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Multiple killer and survivor bugs

When playing as the twins and unbinding victor, no matter what I try, I am unable to pounce neither do I even have the option to on screen. Only gives the option to swap to Charlotte. I am trying to be patient but the fact that I spent 40+ hours grinding for iridescent shards for a 4.6 only m1 killer is really killing me. Please help
Update time
I don’t have an option on screen to get victor off my back as well as every time I go against the Twins my game ends up crashing. I am now forced to play killed to actually play the game without interruptions. Again I am asking, please help meh
Another update because I’m ######### done.
Victor can hit you through a pallet and while you are in a locker he can pounce at it and hit survivors. 2017 gameplay was better than this I mean the community has been begging for bhvr to stop putting out money stealing content and just work on the game directly but no you don’t even touch legion in this last patch but he is still broken. Covid is not an excuse either. Behavior has dbd only as it’s main source of money. If you think I’m spending another penny on this game then you are dumb. If you’re actually gonna make a game and sell it at least make it worthwhile. This chapter proves no one tests patches
Last update of today
Timing a locker grab but it being cancelled and having the survivor hide in the locker at the same time grabs the survivor and latches them onto the killers back. Now the killer will not be able to hook that survivor.
Survivors being able to see their own scratch marks without fixated.
Legion frenzy bug causing him to run at base speed
Chase music cutting off bug
Survivor walking slow movement bug
Huntress problem with hooking
And my personal fav twins are just an over all bug implement
r u doing everything right? you need to hold m2 then when bar's filled press m1. also check your keybinds
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Well I legit just don’t have an option on screen to pounce as victor, and what I had found out yesterday is that I don’t have an option to get victor off my back on screen. To me this killer is a whole bug imo