The twins both should have powers

GodHelios270pro Member Posts: 11
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I know charlotte see survivors when theyre comfronting with victor but its like not The twins Just a Victor.

This would be Good if someone would Kick Victor and that Survivor is exposed for minute cause she loves him and when someone hurts her little Brother shes like understandable, am Just gonna wait for Victor inside me.

What do you think about that guys?

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • GodHelios270pro
    GodHelios270pro Member Posts: 11

    I agree with deeper timer and buff before Victor will respawn but survivors are Just too confident with kicking Victor and that would be in my opinion the Best idea. Like with every killer, survivors think too confident, they dont think about tactic but Just about bulling the killers and looking for pallets. That would be really Good idea for making survivors think about what they should do and should not. Like that what i wrote. That would make game more balanced.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    edited November 2020

    Demorgorgon can't lunge through windows or over pallets and buildings, [BAD WORD] Hatchet is more accurate.

    Edit: Actually Demogorgon CAN lunge over all those things, but not from like ground level like Victor can.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    I just think that while she has victor attached to her, she should be able to throw him at survivors. Gives an actual use to the "summon him back" option they're implementing to avoid taking victor hostage

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    Except that it's literally a pounce, not a projectile.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    YES! I was just thinking how Victor is the entire power.

    Like, if you could give someone the choice, they would just play Victor the entire game because he's the one who can actually do anything fun and different. Chatlotte literally just M1s and hooks people.

    They both need something in their kit. The gameplay for a dual-Killer shouldn't be "I play Killer B because otherwise I have no power, and I play Killer A because Killer B is on cooldown/I need to hook someone."

    Ideally there'd be situations suited better to playing as Charlotte or Victor; making knowing when to swap between them impactful and into a skill based decision (i.e. I know this loop is better as Charlotte, not Victor, so I'll stay as Charlotte).

    As is though, the whole swapping mechanic is more of a penalty than anything else.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009
    edited November 2020

    Years of being attached to Big Sis has allowed him to study people's strides and has let him unlock a super stride. While your average Jake can take a sprinting step 10x the distance of the little legs of Victor, Victor has unleashed the ability to close and even surpass the ground covered with a bunch of quick, impish steps. The cute little steps of Victor cancel out a terror radius, but he can't help himself from shrieking with joy!

    Next up, Victor is very keen on being close to someone. Being solo feels amazing to him, but he also wants to feel wanted and loved by the Survivors. Through sheer love and playful attitude, Victor can leap like a mini velociraptor across a great length. You may have seen a squirrel fly, you may have seen a horse fly, but you have never seen a imp fly off a building to an unexpecting person below. If he lands these, he gets to face hug the Survivor. This playful banter of course is frightening the Survivor into giving the little guy a piggy back ride instead. Little Bro doesn't know his strength though and typically leads the Survivor into some injury. Meanwhile if the Survivor wasn't feeling up to the piggy back ride, they collapse on the ground from exhaustion. Little Bro calls Big Sis to come help them back up and give them a ride on the hook.

    If Victor fails these face hugs or is left unattended. The Survivors take pity on the little creature and give him some pets with their foot. He has a tendency to bite, so the hand doesn't work out to well. Survivors learned this and now take the more foot on approach, though some take a little more force into it. (David may be bitter) Victor loves these foot pets and goes back to Big Sis to let her know he likes that Survivor and wants to play with them more.

    Big Sis takes naps when Little Bro is off playing as he is quite the handful. She offers spankings to all for making her walk around and do caretaking with her sickle. Some things she could use something a little less crude and pointed, but the Survivors are pretty numb to pain after hundreds of trials anyway.

  • Bowls_of_Chili
    Bowls_of_Chili Member Posts: 25

    They really should make some sort of trade-off for killing Victor. 5-7% increased movespeed on Charlotte maybe. Or perhaps exposed on the survivor who kicked him for 20-30 seconds.

    Or give Charlotte some sort of power while Victor is not attached to her. Maybe she can have a slightly extended lunge over all the other killers, similar to her Coup de Grace perk but only for her? Perhaps a 30% increase to lunge distance and 10% increase to lunge speed? Now that I think of it that's be phenomenal for changing up some loops fundementally while she's Victor-less.

  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    Yeah, it doesn't feel like I'm playing as "the Twins", it feels like I'm playing as a backpack for Victor.

  • HittingOnHook
    HittingOnHook Member Posts: 486
    edited November 2020

    I agree, currently Charlotte only has the following powers:

    • Sandbagging (door blocking, window blocking, etc)
    • Marked where is Viktor over someone

    I recommend when deploy Viktor she is in meditative status with fire around or smth that causes survs to be wounded/down if touch her

    I DO NOT recommend some AI or a second player as killer Viktor since this is too much for DBD but would be cool

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 747

    Personal, the Twin killer is pretty much a Terrible Joke Killer the Devs thought is a good idea; for Survivor Mains! And I understand that I am being a bit salty about the new Killer's powers! But, there are too many flaws and ill conceived issues with the killer to make them a viable fun killer to play, not meta or overpowered killer!

    Every Killer deserves a counterplay and drawback, that effect their Strength and weaknesses of their playstyle! But, the devs fail to give this killer some decent strengths and amazing qualities; rather they gave them too many counterplays Survivors can abuse, even after the new changes they mentioned in their recent post!

    Victor has the micro Demogorgon Shred based range attack, that can latch onto any Survivor they successfully attack! But, what does this do.... 3 Status Effects that supposedly weakens the Survivor's ability to not heal, do Gens, and blinds them of the Killer's position! Sounds great on paper; but from gameplay I view; it is very weak and not grand enough for the killer to take advantage of! That Survivor carrying Victor is not feeling threatened or concerned about Victor at all! They can still run around and do chasing and drop pallets and vault windows, not having to worry about going down to the dying state at all! That Survivor can literally hold Victor hostage, with no real consequences to it! Their new proposal change, is to allow the Charlotte to see Victor after 45 Seconds and be able to recall them; how pathetic!

    If I were to something more drastically amazing, as a Developer, for the new Killer, here's what I will do instead:

    Victor's new Incapacitated status effect should; have extra benefits besides the ability to not do Gens! It should block the Survivor's abilities to drop pallets or vault Windows at all times, as long as Victor is on their back! This puts the Survivor at a really dangerous position, in which the killer can easily tunnel that Survivor and easily down them; where they are really vulnerable and very weak by Victor! That Survivor would be:

    *Broken= Always Injured and cannot Heal

    *Oblivious= Cannot See the Red Stain/Hear the Killer's Terror Radius

    *Incapacitated= Cannot Do Generators, Drop Pallets, and cannot Vault Window/Pallets

    *Victor will constantly reveal nearby teammates' auras, if that Incapacitated Survivor decides to run straight towards his teammate for support! This makes amazing opportunities for Charlotte, to make great decisions making and options on what to do! Either Chase and tunnel the very vulnerable Victor carrying Survivor, or.... used them as a Mobile Survivor tracking beacon and aid her in finding nearby Survivors close to them!

    That, or do a simple Bleedout Timer; in which Victor will Incapacitated that Survivor and forced them to remove them as soon as possible before he Rips that Survivor's back and make them go down into the Dying State!

    As for the new changes; just make it available instantly by Defualt; Charlotte deserves the right to see where Victor is at all Times, even on Survivor's back; plus the ability to recall them at any time is should be base kit!

    The Devs should not cater toward Survivor Mains, and make the Killer viable strong and a threat more then a complete Joke and worthless Killer! They should have known that Lockers could easily counter Victor; they should have known that Survivor will be able to crush Victor whenever they miss a attack or if the player swaps killers! And of course, the worse problem; this killer is too complex and waste too much of your time as killer!

    The biggest weakness toward being a Amazing killer Main; is that Time is not on your side when Red Rank Survivor can Gen Rush and finish the game before you can play the game well and have a chance to enjoy amazing game! I am telling you, this killer is not worth my money and will be to frustrating to play as!

    And if you are reading this comment Devs, Please reconsider buffing The Twins so much more then what you proposed!

  • If any big changes like that were to happen, it would be like 6 month or a year wait and then they would do a rework.

    At this stage the most we can hope for is some number changes and such.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Sooooo hes a hatchet that takes time to injure people?

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    How much more power do you need before you are all happy. I mean, a basic killer can be hard to beat in the hands of an experienced player. Throw in abilities / powers, and damn. i.e. is the doctor. Just spam shock therapy and static blast, and he is very effective. Trapper even. Weak in the beginning, but with good trap placement he can have a pretty strong end game.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Kick Victor and that Survivor is exposed for minute cause she loves him and when someone hurts her little Brother

    Isn't this an Ultra Rare add-on?

  • Sif
    Sif Member Posts: 51

    I always thought that Charlotte should be better for dealing with multiple survivors and Victor excel at lone survivors. So you'd switch as the situation develops.

  • judge_fist
    judge_fist Member Posts: 114

    Gotcha. I do like the idea of Charlotte getting engaged and moving faster for a short time after victor is killed. Makes sense for the lore and the twins feel so weak some kind of buff is needed.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    I think that the issue people face with the twins is their lack of synergy with the rest of the game's established systems, for instance, any killer can run up to a survivor, use their power, injure them, keep chasing them.

    The twins on the other hand require you to use your power, injure someone with Victor, then teleport back to a far away location and find them again. It's probably very difficult having to both predict where a survivor went after they kill Victor (Including the possibility of perks like Iron Will and Lucky Break) and then chasing them around as essentially an M1 killer if you do find them. This doesn't include the possibility of you using Victor to down someone, and either missing and getting crushed, or downing someone and getting crushed by someone nearby.

    The twins shook up the gameplay in such a way, but the gameplay never adapted to include them, leading to them being practically useless in most situations

  • NeanderChaos
    NeanderChaos Member Posts: 29

    He lets Charlotte camp the Survivor on the hook while still providing map pressure. If Survivors are injured he is a slug machine.