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Killer game tags

HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Just a thought, but would anyone else like to see the killer's gamertag like we can the survivors? Why do we only see 4 players when there are 5? The killer icon could be in the right hand lower corner and have his/her ID there, too, so they're all present.

Also, I've gotta say, the best part of matchmaking is the names used by survivors. They're absolutely the greatest. I enjoy seeing what crazy/ outlandish names they can come out with.

Post edited by HeckaYeah on


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It's already possible on Xbox, and let me tell you, people WILL dodge you if they don't like how you play lol

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55

    I'd honestly love that, and always wondered why we couldn't, I know we aren't supposed to know who the killer is but why not the person playing killer?

    Why? If you can just press the menu button and see the players and which character they are as soon as you enter the match, why not just let them see it before. It helps killers get the name matched to the character so they can keep track of things easier, especially if everyone wears the same exact outfit but bring different items. And if your reason is cause of lobby dodging then my counterargument is that if you really don't want to play with someone again just block them.

    How do you do that? I've had one person message me to farm but never knew how they knew I was the killer, so I farmed thinking they were some cheater or using exploits. Is it just the recently played with area that gives it away?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,014

    gameplay-wise there is no reason to see the names. As said, you would be able to check that once the game starts anyway. But it would help to reduce stuff like bringing a Mori for a specific Survivor, just for reasons.

    " if you really don't want to play with someone again just block them."

    Blocking does not prevent players from being in your matches. Otherwise, players would simply block good players to have easier games in the future.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55

    I've used the blocking feature plenty of times but only against people that are toxic, if I get my ass handed to me then oh well onto next game but I get everyone wouldn't be like that.

    Also I did just tell you a gameplay reason why it should show you in the lobby the name, so killer can match survivor up to their name, especially if you run into a SWF or just a group of randoms who all equip the same outfit. Which I don't know about you but it happens to me a lot, and most of the time I just assume they're having fun matching and having some room to goof around.

    And if you have a killer that recognizes your gamertag and wants to bring a Mori specifically for you, then you must have done something to make them feel that way about you. And like I said, just block them at that point, every toxic player I've met on a game I block, and I've never had an issue with that blocked player again.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,718

    I was put in a streaner's mori list because I escaped the trial.

    He tunneled and camped everyone.

    He moried me before.

    When they tried to call him out, he banned all 3 of them. I said "gg" and got banned.

    I'm on the mori list because I escaped. He said so himself. How the ######### is that something I did wrong?

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55

    That's him being pathetic, and honestly if you could see the killers gamertag and you saw that streamer you could've then left the lobby just like killers can when they see a streamer in theirs. I never said you had to do something bad to make them want to kill you, but if you gave them a rough match against you then that's most likely why (not toxic just to clarify, but just a general hard time against you). And blocking every gamertag in lobby would only mean that he would've tunneled and camped you when he saw your name pop up when he checked, instead of using the Mori. But honestly someone that pathetic might be commonly bringing Mori's to the trials.

    So ,Yes, hiding Gamertags would lower the amount of people bringing Mori's for a specific person, but if they already feel so deeply about you that they bring a Mori by seeing your gamertag, then hiding your gamertag until entering the match would only change how they're going to BM you over.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,718

    Can confirm he commonly brings moris. One time he first hook moried me, with an active head trap on, with 2 instant dcs. I love him. He's such a skillful killer and I wish I could name him.

    Trust me if I could see the killer's name I'd load into the game only to "crash" and cancel the match for him, so maybe it's best if he does remain nameless because I am petty and will capitalise on this in a heartbeat.

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55

    Why can't you name them? The only streamer that's a Pig player I know it's Scorpionz and I've only tuned into a few of their streams, they don't seem like a bad person, but some of his mentality about things I dislike. But either way, whatever streamer it is I'd say deserves whatever petty thing you'd do to them, since they were just as petty and brought a Mori to ruin your game. I know two wrongs don't make a right but revenge sure does feel alright.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,014

    I dont know, I usually remember the position in the UI of the Survivor instead of names, when it comes to similar outfits. So I know that I hooked Survivor Number 2, so that person might have DS, even if Survivor Number 3 and Number 4 look the same. This is easier than names IMO.

    "And if you have a killer that recognizes your gamertag and wants to bring a Mori specifically for you, then you must have done something to make them feel that way about you. And like I said, just block them at that point, every toxic player I've met on a game I block, and I've never had an issue with that blocked player again."

    Eh. Not really. There is a small German Streamer (10 viewers max) who morid me every game. Basically switched to Nurse (when it was still possible) and equipped a Mori just for me. I dont even know that guy, but I watched the VODs, he really does not seem to like me and according to him, I insulted him in his Twitch Chat. Which is either a complete different person he is talking about or a blatant lie. Its not like it is bothering me TOO much, at one point he camped me with Insidious on Billy and got 5k BPs in total, so that is more amusing to me than actually escaping the game. And since Dedicated Servers, I dont run into this person anymore anyway.

    But stuff like that should not be possible.

    When it comes to blocking, you were just lucky. There is no way to block people not appearing in your game anymore.

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55

    I must be really lucky then cause in multiple different games people tell me blocking doesn't stop people. But in all those games if I block someone, I never see them again. Maybe cause I'm on Xbox or just console in general? Cause there's literally an option for me to block crossplay players, and when I choose that option for a fellow Xbox player it immediately takes me to their account to block them completely.

    As for your ######### luck with that streamer,I think seeing the killers name too would've helped you. You could've dodged him if you wanted, not cause he's good at the game (if he even is), but because you know he's got a vendetta against you.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,718

    Because it's against forum rules to "name and shame" people. Usually when people get told off for this it's not their intention to shame people but since literally my one sole purpose of naming this person is to shame them (and I'm not taking a ban to give him free advertisement) I unfortunately cannot.

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55

    Ahhh ok, well glad I didn't just say "is it Scorpionz cause I don't agree with his mentality about things" since that'd probably be shaming him.

    And to any Mod that reads this, please know I said he's a good person and that I just don't agree with part of his mentality, which is a normal human thing and I meant no shame towards him by saying I don't agree with part of his mentality or thought process.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,718

    B A N N E D

    But no can confirm it isn't Scorpionz but it is another UK pig main. He's just infinitely worse and has to tunnel every game to win 😌💅

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,849

    That wouldn't fall under Naming & Shaming - you might not agree with everything that Scorpionz says and that's fine, he's a very good friend of mine and I don't agree with him all of the time either, because everyone has their own opinions. The Naming & Shaming rule would apply is when it reflects negatively on a person - so we get things like "X person camped and tunnelled me" - it's unnecessary and pretty much all forums have a name/shame rule in place.

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55

    Ok, thank you for clarifying, I am fairly new to any sort of forums and honestly only have started going to the forums and got Twitter cause of Dead by Daylight and wanting to actually be up to date and somewhat apart of the community outside of just playing in the game. And I agree any shaming for how someone plays a game is unnecessary.

    Again, thanks for clarifying and have a nice day and/or night.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,849

    Must admit, I would rather no names would be shown in the lobby at all, neither survivor or killer. Seeing the Characters/items should be enough. The killer should always remain hidden, that way you don't know what killer you're going to face. There was a time where you could see who you were playing against as a survivor and that led to a lot of lobby dodging, imagine "this killer is a really good Nurse" - the lobby would empty fast! That's why that ability was removed.

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    When I load in matchmaking, if there is more than one survivor playing the same character, I call it "_____ party", so, for example, if we're all Dwight, it's a Dwight Party.

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    Yes, I suppose that is very true, too. Now that the streamers are mentioned, I do want to say that this was purely for speculation. I don't believe in stream- sniping, but it's not something that I can stop someone from doing. As I've stated before, a lot of survivors have pretty awesome names and I'm sure I'm missing more than a few by just bypassing the ending screen with everyone's info (which I tend to do a lot). With this in mind, I will give more care to stop and look at the killer, too!

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    Until very recently, I never even knew that this was a function, and infact hardly use it (controversial, I know). I fully intend to start using it more (and do now that I've posted the original post).