons are outdated anyway with only 1 iri addon. I'd be fine with the insta down if it had a range requirement and to balance give her 2-3 instead.
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Iri are overrated. If you can dodge normal hatchets - you have no problem with iri heads, otherwise the problem isn't iri heads.
Huntress with that addon doesn't get a miraculous ability to counter high wall loops or other ######### you do to counter huntress. All thjs addon does - reduce amount of allowed mistakes for survivor and killer.
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Dude have ever you played against good huntress, you know those who don't try hatcheting someone from 100 meters with not charged hatchet? Good huntress won't miss 90% close hatchets and every window vault will be super risky
The one think i should mention about is that good huntress won't use that addons, they dont need it.
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Yesss give killers killstreaks lol
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if huntress is good you don't have much chances anyway.
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Huntress addons need a rework in general entirely. Pig too, honestly and I say that as a pig main. Although not nearly as badly as huntess needs it.