Make gens take longer, reduce chances of escape, add more things to mess the killer up.

Look, any great horror movie is a couple hours and consist of folks thinking they will escape and usually not a chance but a hell of a fight. Every scary movie folks go for the suspense of the survivor doing wild ######### several times messing the killer up and almost getting away while maybe one or two always survive yet they go through hell and so does the killer which makes it that much more sweet when the killer kills.

The current state of soloq is hell. You log in to die one hook mori, on your first hook or to be camped and tunneled to death. It's boring. So is rushing a Gen and escaping, it sucks as bad as campers and tunnelers. I'm finishing this rift and taking another long break and hopefully I either come back to something highly improved in these aspects or fully dead, no more in between make it take way longer to escape and also get killed. Stop wasting our time for 20 minute matchmaking to get paired with some tunneling, camping one hook mori square who's been dismissed so long they abuse everyone else's chance for fun. You're forcing us to stay in garbage matches with penalties, make the time to be killed and escape even longer.
