Hit validation is unfair

No one can predict when their connection is slighty lagging, so this is an unfair mechainc. It needs to be reverted back
Doesn't work
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That's precisely what's making it fair - the person with the better connection takes priority in the hit. That's the very definition of fair.
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My ping is stable at 99 ms
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Can my hits be rejected if my ping is stable at 150 ms but my opponents have 40?
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I don't think that we will ever get numbers so it can't be abused. The faster your connection, the better, I would guess.
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99 and 150ms is not a good ping. I get around 60 and I dont notice anything wrong with it. 60 is fairly standard if not slightly bad.
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@MandyTalk Do you know if the hit validation makes it possible again to jump though the hatch with the killer right next to it ("Hatch stand-off")? Up to this day the killer would get priority over the survivor.
Is it "the fastest connection wins" now?
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basically yes, because they have a better connection to the server than you.
https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/185864/news-hit-validation-beta#latest More information on how Hit Validation works is explained here.
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This feature forces me to leave the game becouse I can't improve my connection right now
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No one really complained about my connection performances during my game as a killer with some rare exceptions. When they see I have some small lag issue they just throw the pallets a bit early. But this feature literally ruins my experience here
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Darnnit my Xbox has been waffling between 140 and 160 since the patch after Blight came out. Was under 90 before that, with no change in anything on my end....
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I've been having the worst hit reg today. Killers will complete their full hit animation, another split second will go by, and THEN the hit registers. This is happening when the Killer clearly hit me with an attack and when the hit is questionable. I'm playing Survivor only today so I'm not sure how it feels playing as Killer atm. I'd assume it's all the same. The game has a lot of people on right this second and I'm sure the servers are just acting wonky. In the week before the new release I was playing regularly and the hit reg was feeling as normal as DBD dedicated servers will allow for.
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I tried playing as Oni as a usually do after hit validation was reintroduced. Holy crap. It's borderline unplayable, I got cheated out of 3-4 fair hits with blood fury throughout the course of the match, which of course resulted in a loss.
I have a very good connection and my ping usually sits at 60-70ms tops.
Can anyone else who has tried Oni recently give their thoughts?
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Oni main here, I can confirm he's broken by this new feature. Seems like survivors can stop my kanobo with one finger with this issue. That's why I'm asking to remove this feature
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Hello fellow Oni main!
Perhaps a total removal wouldn't be possible right now. We don't really know how it impacts other killers as a whole right?
I think Oni is mostly at a disadvantage because one second you're dashing and the next you've already bashed someone.
I hope BHVR take notice of this! Not sure if I can post it as a support ticket or hope they see it here?
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I would to say, don't run speed-boost add-ons on killers becouse seems like having more speed increases the chance to get a phantasm-hit. I tried to play Oni without speed-boost add-ons and I get a phantasm-hit just once in 3-4 rounds.
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Thanks for the heads up! Hope this issue as whole gets fixed.
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recently shared oni clips from my matches in the discussions. my ping is typically between 20-30ms yet all of my routine demon dash attacks whiffed as if I was seeing a ghost.
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Until they fix this issue I'd recommend to run just increasing-duration add-ons (which are still insanely good almost like those who boost your base speed)
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Are you serious what the hell? They broke him, taking away the old chase music from the Oni's POV was already too much!!