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How do I end chases quickly as killer?

I just had a game against 4 very good rank 1 survivors, and I couldn't get a single hook all game. I proceeded to get 5 genned, and they quickly left. I wasn't able to apply any pressure whatsoever, and discordance was going off like crazy, so they were in 2 man teams of 2 and were blazing through gens. The killer shack was in the middle of the map, and all of the gens were around it. I was unable to successfully even hit any of the survivors due to pallete loops and the strong killer shack. I get how to play killer shack properly, but I seemed to always lose mindgames in or around it.

TLDR: anyone got any tips on how to deal with good survivors / swf squads/ ending chases quickly / applying pressure.

Best Answer

  • My_Aespa
    My_Aespa Member Posts: 545
    Answer ✓

    What helped me a lot was by watching Monto on YouTube and he told his viewers "If you know how survivors move and you can predict their movements, you can quickly catch them". So this comes from a lot of experience playing survivor, but at least there are a few perks that can help with this, Bamboozle (to cut off powerful loops), Beast of Prey (to remove your red stain and terror radius), Tinkerer (to become Undetectable after a generator reaches a certain %, and it lights up!) Haunted Grounds maybe (if you want all survivors to become exposed just because) you may also want to use NOED if you want to really secure 1-2 kills after the exit gates are powered, ignore all of the bullying you will get from it post game chat. Lastly, Iron Maiden is a great perk to use (after survivors exit a locker, they yell and become exposed)

    I am not sure if this helped at all but hopefully it gave you some new perk ideas, it all just takes practice :)


  • lunumbra
    lunumbra Member Posts: 23

    I get all of that, but I was constantly being put in a situation where if I committed more than 20 seconds to any one survivor I was going to lose a generator, so I was forced into a situation where I would hit a survivor, and then I would have to peel off to apply pressure to the gen so it wouldn't finish. And then I got trapped in a vicious cycle of repeating this, while the person I hit would just heal and the go back on the gen. I could never actually commit to any chase because I would lose, but I also lost because I couldn't down anyone. Should I have just let them finish two gens for one hook?