Suggestion: Randomise perks option

Next to where you select your perks there should be a check box saying randomise. Checking it will randomise your perks for the next match from the pool of perks you have unlocked for that character. You won't be able to see what perks have been randomised for you until you enter the trial.
Checking the randomise perk box should give a small bonus to bloodpoint gains as incentive.
The reason I think this would be neat is because it will help add some variation to matches instead of the same stale meta perks we see every game.
It will also mean people might actually appreciate some perks they never use much and try to incorporate them into their builds.
Just an idea.
Can be a good option to try new perks, like funny challenges, i sincerelly go always with 6 perks for survi and 4-5 for killer. Also not at all meta-perks, i guess, just fine with those ones and feel comfort XD
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If money is not involved in the idea, it's not gonna happen.
The game is alive for 4 years, there's 6 pages of perks for survivor and Killer and yet we don't have a simple system to filter perks by name.