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shack pallet cant get broken

from this side on shelter woods you cant break the shack pallet
I just had this happen. Did it happen after Victor got stunned by the pallet? That is what happened in my match. I was able to break it on the other side though.
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Oh it was also on Shelter Woods map.
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Same here. Make sure you guys vote these up.
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I just had this issue as well... could not break the pallet from outside of the shack. Had to watch survivors teabag, but was able to break the pallet from inside the shack.
PS5 - The Macmillan Estate - Suffocation Pit
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Had the same problem just now was playing vicotr i thought it was a charlotte bug
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jesus same, suffocation pit pallet couldn't break from the outside, lost 1 kill cause of it...
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Yes its on every mcmillan map
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Happends to me too on PC, and also with that killer, the Twins.
So annoying to lost 5-6 chases because of that same pallet in the same match
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Happened to me while running Groaning Storehouse as The Clown