can we nerf gen speeds with several people on it?

i honestly think that when 3 survivors are on a gen that the killer cant do anything unless its spirit or nurse! it's impossible to counter! i honestly think the limit should be 2 people on 1 generator, any more and it's just unfair! especially if they all have bnp tool boxes! edit: i know i may have not been totally clear on this but i would like to specify and i have made a graph
this shows what happens to me, purple is survivors, red are gens, green is were i start, this is the grave of glenvale map, what happens to me is i take the cyan path around to get to that gen (maybe i guess maybe i have discordance) so i go over there and i see all survivors on the gen, its say 90 percent done because they had toolboxes,so i throw a bottle and they all slow, but they finish the gen, lets say the person i chase is a good looper, well then i have to chase them around a bunch and use all my bottles, that means that one survivor on the other gen finishes that and the other people i haven't chased can all group on another gen if they have comms and repeat. see what i mean?
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It is nerfed, its fastest if 1 person is doing it or should I say time effective cause 2nd survivor will be 50% faster not 100% faster 3 will be 75% if Im not mistaken but more survivors the worse percentage
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If you are complaining about multiple people on the same gen, then you really shouldn't be taken seriously tbh. Survivors split up on gens are more of a threat
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It's already less efficient for 3 survivors to work on the same gen compared to the 3 survivors splitting up and working on 3 gens. Yeah you'll likely lose that gen with 3 survivors stacked on it, but it also means that no other gen has been worked on assuming you are at least chasing the 4th person.
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So basically you preffer to have 1 surv on 1 diff gen?
If you catch 3 people on the same gen you can pressure 3 people in the same time you knew that?
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what i mean is, unless you have discordance and the gen is in a specific spot, it is impossible for you to know they are working on that gen specifically, i just think 2 survs on 1 gen should be max!
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Introduce a perk that reduces gen repair speeds while in Chase
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OH MY GOD that is an amazing solution! that could completely help the pressure problem on clown!
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In this case Tinkerer would also help. If its the first gen and the match just started then you know at least two are on it, maybe more.
Whenever I start a match I look for the 3-4 gens I'm going to really care about, and the others can go if need be.
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I'm sure that killers wouldn't mind if we could prevent matches from ending under 5 minutes.
I don't really care what they do. I just like to see another means to slow down the game besides having optimized meta perks and being able to use those perks in such a fashion that it doesn't require you the killer to have more than a thousand hours of playtime with that role to realize what the best solution was.
I'm not as oZT, I'm not monto I'm not any of the streamers. Trust me when I say this I only play this maybe once a month at this point. So unfortunately I have not invested in playing all the killers enough to unlock those perks. Nor do I have plans to. I'm not saying the games aren't winable but there are a few where you just have to play perfectly in order to win. Unfortunately I would not put my skill level near that. There's just not enough time.
That's just an opinion so don't rip me a new butthole because you disagree
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Your bunghole is safe. We will continue to violate only the Demo's. For now.
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You don't want that. You really, really, don't want that. Do you know why? Because imagine this: you get into a chase and by the time you've hooked someone, 3 generators pop. Because that's what happens when survivors don't work together on gens.
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this is a good point but this doesn't change the mobility, unless you play stinky meta killers like billy, spirit or someone like that you cant get to it in time and i just feel helpless
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Survivors splitting up, with 1 person on each gen is more difficult to tackle, you basically want to make it more difficult for yourself lol.
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they already nerfed it
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It's actually a bad idea to stick together on generators as the Killer's ability to pressure survivors becomes significantly easier. If 2, or even 3 survivors are on a single generator and the Killer interrupts them, he's occupying 75% of the team and has the chance to down all of them depending on the perks or killer they are using.
It's more efficient for survivors to stay alone and do generators since the Killer can't pressure everyone and finds it much more difficult to snowball the game.
If you dislike survivors grouping up on generators, Discordance is the perfect perk to counter it.
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yeah i mean you can completely destroy people if you're nurse or spirit in that situation or maybe even legion, but i dont like playing stink meta killers and i just like clown, and clown cant do anything here,
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More than 2 people on a gen isn't even effective though lol. At least with 2 people on a gen you're popping that thing real fast but the third and 4th person aren't even taking that much time off the gen the vast majority of the time it isn't worth stacking that many people.
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if you don't like this happening, then run discordance. Also if there are more people on a gen and you scare them off, then you will be pressuring half or more of the team at once which is beneficial for you.