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Devout Emblem Scoring Issue

I just had my first match with Twins, was an incredible match that saw them get all 5 gens done and me scoring a 4k. Three of the survivors (Dwight, Meg, Felix) got 3 hooked, and Zarina got 2 hooked, equalling in me achieving 11 hook events in total. This would typically result in Iridescent emblem quality for Devout. However, I only got silver. Now, I am not as annoyed as I would be, since I would not have got the adept trophey anyway, due to a gold Malicious emblem. But, if this is a bug I am to expect from now on, since the update, it is gonna make getting Adept Twins pretty much impossible. Please fix.
I will also note that it was on Ormond. So it could either be an Emblem issue, an Ormond issue, or a Twins issue ???
Yeah did 3 games of adept, all 3 with 12 hooks silver, i think it's bugged.
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Not sure. I had the same thing happen to me as Ormond as the twins. Got 7-8 hooks and a 3k, depipped because of a bronze devout.
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I've having the exact same problem here!! Though i'm not getting the achievement and i'm 3 hooking everybody...
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@Atomask @DaKnight @PotatoLegion
This is sounding more and more like a bug then :/ remember to upvote my initial report to get it noticed by mods and any other dev.
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same problem. have a video recorded if u need it
twins, autohaven,
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Yeah it's sounding like the Devout Emblem is broke.
On the bright side, it means we can get out of red ranks and not have to get four Iridescents for the Killer Adepts.
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Same twins ps5 4k and 11 hooks and I got silver
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Visual evidence is always nice help :)
However, I have no idea what the evidence would show other than confirming that all of us aren't lying lol
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Yep, Adept Twins is impossible for me at red ranks as well because of this.
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Same issue here on Steam, even made a post cus didn't knew if this was something only happening to me (Like that Unknown Error code no one ever helped me to fix)
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It is bugged, however it is not a consistsent one. I managed to get my adept yesterday afternoon. The first 2 times it gave me silver, but the 4th time I managed to get iri and the adept. So keep going for it and you'll get it, just expect to have a lot of bugged silver matches along the way.
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I'm not sure why mine worked and others' didn't..I'm on PS4 and I was able to earn the adept trophy for the twins with Merciless. I don't have the clip but if you guys need the screenshot for data, I can attach it.
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Yeah it is possible to get it, but it seems like a very small chance lol took me about 10ish tries to stop getting silver and actually get a gold or iri