Why aren't there more perks that effect Totems that aren't Hexes?

Thanatophobia is the only perk I can think of that slows clensing or does anything to totems.

Wouldn't it be cool if fire up added tokens for destroyed totems instead of gens? Or if Hex Retribution was just a perk not a hex taking up lighting one of the totems? Dying light or Play with your food gaining tokens from clensed dull totems or remaining dull totems? A perk that spawns more totems? But like stated before only Thanatophobia is the only one (that I can think of) that effects them without being a hex itself.

Best Answer

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    Answer ✓

    Its a very fine line with totems.

    Totems are designed to be a secondary objective to take survivors off gens. By making it too detrimental to do them you end up with survivors ignoring them and only doing gens.

    While its always a choice and some do ignore them those are the same ones who will complain about noed being OP.


  • Speeddemonsaif
    Speeddemonsaif Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2020

    This is such a good idea. Like gaining extra stakls for destroying hex and dull totems makes destroying one way more dangerous. And would actually help players get their noed activated. Ngl Ii like noed idk why ppl hate it just the cleanse the thing. I'm a killer main and love this idea.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Survivors really don't like doing totems as it is so making fired up punish them for doing them just means people will ignore totems more which the devs don't want survivors to ignore.

    The entire point of NOED is to try to get survivors to do bones while it also helps against Undying.

    Having fired up get more stacks from uncleansed totems if 3 gens are done for example would be interesting though as it adds to the gen rush punish part of the perk.

  • JackTheMimic
    JackTheMimic Member Posts: 59

    I agree, I was just introducing an idea of not tying things that affect totems or are affected by totems to a hex. And fired up was just a perk that doesn't get much use in its current state.

  • Piwatte
    Piwatte Member Posts: 162

    "Dying light or Play with your food gaining tokens from clensed dull totems or remaining dull totems?"

    Imagine a perk that counter survivors doing totems + noed... Doing totems = more power for the killer, not doing totems or forget one totem (most of the time because solo queue survivors can't know how many totems left...) = being OS. Well. If you want survivors doing only gens, it will be a VERY good idea to create a perk that gives more power to the killer if survivors are destroying totems.

    Or, if the killers have more powers with 5 totems for example, it will be annoying to see killers with perks to keep all his totems.

    Well. Bad examples and bad design. So many problems are already here, don't add problems...

  • JackTheMimic
    JackTheMimic Member Posts: 59

    Hahaha imagine thinking adding importance to totems other than Hexes is bad because it would "annoy" survivors. Secondary objectives have always added to the fun not subtracted.

  • Piwatte
    Piwatte Member Posts: 162

    Imagine a secondary objective that can gives more power to killers. LMAO.

    You are giving an example with "play with your food". Just imagine, 5 totems => 5 tokens.

    "Each time a totem is destroyed, increases 5% your speed." Or the opposite way : decreases 5 of your speed each time a totem is destroyed ? ######### ??

    Or another example with Dying light : Each time a survivor is doing the secondary objective, they will have a penalty for doing gens. LMAO.

    Can you give CLEAR examples with your idea ?

  • JackTheMimic
    JackTheMimic Member Posts: 59

    Either one with adjustments to token values would be fine. Also did you literally just say imagine a killer perk giving the killer more power based on things a survivor can affect by doing bones? Like what should perks do? Give survivors advantage? What are you even saying?

  • Piwatte
    Piwatte Member Posts: 162

    Give survivors advantage ? What ? I never said that.

    Give a reason to survivors to do bones. If doing bones give more power to the killer, they won't do bones anymore except hex, that's ridiculous..

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    I would totally dig a perk that added a fonite amount of totems to the map, either right off the bat or per individual hook like BBQ, or per gen completion, up to 3 or 4 extra. Maybe after all totems are out on the field, it'll reignite one hex totem that has been disabled, starting from the top perk going clockwise.

  • Greatamygdala
    Greatamygdala Member Posts: 292

    Because if they add another perk to slow down totem cleansing it's gonna be broken. You combine all these perks and you slow it down enough that you have infinite [Insert hex] on a mobility killer with good pressure.

    The fire up is a good idea though, Always hated that perk it's like banking on the fact that you're sure that you lose to get the full benefits of that perk. It being tied to totem count is nice.

    I don't think PWYF should change the perk is fine as it is for more play style and dying light is actually my favorite for Oni.

  • JackTheMimic
    JackTheMimic Member Posts: 59

    Yeah, I wasn't suggesting another slow down perk. I was suggesting that some perks(new or old) affect totems in some way. Making more spawn, darken them (like the trapper addon), or give various effects based on how many totems you have remaining or how many have been cleansed. Especially those older perks which don't get used due to lack of utility.

  • zackdaylight
    zackdaylight Member Posts: 190

    just doing totems doesn’t make NOED any less OP. It just deactivates the perk that game. NOED is OP because you get a speed boost along with the one shot. Pair that on a killer who can one shot such as the hillbilly and whoever is on the hook is dead unless you find it. It’s literally a free OP buff for you doing nothing. It rewards the killer for playing bad. Unlike adrenaline where you have to actually stay alive until the end of the game, and do all 5 gens and while using only 3 perks just to get rewarded with adrenaline. I’ve literally done builds with NOED where I afk until about 1 gen left and then I start playing and get 1 or 2 kills because of it. THE LEAST it needs is a “hook survivors X amount of times” should be like you need to hook survivors 6 or 7 times to be able to get it. Along with it being a hex.

    but your comment just shows how irrational you are. Good job.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Noed is only op when it activates but it can be removed when it is or even before that.

    Do you realize how many games survivors walk past a totem and don't do it? For this little amount of time it stops its activation completely. This is by design and its a perk so strong that it can only activate by means of survivors not doing an objective to remove its ability.

    I don't know why you brought adrenaline into the conversation as it was never mentioned.

    Noed originally used to be a lot stronger, it had the exact same effect but was not a hex so could not be destroyed. The perk activated when the last gen was done and lasted till the match ended which was extremely op. It was then changed too last 2 minutes once the last gen was done before deactivating and then this version came out.

    You can say Noed rewards bad killers for but if they are so bad that they struggle to down players then you have to realize you have ample time to remove it from ever coming into play.

    Its not being irrational to see the purpose of a perk and acknowledge its counters. Its actually more irrational to complain about something you have the power to negate.

  • zackdaylight
    zackdaylight Member Posts: 190

    ”NOED is only OP when it activates” so you just admitted that NOED is in fact OP. Lmfaoo are you ok??

    yes a lot of the time survivors have time to do a totem, but there are a lot of times where they just simply don’t have the time to look for totems.

    I brought adrenaline into it because I used an example, plus adrenaline is NOEDs counterpart.

    I don’t care how strong NOED used to be, just because something is nerfed once or twice doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to be nerfed again.

    and yes NOED does reward bad killers, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have unlimited time to go find all the totems. They can be bad at looping but still get some hooks. And if they’re extremely bad at getting any hooks, then the survivors will most likely get 3 gens done in the beginning and if you start looking for totems they can easily get the last 2 done before you find them all. With the game lasting like 4-5 minutes long. Since you did gens so fast you and didn’t even have enough time to check and destroy totems, NOED activates. Not every game is just a perfect “oh I’m going to do this and this and this, then we will have x amount of gens done, then I’ll go find some totems while this is happening and then I’ll go do this” and if you can’t see that then idk.

  • PsychoticNarwhal
    PsychoticNarwhal Member Posts: 46

    Good luck with that, that'll unbalance the game more do than it already is for both sides

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2020

    If a game last 4 to 5 minutes then everyone had ample time to look for totems.

    This isn't about one person's mindset but everyone in the game. You can't blame a perk or the killer when the power of four players to do totems is not used.

    You yourself are putting the blame on the perk which should be directed at the others you played with instead.

    You obviously can't control others but if you find yourself in a position where totems are not being done and noed comes into play frequently with gens getting done so fast then be the one who does use a build to help do them. Its a choice you can make. Run detective or small game for example.

    If players negated noed more frequently then killers wouldn't run it as its a wasted perk slot. Its the mindset of doing nothing but gens and getting out that makes the perk strong.

    Again this is by design to try and prolong the game with a second objective. By not doing this objective the players know the risk of a strong perk activating.

    Players have complained about noed for long enough but do not realize its purpose IS to make players do the totems.

    Post edited by twistedmonkey on
  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    You mean like the hex that exposes survivors when they cleanse it?

  • Piwatte
    Piwatte Member Posts: 162

    Absolutely not, I'm talking about his perks ideas with PWYF and Dying Light with dull totems. Read his first post please.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    yeah but what i mentioned gives an advantage to killers after a survivor does a secondary objective. Same with undying since its aura reading when you get close. You don't have to imagine it, its real.

  • Piwatte
    Piwatte Member Posts: 162

    We are talking about dull totems, not about hex totems..

  • JackTheMimic
    JackTheMimic Member Posts: 59

    Right. And the point of the entire thread is, what if you didn'thave to tie a perk affected by totems to a hex.

  • Chaotyx
    Chaotyx Member Posts: 31
    edited December 2020

    I like the idea of a perk that gains tokens for every totem that’s been cleansed, sort of like an inverted Thrill OTH. Not sure what the stacks would go toward, but it adds another mechanic and dangerous guessing game for survivors

    of course Ruin and Undying paired with it could make it too OP depending on what it does

    Post edited by Chaotyx on
  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096

    Well, the totems are just another "hold m1 and do nothing for 14 seconds" action, so I can get why it would get slightly annoying at times.