RANT: Survivors are unenjoyable and boring!

Just to establish some minimal credibility: i have played this game since its release, i used to really tryhard at this game as the Nurse, but stopped as i just didn't have time anymore. i have seen most changes in the metas and played thousands of games from both sides. Anyhow back to the topic.
Throughout the years of DBD we have seen so many new killers with fun abilities, may it be dancing with a chainsaw or a remote controlled baby there is so much content, but only for killers. Survivors has only seen new perks throughout all the years of this game. There also seems to be a trend to nerf survivors to buff killers, removing pallets and infinites/safe spots are a good example.
Survivors also have to deal with disconnects, which is in most cases against a sentient killer an instant loss.
Survivors have to deal with tilted killers, lets say you run them for a little while and hit them with the head on. You can get facecamped, with absolutely no counterplay.
Ebony mori, an instant win card, although they changed it to require some effort from the killer, the situation feels hopeless, and very unfun. An argument can be made for the survivor keys, but in a game where the killer has an ebony and some good items (looking at you huntress) the killer wins.
They even added a new obstacle, just for killers!
All this combined makes the survivor experience, especially in soloQ very unpleasent and undynamic. Less bloodpoints, the possibility of uncarryable games where your teammates decide to troll or just a killer decided to use their good items, no (big) changes over many years of game development, ect.
I think more content needs to be added for survivors, give us new ways to outplay and maybe new objectives as well. For now, killer is by far the most enjoyable role of all ranks.
Thanks for reading
Ever since i started playing this game over a year ago. I've always felt every issue in the game stems from the Generators. Tunnelling, camping, survivors toxicity...let's face it, no one likes doing gens on both sides...Killers cba to gen patrol because that's unfun and Survivor prefer to try and bully killer because the chases are fun...then we end up with a very stale game against the clock of who can hook or do a gen the fastest instead of forcing both sides to interact with eachother in some way...like we have immersed players just hiding doing gens the whole game...stealth is a good tactic but they should feel some force to go and do a fun objective to help the team out.
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killer makes me want to mori myself. you can only play 4 killers at high ranks and having to counter a 4-man swf with keys and toolboxes and with a PHD in geology and cartography in this game, t-bagging you at every corner then call you a f****t in the end game chat. Most killers don't bring moris because they can't play the game, or feel like they need it, they use it when they become tired of the survivors ######### and want payback. Also, you do know that breakable walls hurts killer more than helps them right? They either deal with an infinite, or guarantee losing a chase by going out of their way to break them.
I'm not saying survivors don't have problems, or even saying they don't have as many problems as killer, but the only way to not feel bored or the game being unfair is to commit Civ 5 and leave. I wish this game is better, but the only way to show that is to leave the game, as playing the game shows that you support their practices. Unfortunately, despite what other people are saying, this game is not dying. In fact, it is currently at it's most amount of players playing, so they will not change for quite a while.
I'm just saying that don't you dare say that killers has it easy, as both sides are suffering equally.
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I mean... I've played mostly killer for as long as I've played dbd until recently. Switching to solo survivor has honestly been so relaxing compared to killer, and I don't think I'm alone in saying that
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"I'm just saying that don't you dare say that killers has it easy, as both sides are suffering equally." I agree, killer isn't easy, especially when played fair, but you do have a few instant win cards that does make it significantly easier to secure a win, especially in lower ranks which is where most of the player base is. Either way that was not the topic of this post, its more about the undynamic gameplay genrushing offers, its hardly a game at all.
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I used to be a nurse 1 trick who switched over to surv for a while and yeah, survivor is pretty chill, just sit there doing gens and the eventual chase here and there but if you look at the history of DBD, the about of content added for the killer's side, its just not fair. Survivors are not even worth purchasing as they are basically just skins with larger hitboxes.
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Very true. I just can't see it being done by Behaviour in any other way than: hooked survivors decrease generator speed tremendously. I think adding a new obstacle would be the best start they could do.
There have also been ideas on multiple killers, not what CowsIam does, but a real mode with less gens or another objective. it would certainly be hard to balance, I mean multiple hags/trappers would be pure insanity. It would certainly make a for a new experience for both sides.
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It is interesting to see comments from those that have played since release, compared to those that joined more recently.
For those who've played since release, they should really be able to identify immediately that soloQ is in an absolutely disgusting place right now, relative to anything else. New/low tier killers will complain about something like 'infinites' and have NO IDEA what real infinites were back in the day.
Part of the problem were in, is that the community and this forum in particular fail to talk about soloQ vs SWF.
This forum typically resorts to tribalistic survivor vs killer comments.
The new stats highlight that killers have it easier now than at any point at release. Killers are up around 3 kills per game, so the 'poor killer' threads are just a pathetic joke at this point.
SoloQ changes needs to be a focus.
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I can load up a killer game and laugh the whole time. Survivor game no. I'm sweating and still dying lol. Killer games only upset you if your objective is to get a 4k and not just get bloodpoints. There's a difference.
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Only real OGs remember balanced landing on old lampkins lane haha
I couldn't bare to deal with them which is why i only did omegablink nurse, as they were green and yellow addons, very common. I agree with you, however, at rank 1 i feel like all survivors kinda know what to do, as if you were in SWF, except a few things, like devour totem is in the main building, ect.
There have been ideas on adding a voice chat, or at least just a standard chat for the survivors, no idea why its not been done yet.
I also feel like infinites were a healthy part of the game, and its not like there was no counterplay, i mean the windows blocked themselves after a few times. I think having a few safe spots for survivors was a good idea, as it meant the killers needed to make sure they played their games with strategy in mind, not just mindlessly chasing the old wrecker's yard building. Oh well, i guess a salty nurse main should probably not say anothing on this lol
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the old infinite windows were the most boring part about the game as survivour as it was often the only thing you could run to and you just held down w and occasionally vaulted the window again to win the game.
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They were boring no doubt, but played a strategic role in the outcome of the game. Apart from fast vaulting, there are not very many hard mechanics for survivors which makes little to no outplay potential for them. I think it would be great if a new obstacle was added perhaps, or a new mechanic overall.
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You are aware that those stats
a) only shows games with red rank killers, so we have no information about kill rates at other ranks
b) only shows games with red rank killers, no matter what rank the survivors have, and with this matchmaking, that often means a red rank killer vs rank 16 survivors.
c) don´t contain any information about maps (and map offerings), swf or solo and perkes used.
And while killer might have it easier than ever before, it does not mean that the game is still balanced in favor of the (swf)survivors.
But since the important balance issue (swf) is never going to get touched, balance will not be achived.
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Semi-entitled survivor vs toxic killer after a bad game!
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Anecdotal evidence is not evidence, you are not proving anything other than that you play one side more than the other side.
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Isn't Survivor way easier to play than Killer...?
Whenever it comes to game balance the first thing that's looked into are killers, example the devs looked into bloodlust because some low level players are saying it's OP but they didn't even bother looking into gen speeds after they increased gen times by 10 seconds 4 years ago.
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If you want to have a conversation about swf vs. soloQ then please do, because this forum regularly fails to do so, instead usually opting for trabalistic killer vs. survivor talking points.
You have ALL RANKS so you can infer what happens at other ranks, because you also have RED RANKS. You just need a little math.
But there's a bigger issue here:
Infinites gone, vaulting/perk/map/pallet nerfs, bloodlust added, end game timer added, hatch close added. All this has made being killer easier and survivor harder since release.
2 escapes, 2 kills is the devs unit of metric. You don’t have to like that but it’s whats given the survivors all their nerfs and all the killers current buffs.
Killers now are up around 70% kills due to the trajectory of the game and the devs metric system. This continuity has remained since the November 2019 stats and the more recent stats.
Those November 2019 stats were the basis for many killer nerfs and survivor buffs at that time.
The killer community lost its collective mind. Influencers like Tru3 whining that they were done with the game and a myriad of 'poor killer' posts here. DESPITE killers being up around 3 kills.
The devs learned that they gain nothing from being open and honest, they learned to just manage people's ego's.
So what do they do? Release a bunch of mediocre stats to try and keep people like me happy. Don't release all the stats so that people like you can point out its short comings. All the while gloss over it in a stream and hope the community doesn't really pick it up.
My post still stands. There's no reason to assume that the November 2019 breakdown is vastly different to now, we see similar numbers.
Additionally my post is better than the anecdotal subjective talking points that most people offer here.
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Yeah! People think I'm crazy for saying killer is more fun! I mean yeah, maybe the simplcity of the survivor role makes it technically easier but if you're good with one survivor you're good with all of them (Quite literally)
I think there could be some small buff if they were given another objective. Maybe they have to find the lever to the exit gate or something? Oh hey thats good! I might play more survivor in that case. ATM I only play survivor if a ritual or rift challange wants me to. Lol and I'm even more likely to reroll the survivor rituals. XD
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Play SWF, solo que is a gambling chore my guy
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Solo has reached a point where the match starts, I see Corrupt on a gen, see a gen spark from ruin, than hear the Spirit phase or Slinger shot and just alt tab and watch Twitch.
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Yes i suppose but it was essentially a waste of time as neither side was challenged or had much fun while looping them.
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I feel this post but i think afking isnt the right option as the average killer is only bit less pepega than average survivour. You still have a really good chance of winning.