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Pig Buff

Hello, I'm a Pig main and even though I personally don't have any issues playing the Killer, I got bored and decided to write the buffs/rework I'd do to make her a better killer.

Now before I say my ideas I know she was high in kill rate. But you have to remember that is due to her not being played or mained by a large population of the playerbase, and those of us that do main The Pig just do our job very well. Just like anyone else that mains their character for hundreds or thousands of hours.

However these are the changes that I'd make to The Pig:

- Remove the roar when you use your Ambush, or at least make the roar happen after it's fully charged. She's completely human and is a stealth killer, so she has no reason to do some stock lion roar. It's only use is to trick Survivors, but competent ones will know you hear her blade unsheathing when she actually fully commits to an Ambush.

- Make her Reverse Bear Traps activate after getting unhooked or if the Survivor gets healed from the Dying state. Or at the very least make them activate within a certain proximity to a Jigsaw Box, so that people can't just get their trap off before it even starts.

 - For people who dislike the current RNG against her traps, I think about it this way, in real life or in Saw only one key would be able to get your trap off, so it makes sense one Jigsaw Box is 100% and the others 0%. I don't mind this current system at all since it feels authentic, but for videogame sakes maybe make Survivors have a 25% chance to get the Trap off at a Box and if you haven't gotten it off by the final Box then it's a 100% chance.

- The skillchecks for the box need to be changed too imo, since they're just normal skillchecks and she has add-ons that force you to have more skillchecks, it could make competent survivors get her Traps off faster by hitting great skillchecks. I believe 12 seconds should be the least amount of time a Survivor takes to get them off. So I think if you hit the skillcheck it just keeps the progress going, no Great Skillchecks to get out of the trap faster. This would help with how fast Survivors get the traps off, adding a baseline time, and actually make her Skillcheck related Add-ons more useful. This seems especially helpful for her since Perks that affect skillchecks or search times don't affect Jigsaw Boxes. 

- Now for her Add-ons, the biggest issue is the Add-ons that apply status effects to the Survivor wearing an RBT. Since you're supposed to ignore the survivor with the Trap on, this is very counterproductive and only encourages tunneling of Trapped Survivors. I would change those status effects to be applied on a successful Ambush attack instead, and the status effects could be removed by healing (the ones that apply Hemorrhage and Mangled) or a 60sec timer (the ones that apply Blindness and Exhausted). The only other add-ons that I personally think needs to change is her Rule Set NO.2 since it encourages them to do gens when the trap is supposed to do the opposite. Either make it completely disable their ability to see Jigsaw Boxes, or at least make it show only the closest Jigsaw Box they haven't searched or only let them be seen from x amount of meters. The last one is Combat Straps, the crouch animation speed it gives you should be base kit, and instead it should make them increase your movement speed while crouched slightly faster just like Ghostface's Reusable Cinch Straps.

Those are the only changes off the top of my head that I think would be beneficial to her, because they fix things that to me seem counterproductive for a killer who's 1: A stealth killer, and 2: Who's power is supposed to make you ignore the survivor, and the survivor ignore generators.I

don't think any of these would be game breaking or overpowered, but what about you? Also if you read all this then Thank You for taking the time to.


  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,686

    1) Roar removal: Sounds good, maybe just move it to the end of the charge bar instead of the start though

    2) I don't think this is nescessary. The traps aren't supposed to be lethal they are a time waster and if the survivor gets it off before it's active they still wasted time taking it off, not any different to if they had waited for to activate then take it off.

    3) Honestly the skillcheck addon should just get an entirely new effect. Sure why not on the great skill check change.

    4) Sounds mostly good. Pig addons do need work, maybe not exactly your changes but the spirit of it sounds good

    It's probably not going to happen though because the devs consider pig in a pretty good spot stats wise and so they'd rather address killers in worse spots.

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55
    edited December 2020

    1) That's why I said at the least move it to the end of the charge so Survivors don't just immediately know you're there and start running.

    2) I am saying that should be implemented as a way to force survivors to get the trap off since it'll already be active. Yes it would increase the lethality a little, but overall it would or at least should pressure the survivors to prioritize getting the trap off instead of doing other things until it activates, or going and doing a gen themselves to make it activate. So it should still keep the Traps as a time waster, but just put more pressure on the survivors and give them less power over her RBT's.

    3) Yes I could see them adding other things that affect the Jigsaw Boxes to replace the skillcheck add-ons. I was just trying to think of a way to keep them with the skillchecks, and Doctor and perks like Huntress's Lullaby change the skillchecks.

    4) Yes she definitely needs an add-on rework, and in my own personal opinion the status effects on a jigsaw box are the worst ones, so I figured making them attached to the Ambush would be a way to make them more effective while also giving the Ambush more use. And the Rule Set add-on just completely negates what the trap was supposed to accomplish, and if they leave the traps activation tied to gen completion, then having that add-on completely stop them from seeing jigsaw boxes or put a range limit would help tremendously with survivors getting them off with no pressure.

    Thank you for reading it all and giving your own feedback though. Sadly yes they most likely won't touch Pig for awhile, and I have no issue with them focusing on weaker killers. I just hope at some point that give The Pig some attention and focus on her issues, especially with how much of her things contradict what she's supposed to do or be.

    Edit: fixed autocorrect errors

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55
    edited December 2020

    1) I'm a really big Saw fan, and I know it may sound creepy but I really mean big, I have a giant sawblade on my wall with a pig or boars head that has horsehair to look like the hair on the pig mask, real syringes with some form of liquid in them, a real razor, and human teeth hanging from it like in the 3rd movies poster (it was a gift someone made for me that was inspired by a Saw drawing I did). And I don't get or can't remember how the roar is a reference to the movie. And my point was that competent survivors still hear that blade unsheathing so they know when you commit, so the roar is just overkill to the stealth killer.

    2) Traps already activate on Gen completion, and sometimes you get lucky and a gen gets completed as soon as you trap them. But most often I find that the traps get taken off before they even activate, or survivors just don't feel scared of the traps since they're specifically made to not be lethal. So that's why I think then automatically activating, or activating if you come within range of a jigsaw box. Even your idea of them trying to repair a gen activates the trap would help even a little since they wouldn't want to touch the Gen in the first place, which they shouldn't want to do with the trap on anyways since the trap should scare you imo.

    3) exactly, they honestly give survivors so much power and chances to get the traps off or to decide when they activate, and even when I play survivor and get one I just kinda laugh knowing I'm not going to die and haven't yet, especially since for some reason I get to see my Traps timer when it's placed on the back of my head, but The Pig who works with and makes the Traps can't see your timer.

    4) I honestly didn't think about the fact that opens the option for an Ambush build, I just remember seeing people trying to say she needs syringes that apply the effects and I took that one further. Since there's things like Heparin that stops blood clots (Hemorrhage), Methanol for Blindness (it turns into formic acid when in your system), cytotoxic antineoplastic drugs can make wounds take longer to heal (Mangled), and things as simple as mercury poisoning or heavy metal poisoning can cause fatigue (Exhaustion), why not let The Pig coat her blade to cause those effects.

    Edit: Also thank you too for taking the time to read and give me your feedback, it's very much appreciated.

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55
    edited December 2020

    1) I remember that scene, completely forgot about the roar cause it's only a tiny part. But honestly now knowing that, I would like the roar to be moved to the end of the charge for ambush, and make it sound more like in that scene, that way instead of the noise being just a warning it is more of a jump scare.

    2) 12 seconds base time x 5 = 60secs with a minimal of about 20 seconds in between to run to the next box. Yeah they're dead. Just Tampered Timer and 4 jigsaw boxes will more than likely kill someone if they don't get it off in the first 3 boxes. So I could see where there could be an issue, so that's why I said if they get within a certain proximity of a Jigsaw Box it activates. But that could cause them to never activate their trap, and I just feel like 1 gen to activate 1 of your limited traps that isn't even meant to kill someone, isn't much of a trade-off. So maybe if they start working on a gen and if they get within a certain proximity of the boxes it activates. This would prevent the Trapped player from working on gens like the Trap is supposed to do, and it keeps them from getting a trap off that isn't activated.

    3) Honestly not seeing my trap timer would make me worry about the Trap more, I don't even feel scared with an active trap on, so I feel like even if they aren't supposed to be lethal they need to do something to make you fear them. I mean you have to put your wrist into a razor blade cuff trap just to get the reverse bear trap off, so maybe even make missing skill checks apply deep wound since you'd cut your wrist. Or even on the correct jigsaw box you have to give blood (cut your wrist) applying the Deep Wound status effect, in return for getting your Trap off. Like the Saw trial where they have to give blood to live or cut off parts of themselves to save their life. There's always a give and take with Jigsaws trials, no one leaves without a scar to remind them not to be ungrateful for the life they have.

    Edit: seem to always forget something, wanted to say thanks for taking the time to find the roar in the movies.

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55

    Maybe since it's such a short noise make it proc a little before you finish. That way more skilled pig mains can still use it to try and trick you, plus with it being closer to the end it would cover up the knife unsheathing a bit so it would be harder to tell if she committed to the Ambush.

    And I only bought DBD cause of the Pig. Always thought DBD was a cool game, but that Saw chapter made me get it instantly back when I had my PC. And I'm not lying when I say The Pig is pretty much all I've played. Xbox and PC put together I have over 1k hours, and 80% of that is The Pig. 10% is Legion. 5% is Playing Survivor, almost solely Tapp, And the other 5% is split up between Plague, Oni, and playing other killers for dailies or tome challenges.

    The Pig is a really fun killer, and in the right hands a really strong killer. Sad I see so many put her on the same low ranking as Clown. I also find it much easier to get survivors to know you're friendly or to get them to farm when I play Pig.

    Edit: Auto-correct Errors

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55

    It didn't post my comment cause it said it needed to be approved so I'll just retype it.

    Maybe make the Roar play just a bit before you fully commit, this would let more experienced Pig players still trick you, and cover up the knife unsheathing a bit so they don't know if you committed to the Ambush as easily.

    I've played this game for a little over 1k hrs collectively, and almost all of my time has been spent on The Pig. She's a very fun killer, and very strong in the right hands. It's also easier to get survivors to know you're friendly, or to get them to farm with you as The Pig.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,699
    edited December 2020

    One of her add-ons could apply old Ruin skillchecks to her traps, so only Greats give you progress. Maybe a rarer variety could just apply to only active traps and toss in a slightly smaller skillcheck zone as well.

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55

    You only get skillchecks when searching a Jigsaw Box. My suggestion was more so to prevent competent survivors from getting the trap off in less than 12 seconds since it's already so easy to get it off. Even giving her an add-on that would make the skillchecks like Old Ruin, would make her traps busted since not everyone can consistently hit great skillchecks. It would cause Survivors to almost never get that trap off, and missing the great skillchecks would notify the Pig. My offer is to make the Jigsaw Box skillchecks more like Doctors Overcharge perk. A harder to hit skillcheck, that provides no option to get Great Skillchecks that give you 2 charges(seconds) as opposed to the 1charge(second) you normally get. This would ensure every box has to be searched for a minimum of 12 seconds, and the Add-ons that affect Jigsaw Box skillchecks wouldn't help those competent survivors who could hit every great skillcheck and get out of the trap or search the boxes even faster. Instead if you hit the skillcheck you're fine, if you don't then you lose progress.

    Edit: Autocorrect Errors