We need to start mega buffing perks, its about time all the unused perks get some love.

seriously, no more nerfs for any perks. just buff the 80 odd perks that arent useful at all and i mean actually buff them not a small unnoticed change but an actual good change that makes you think "oh i wanna run that perk, oh and that perk, damn i dunno which to pick" not oh yeah ill just run the 6-8 possible decent perks on this side...
Most aren’t as useless as many claim. There just isn’t a willingness to either experiment with them to properly understand them, or unwilling to change the way they play to get the best use out of the perk(s).
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Upgrade pebble to boulder. Now stuns the killer. :P
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No alot of perks really arent useful or beneficial compared to other perks, like seriously you go through all the perks and say which are actually useful. look at perks like unnerving etc. way outdated and pretty pointless in using, then other perks like surge have so many limitations on them the max uses and reliability drops too much to become useful. look at coupe de grace or whatever its called, pointless. way too many perks are either just full out to weak or just surrounded by limitations and downsides. its no surprise perks like ruin, undying, DS, BT, DH etc. you know the most used perks are used, why would people use weak stuff that has very little effect. (i dont hate those perks btw i just nt the other buffed to similar strengths)
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Many MANY players have gotten effective, game winning use out of Surge. You’ll find many posts on these forums alone supporting how underrated it is. With that in mind it’s safe to say that if these players are stomping survivors, then if Surge’s cooldown were removed it would be way too OP.
Unnerving could use maybe some small tweaks, but it’s not totally ineffective. Players get too caught up on its current effect on gens, and dismiss how it also affects healing as well. With that in mind Unnerving can actually compliment a slugging build pretty well. Survivors trying to help teammates up before the killer has left the area are much more likely to be less focused on the smaller skill checks because they’re too busy trying to get their teammate up and watching for if the killer returns.
It’s really silly to form a solid opinion on Coup De Grace until after it’s been extensively used live. Remember, sometimes what changes the course of a game can be that one down that occurred fast instead of a long chase. Think of instances where an injured survivor goes to vault a window but a lunge just misses. In theory Coup De Grace could guarantee a hit in those circumstances even when initiating the lunge earlier than usual. All I’m saying is screaming “weak” after only a fortnight of use to a limited player base is way too early.
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As someone who has been using Surge for some time on my meme build, I think both the cooldown and the basic attack requirements need to go.
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what is the cooldown on it again, Ive never really used it
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40 seconds on Tier 3.
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@TheClownIsKing How about Monstrous Shrine, Zhanshin Tatcis, Cruel Limits, Overwhelming Pressence, Hex: Blood Favour, Hex: Third Seal, Predator, Bloodhunt, Remember Me, Beast of Prey, Unrelenting, Fire Up?
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Call me back when you make Monstrous Shrine viable
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How about instead of doing that, they make the game less reliant on meta perks. where every high rank player runs at least one or 2 of the same ones. this goes for killers and survivors and you have red rank killers complaining that powerful killers need a buff.
One thing that could work to start is have spine chill be reliant on Terror radius again so that you could actually sneak up on people without them knowing you're coming a mile away. or shrink it's range.
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Id like overcharge to be buffed where it gave survivors two difficult skill checks in a row, instead of one.
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I said “most”, not “all”. I know Monstrous Shrine needs work.
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This is just my opinion, if someone is using a perk that can look and feels like someone is cheating maybe it's not balanced right. I'm looking at you tinkerer
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No, they ARE as useless as many claim. We've seen major content creators like Otz release videos ranking perks and the vast majority of perks are TERRIBLE. Please do not stand in the way of fun by playing devil's advocate. You need to be honest: The vast majority of perks suck.
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- Sole survivor
- Up the ante
- Solidarity
- Poised
- Buckle up
- Better together
- Baby sitter
- Lucky break
- Off the record
- Visionary
- Deja Vu
These are way too niche/situational for survivors to use them regularly or even semi-regularly. On top of that even when you are in a situation where it would be useful, over half of them have aren't even that helpful.
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I love fire up and remember me has been clutch sometimes. And third seal can really screw a team. Except it's a hex. Things like blood favor and third seal I don't think should be hexes, and monstrous shrine should work on ALL hooks, but added benefit to the basement. All the other ones you mentioned, yeah useless
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No one is saying surge is OP, the point is its one perk which has a range limitation, 40sec cooldown limitation as well as a basic hit only limitation. so many many times when you get a down it will either be on cooldown, be out of range or you didnt use a basic attack because you decided to use the power that made your killer unique so all of those negatives will hardly ever out weigh the chance of a small regression, perks need to be buffed so when people pick perks they are all equally as useful or beneficial on a common basis. its why ruin is now popular because undying makes the perk get more value, strength of ruin hasnt changed just the chance of losing it at game start has and now look, pretty meta (but you know nerf pop for no reason, honestly in what world was pop considered op when you can kick 1 gen)
well the whole idea of different characters and perks is so you have goal to get the perks you want, to improve your strength or overall power within a trail. the perks are what makes games different but because so many are trash you never see them resulting in more bland gameplay but we cant blame the players for using them and honestly no perk is strong in the sense of OP currently.
Tinkerer is awful unless stacked with ruin, and honestly its only effective because so many survivors either cant led on a chase or pressure gens. you have to think theres 4 survivors, even with ruin being up and him having tinkerer he cannot protect all the gens unless people are dropping stupid fast or you have players not doing gens (shocking i know but some player dont do them) at high skill level alot of players wont bother going out their way to remove ruin etc. because they know if everyone can do a chase well enough the killer either drops it and still loses at least 1 gen or commits and loses 2. there are rank 2s that dont look behind them nor understand loops, counter or perks. we cant balance at that level of skill. usually the better side wins, a bad killer can run meta perks and get destroyed, just depends on what the survivors do
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I completely and fully DISSAGREE with this.
Imo we need to nerf more perks.
Seriously, do we want our skill and knowledge and experience to win games or do we want a perk to do it for us? because that is kinda what the current meta is all about, letting perks do it for you.
L4D was a great game, no levels to gain, no perks to us, just you and your skill.
Now because of this it was obviously also easier to balance then dbd, but I maintain that a game is more fun when its more about you and less about what you use.
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all of those were random(ish) assets found during matches, not something brought.
Knowledge working against set perks when you want those buffed, you know as well as I that that is not an option, DS, Unbreakable, Adrenaline create impossible scenarios that win the game for the survivor rather then it being skill and knowledge of the game.
But in the end it does not matter, i dont agree that perks should become more powerful, they should become far less powerful so it comes down to the player and relatively subtle boosts from perks.
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if you are wanting to nerf stuff then your skill/knowledge of the game isnt very high just yet. perks change it up, they change how the game needs to be played on either sides and those people more experienced will know how to counter what theyre versing. besides what would the point of perks be if they made near no impact into the game, itd be even more boring and very unbalanced. by default killer has a rough time without gen defense at high level play, remove all perks for either side and survivors will still have the advantage unless the killer slugged all 4 or tunneled. having played this game for 4 years i can safely say alot of perks need to be buffed, buffing all the unused and weak ones would make for a bigger and better game as each game would feel more unique due to the range of perks youd see, not only that but the true top % will be identifying the perks being used and apply their knowledge to counter and over come the odds. i for one know what all the perks do on either side, but ill only see about 10 used on either side... even the new perks wont be used, especially killer ones, too weak. just look at the last time a kller perk became meta before undying, yeah yikes
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if they remove perks first, (this also needs to be done for addons) then balance the game, then reintroduce perks in nerfed capacity, a lot could be done to make this game a lot more fair, thats all.
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The Third Seal ABSOLUTELY should be a hex perk. It would be incredibly, INCREDIBLY busted as a non hex perk. (And absolutely miserable to play against in solo queue) The only way I could see it becoming a non hex perk is if it got a time limited blindness affect after each hit (sort of like some killer's add ons with blindness affects) because being blind the whole match is just not workable for how DBD is designed LOL
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Adrenaline is pretty pointless, one time perk that can only activate after all the gens are done? weak perk and i dont care for it, DS is strong only due to the length of 60seconds, it will be nerfed like pop and unbreakable is fine also. but the reson perks likes DS, Unbreakable and BT are used is because most other perks so damn bad you wouldnt wanna run them, obviously there are some good perks but alot, and i mean ALOT need a buff to make them worthy of running. the meta only become so strong because everyone uses them, when more perks are buffed you will see a bigger range, means more interesting games and more unique games.
Or just buff the crap perks which is 1000times easier and would give the same affect, the game i good anyway its why people play it, sure there are bugs and some balance things that need sorting like moris, keys, maps, swf etc. but t the end of the day the game is good and fun, just the lack of good perks means you keep running into the same build which often forces the same play style and thats why the game lacks, buff the perks and you change that. like ######### uses distortion? dont think iv seen that perk used in a year
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On the topic of Surge... I present to you a Deathslinger with Surge. His power gives him mechanics to bypass nearly all of the restrictions and downsides.
Deathslinger is the only killer who can forcibly reposition a down before it happens. That makes the 32m range less of an issue because he can frequently force the down to be closer to the Gen he wants Surge to hit.
Deathslinger is also the only killer who can delay a down without getting punished. If your down is happening from spearing them, you can hold onto the chain for a few extra seconds to maybe let Surge come back off CD.
All of Deathslinger's downs count as M1's, even if he's speared them. So, that restriction matters none.
Honestly I'd rather run Surge over Pop on Slinger because of those reasons and then Slinger doesn't have to mosey his way over to generators and kick them with his 4.4 move speed. Sure the raw regression is less, but the time saved is worth it to me.
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Thats what I was thinking. Get blindness for 30/40/60 seconds.
If I'm being honest I just hate hex perks, cause unless youre wasting a perk slot with undying they get cleansed almost immediately because of dbds shite totem spots
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You just have to make sure you put on a Game, Midwich, Hawkins, or Léry's offering when you run a hex build LMAO
I'm a totem cleansing FIEND and I still have trouble finding totems on all four of those maps
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Sucks the game has so many hex perks but only 4 maps that actually hide them.