Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Survivor Mode should be solo queue only, and Custom Game should allow SWFs

To balance this game survivors shouldn’t be able to team up in Survivor Mode. It simply isn’t fair for the killer. It’ll never be fair for the killer this way.

Custom Mode should allow people who simply want to play the game to play. Allow us to matchmake with other players in Custom Mode. That way players and killers can experiment with all the perks, items, offerings, and add ons. Either to troll, or test different builds. Nothing is lost. Nothing is gained. So no killer can complain about SWFs, and no survivors can complain about depip.

Survivor Mode should be solo queue only. That way the ranking system would be more “legitimate”. As the better players will pull off wins even with potatoes (I’ve seen this), but at the same time players won’t consistently win simply because they’re too well coordinated. Meaning the ranking system is essentially a lie. This also adds randomness to each trial which gives the killer an incentive to play in various ways. SWFs is part of why killers only play certain ways too.

If the fear of depip scares players that much just add an offering that prevents depip for that trial.

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  • Member Posts: 1,327

    That would legit cull a decent amount of players from the community. Especially since if I'm not mistaken, according to stats from Behaviour themselves, the vast majority of games have at least a duo. I'm not gonna go as far as to say removing swf would kill the game but it would drastically reduce the game's lifespan. After all, if people are only playing this game to have some fun with mates then removing the option to swf then they're just gonna stop playing altogether. I don't think Keeping swfs in customs wouldn't solve the problem you'd have created by removing swfs. You don't gain bp in customs so you lose that sense of progression that's present in the regular game.

  • Member Posts: 658

    But if the devs keep adding powers that beef up SWFs while nerfing killers... Then the killers will stop playing. I’m not playing as killer after the new DLC comes out. DS, Flip Flop, Unbreakable, and Power Struggle.

    Survivors are becoming way too powerful. I like playing survivor more than killer now, but is just ridiculous at this point. How easier can it be for coordinated teams to win?

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    We need casual mode without ranking where SWF is allowed. And give monthly rank rewards for players to promote people to play solo

  • Member Posts: 658

    I feel that every month during the rank reset you get bonus BPs based on your combined survivor/killer rank. Meaning if you play a lot of both sides and are good enough to stay red you get points to invest.

    The grind is becoming real now. It takes days to get certain moves on killers now.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    Based on their past decisions, the devs have consistently only made changes that will not split the playerbase or hurt queue times, and removing SWF would do both.

    Since something like 80% of the players are survivors and more than half of all matches have at least a two-man team in them, SWF is now deeply ingrained into this game. Can't remove it, stop friends from playing an online multiplayer together, and at least on Xbox can't prevent comms. Not without doing very critical harm and maybe even that famous "killing off this game". It's too late.

    The only method that makes sense to me has been repeated lots of times: raise solo to closer to SWF levels, then rebalance killers around that. Exactly how to do all that is very much debatable, but I think is the only way now.

  • Member Posts: 3,347
    edited December 2020

    If you can't even earn bloodpoints while playing SWF that will cause a lot more players to leave than keeping it as it is. Not to mention potential new players investigating the game either to potentially play with friends that already own it or to get it with other friends that don't have it. And that's not exclusively "pure survivor mains" either, I wouldn't have purchased the game if this was the case and I play both, and two people I pretty much introduced to the game play way more killer than survivor nowadays.

    It's a modern multiplayer game. The only way to do something about solo/swf that has even a non-zero probability of being considered is the whole buff baseline assumed efficiency and tweak the game itself + killers around that. I don't know the perfect way to do that either, but allowing people to opt out of playing vs SWF (more than checking profiles can already allow people do it sometimes, anyway) or mechanically nerfing/disincentivizing it will quite simply never ever happen.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Maybe if your that afraid of that build you could run Infectious Fright. Let's you know whether to slug a survivor in a pallet or not. Also if they run this build you won't face any Unbreakable, Dead Hard, Spine Chill or BT.

    It's a gimmick build. You'll see it rarely and only when swf teams are trying to troll. When swf teams try to troll they usually die because they over commit to the build.

    Lastly they are adding "powers" that buff survivors and nerf killers. If you mean actually powers the last few killer powers have been quite good. Blight, Pyramid Head, Deathslinger and Oni all have really strong powers. If you mean perks then again the devs just added Undying which is a buff to Ruin and the new strongest meta in the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    a guess a decent compromise would be limiting swf to duo or giving the killer bonus BP for playing an SWF , otherwise just a indication in lobby thats there's an swf but that would make lobby dodge more common.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    I'm all for a bloodpoint bonus for a killer that verses a SWF group, but such notification would have to be post-game and as you mentioned dodges will rise, so I don't see this change happening. Dang near all killers will dodge a known SWF match, including me.

    As far as limiting the size of groups I don't see that happening either. It would be viewed as punishing players for playing with friends imo. I still feel the way to go is to focus on solo play and punish/limit no one.

  • Member Posts: 58

    I think the survivor should simply invite the killer to the discord chat.

    100% problem solved.

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