Why couldn’t DBD be like Cyberpunk?

Cyberpunk 2077 is an extremely anticipated game thats been in development for 7+ years. And they delayed the release very last minute by 21 days to bug fix and optimize it in order for a Day 1 patch to make sure it had a solid launch.
DBD released a completely unfinished, unpolished, broken and bugged Chapter. Which they knew was going to happen because of PTB testing and it went exactly as expected... horribly. If one of the most anticipated games of the year can delay its launch for quality control, DBD should be willing to delay a DLC.
The players would’ve waited for a real product. No one wanted the new DLC to be released the way it was. Having some dignity and self respect is worth way more than getting money ASAP. I hope the Devs learn and are willing to prioritize quality in the future. Honestly, I’d be willing to skip a DLC launch in exchange for existing Killer, Perk and Overall Game Mechanic revamps. Take the time you need to make the game quality please
Because CD Projekt Red lives and dies by it's reputation. Look at what happened to Bioware after the Mass Effect: Andromeda backlash (deserved or otherwise - thanks EA). Even before Anthem, people hated them. People had no faith in them. Then came Anthem.
If CD released Cyberpunk, after the success and acclaim of The Witcher 3 and the money printer that is Gwent, as a hot mess? They don't have the Bethesda reputation, they cannot release a buggy mess and call it a game.
But BHVR do, in fact, have that Bethesda reputation. Everyone expects everything to break, and so no-one really cares when it does. Sure, we shout and complain on the forums, but they still have that sweet, sweet money because no-one really feels let down - it's what they were expecting, after all.
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Because people dont like delays for one and maybe they knew they could not fix a lot of the bugs anyway within the time period till the whole "event" would become a problematic delay.
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People literally sent death threats because Cyberpunk was delayed by 21 days, lol.
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there was a game like DBD that had the cyberpunk theme in it it was called Gold Express, but sadly not to many play it and it never gained traction.
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Because BHVR's bean counters/management demand a road map the devs can't possibly meet with any sort of quality. You would think with everything going on this year, they'd scale back. The fact that they didn't should tell us everything about their decision-makers.
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CDPR devs have received death threats over the delays of CP2077. If that's how consumers act when there's a delay, why would anyone want to emulate them?
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Do you understand that this game and several games have been delayed and still been complete garbage. You clearly dont understand how business works or production of video games, marketing, etc. For a 4 year old game with a healthy player base you can only complain about what done wrong. Hearthstone, League of legends and several games have tons of bugs, csgo also. Know call CD project red and ask how many staff members they have and how many bhvr has... Lastly comparing dbd to cyberpunk 2077 is quite possibly the dumbest thing to reference to dbd. A vast mostly open player world game such as gta5. Compared to a game that basically created its own genre and are trying to be copied every day. Look where last year and friday the 13th are.
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Upper management and demands.
Im sure a huge chunk of the dev team wants to give the game a break to only work on game health but there’s most likely a higher up giving them the fat “no” and wants them to stick to a schedule.
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They aren't the only ones delaying, Path of Exile is delaying an entire season. They say "its cause cyberpunk is coming out and we don't want to overlap with them" But in reality its more like "we have way too many ambitions to add to the next season so theres no reason to rush things"
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Probably because CDPR cares. It seems to me people working at bhvr are high and/or drunk while they work, judging by the state of updates.
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Bad take. Every game you just mentioned has had, and still has phases where they do nothing but bug fix. Especially league where they NEVER release something on their PTB thats broken or questionable onto the live servers if its obviously broken. Same for hearthstone, and F 13 is working on a full on master of the game to be as bugless as possible.