It's time to remove perk tiers

I think the devs should remove level 1 & 2 of all perks. There are now too many perks
And! I think it will help them to balance the perks more efficiently.
What do you guys think? Should they remove them or not?
(However, I do think that they will remove them someday... maybe in some years)
Remove perk tiers.
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If not remove perk tiers, do something to address the huge grind this game has.
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On the other hand, removing perk tiers would increase the perk diversity available from the same amount of BP.
It would incentivize build variety through opportunity rather than build variety through perk famine (like the current system does).
Plus removing perk tiers opens up the doors on what effects perks can have, since they'd no longer need some specific value to arbitrarily adjust between tiers.This would also probably make it easier to balance perks, since the base statistics of the perk would be the only things needing adjusted.
I think the end of perk tiers would be a win for the community and a win for the devs.
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Hard agree. Having to get 3 ranks in a perk just prolongs the grind.
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@MandyTalk Let us hear you though :D
I want to know what someone from behaviour think about this idea
(even thoughI know it isn't going anywhere too)
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If you're trying to say that the grind for all the perks in general is way too long then I agree.
Get rid of all the useless perks. Reduce the grind. Trying to get perks in this game is like playing a JRPG. Might be around the thousand hours or more to get what you want.
Oh I'm sorry I meant to say viable
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It's been time to remove perk tiers for like a year. Making all perks tier 3 would be a HUGE help to newer players and players who recently prestiged.
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I've only been playing a month and personally, I don't think the grind is bad at all - I've only been playing fairly casually and already got 2 killers and 1 survivor at lvl 40 or near it. I still don't have what would be considered the "meta" perk loadout on any of them yet, so there is that minor frustration but I enjoy the perks I have.
That said, though I don't personally mind the current grind, given the age of this game and dwindling player base, the grind should probably be quicker (2-3x quicker as a starting point) to allow newer players more freedom to explore different characters and not be stuck with crappy loadouts for as long. They could do this by removing tiers but I kind of like working "towards" better rewards, and having tiers fits that bill. So, instead of removing tiers, maybe just increase the BP awarded, and, additionally, implement small events like double-BP weekends (rotate between killers and survivors), and double-BP daily bonuses (rotate between all characters, a specific killer and survivor each day), or SOMETHING like that...