Is it ok with you playing a Satanic illuminati game like this?

1,5k+ hours here, DBD commenced with hidden content that didn't prove they were Satanic Illuminati with stuff like "reversed pentagrams", sacrifices to "the entity", all seeing eye, pyramids.... until now (besides huntress skin etc):
Devs surely are not aware of the bigger plans of this game, probably the narrative girl, Cotè, Lead Designer and bosses above him know the real intentions of this game:
- promote Satanism agenda: sacrifice yourself/others to "the entity", it is ok to do cannibalism (Hag's mori), it is fine to kill others with obscenity, not to mention, the infinite duality of survs-killers discussion and fights
- bring your interdimensional souls to entities (archons, demons and other entities) with each sacrifice, and gather your energy with the emotions generated by playing (killer = frustration, surv = anger etc) + open portals
I am not religious, of course it is VERY expected to call me conspiracy person, crazy or #########, but around 1-5% of the awaken guys from this community will understand this post that surely will get me to a warning, a ban or closed, even when it was a "constructive discussion".
Which other disadvantages you find when playing, feel like less energy or more negative? peace
PS: I stopped playing due to the graphics update that my old laptop cannot handle, not sure if will come back
I can't... I choose to can't...
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That's nice, dear.
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Only people from India use "dear", you are, aren't cha?
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This game is many things. A vessel for promoting Satanism is not one of them.
I'm guessing this is a troll post.
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sure bro, not trolling ya
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Poe's law in effect.
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If I was I would never tell you 😇
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yeah im sure a bunch of video game devs are satanic illuminati trying to brainwash people with cosmetics.
get real dude
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....carry on.
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That is in fact the only reason I play it
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I think someone's been licking paint chips off the hooks again...
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Is that picture supposed to prove your point? How does Huntress wearing a goat skull prove anything?
Plague exists and is obviously of Babylonian origin. Does this mean that the devs are pushing a Babylonian agenda and want to convert their playerbase?
The entire point of this game is to have unstable and murderous people with various abilities, (you know, variety), and be able to play against and as them. You're going to need actual evidence to convince anyone otherwise.
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Or got into the entity's secret stash
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"Before this post": Ay yo this serum ain't nothin
"5 minutes later": This post
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I keep my bible next to me while I play for protection
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Whoh, I think I just woke... Nope, false alarm. Just a fart, and a slight iq drop from reading that.
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New item:
The holy book
- Slightly/considerable/tremendously decreases chance for satanic conversion while equipped depending on rarity
- You can preach sermons while hooked
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It starts with the stash, then it's a downward spiral to huffing the Clown's bottles behind the carnival trailer...
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Why are you asking them that? Are indians nazi vampire freemasons? Oh dear 😏 get it?... Oh DEAR😂
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Just me, a bottle, some serum syringes, and this 3-eyed horse I've named Blinky. I sure do miss my 20s.
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Expected ironic jokes but I do not blame you since were educated by the mass media and did not investigate anything by yourselves
I guess my prediction of 1-5% of awaken people was too high lmao
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Oh man, that's why I started feeling the irresistible impulse to sacrifice babies on an altar.
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jokes count number increased, let's see if we have more clever jokes
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I mean maybe not the satanic part but the brainwash you with cosmetics(into buying cosmetics) kinda see that one
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I thought this game felt familiar.
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Dude, its a fantasy game, its not real.
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Neither are Satanic Illuminati cults that control the world, and yet many people believe in them.
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I'm sorry @HittingOnHook , I'm too deep in my slumber to perceive the truth. Years of media manipulation, fluoride hidden in the toothpaste and CIA beaming blasphemous images of a round earth into my brainwaves mean I can never be anything more than an unwitting servant of the shadowy forces that control asymmetrical horror games
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I wasn't educated by the media. I've had a strong distain for it ever since I was aware of the concept. You really shouldn't assume that everyone who finds the very obvious insanity of your claims palpable to just be brainwashed. In fact, I'll give you a chance to actually explain yourself now.
How exactly is the imagery in DeadbyDaylight intentionally satanic and what do the powers that be stand to gain from putting them in the game to begin with?
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thanks buddy, you seem awaken enough, I will try to summarize the key points
- The Illuminati agendas are globalist trends that aim at controlling even more the humanity creating misery, social differences, sensation of separation, and more, including the Climate Change (to invest billions for an invisible enemy), LGTB (to confront gender identities instead and destroying families/natality), Transhumanism (to erase our traces of humanity, thats why the delay of Cyberpunk 2077 game cuz they wanted the perfect game), and of course, satanism, since they worship entities from different dimensions, and receive in return benefits in real life; you can check their symbolism in the majority of music videos, predictive-programing movies... but I would need a wall of text to explain you those
- DBD has been progressively increasing their satanic illuminati agenda through symbolism and the gameplay itself. The most basic example is the sacrifice you do virtually, but in a multidimensional world it works in different ways we cannot demonstrate but we can have a clue; every time you express emotions of anger or frustration, entities from other dimensions are eating that energy. How? it is believed that "psychomagic" of symbolism opens portals to such entities such as: inverter pentagrams (in rank level), the all seeing eye the buy has in his hand floating in the rift, triangles/pyramids everywhere, killers linked to illuminati movies such as pyramid head, the cosmetics of horns everywhere, even in the exit gates above in the columns that escaping means going to hell...
- In other words, playing DBD gathers energy to interdimensional entities and parasite you to behave agresively and without energy, leading to depression, anxiety, etc... the real intentions and outcomes of this game are hidden and only known by the argument creator (that arab-like girl I dont remember), while Cotè and the Lead designer might know something, and their bosses know it all. Consider absolute secretism is vital to the illuminati lodges they belong, and it is even more important than their career or families
I would be happy to explain you more, but there is so much info to disclose :=) I hope this is enough?
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And here I was hoping for more unique satanic cosmetics and we now have conspiracy theorists creating a fuss about it.
Honestly I hope you get help with your beliefs there, I think you may have misunderstood like half.
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nowadays, anything that it is not official by the mass media is "conspiracy". Research by yourself instead of accepting all the news you get
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I have researched it, its humbug. You can investigate any of those claims and then reverse engineer the idea. You would be amazing how fast these ideas fall apart with applied scepticism and science. You have to be joking.
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no jokes
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This is what we call "Fake Posts"
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the "we", like the 95-99% not awaken, I know
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Serious question: what is it with every conspiracy theory blaming LGBT people for something or other? Is it so hard for you to just leave us alone, the same way we do when you bring up these conspiracy theories?