I'm so ######### tired of running this perk cause I get tunneled so much and don't get me started where there isn't a single obsession so no ds this is getting to be ######### ridiculous dude, I just wanna use what i have fun with, not what i'm forced to run
I guess you have to climb up to red ranks. Of course that's not a 100% solution but at least I don't get tunneled as much when I was in yellow rank when I came back.
And my God tunneling is the least of my problem every killer has noed there haha which I'm fine with but barely any survivor knows how to tackle that scenario they just open gates and run.
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And can you believe killers want the perk nerfed?
@Bard Tell this poor soul how badly you want DS nerfed.
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I haven’t used that perk in over a year and haven’t missed it. I figure if somebody is really camping that hook and is going to tunnel me then decisive strike is just going to extend the chase by a few seconds. Maybe I’d get away, but probably not. And if people are going to attempt to rescue me from an unsafe hook without BT, then please for the love of god just put me out of my misery so I don’t have to play with idiots any more!
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This is kinda the point I'm at now. If I come across a ######### game, be it bad teammates or a killer playing in a ######### way, the quicker its over the better. Im not gonna miss a pip ill get it back in the next game. Ive given up on even worrying about rank now too, just run whatever, who cares, have fun.
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9/10 games I loop the killer enough time AFTER I DS them, they leave me and patrol gens.
I'm left alone to heal and to do gens.
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I feel it man. Whenever I'm feeling a little saucy and take DS off for another perk I end up getting tunneled the very next game. Like. Freaking. Clockwork. Then it's hello decisive, my old friend. I've come to put you back on again.
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I don't mind decisive strike.
If you use it on me you're damn right I'm going to tunnel, hook and mori you though.
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everyone is fine with DS as an anti-tunneling measure
only survivor mains are ok with DS as 60 seconds of invincibility while they finish gens in front of the killer and hop in a locker when they lose a chase
37 -
That's the point of DS, you take away most of the killers pressure. He will either have to chase you back down which will take a while if you are good at looping because of the headstart you get, but through the chase 3 people will be working on gens which is very detrimental for the killer, or go to defend generators letting you escape. It is undoubtedly very strong against tunnelers.
Well the other scenerio would be the survivor getting hooked and tunneled to death anyways, and if you have a mori you will be dropping them and moring them anyways. In both cases DS is a win-win.
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Then don't run it. I don't even have it so I literally never run it. You will be ok.
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Good news, I'm a new player and chose to main bill, BT is the first perk I wanted to get as a Teachable. Last minute hook saves are my specialty.
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It is extremely fun when the killer abandons their current chase to walk halfway across the map and tunnel you to death with absolutely no punishment or reward and the Devs just shake their heads and point at DS like that's somehow a solution to arseholes that will just proceed to ######### you over anyway.
9 -
You want to know what else is as fun as being tunneled? When you chase someone else, down and hook them, go back to a generator you know the survivors are going to slam, watch the gen get finished in your face only to see the recently unhooked survivor (who finished said gen in your face) use Sprint Burst to dash away into a locker only to be pulled out and still DS you anyways then run straight for the killer shack.
19 -
In all seriousness I barely get tunnelled in my games despite the constant complaints about it on these forums.
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I never run ds as a survivor even when killers try to tunnel me. I am confident enough in my own skill to get out of the chase with what the map provides. also most ppl don't mind current ds being used its a fair perk imo what majority of ppl dislike is how it becomes a ''you can't touch me'' bubble for 60 seconds even when your not being tunnelled you can do fully heal yourself hook save or do majority of a gen while being untouchable ppl just want the abuseable side of ds removed not the base function of it.
just to add I don't think ds should be removed however I do think you shouldn't be able to fully heal to 2 health states and have ds having to hit a survivor twice and then get d striked makes no sense
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Ds should deactivate when saving someone from a hook or after tapping a gen, change my mind
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No one is forcing you to run it. Perhaps you should just figure out how to break chases more effectively.
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Your skill doesn't matter if the survivor unhooking doesn't have BT and the killer is right there, unless that man is going for the A.I. of the year award you're going back down if they are there, and with the way people have been playing Charlotte and Victor I'm expecting to see more survivors running what some see as broken perks because camping and tunneling is what they're best at, I myself don't use DS all the time but here lately there are plenty of games I wished I did have it
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Try stealth. Works wonders.
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But Stealth is boring Orion, don't you remember?
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I remember. It's still the best way to avoid being chased, if you don't want to be chased.
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Interesting. I don't run DS at all. How is my experience so different from yours?
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Someone just posted something about DS time being too long yet he still managed to down every survivor. Lol. I guess he's never been tunneled to death as a survivor.
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I noticed people stopped running ds,and as the killer notices that no one is the obsession,he proceeds to tunnel hard.
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Same,maybe we're just lucky i guess
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Rn I want it fixed if the rumours are true that you can get more than 1 ds in a game rn as in you can ds twice
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I mean the devs confirmed their just looking into its more abusive stuff like locker ds probably and its unbreakable combo. No idea what exactly is happening to it.
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All of them? Just don't get hooked?
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We don’t want it nerfed. We want it to be FAIR.
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We just don't want survivor 60 second invincibility bubble off every hook we just want an anti tunnel perk
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I’m currently a rank 1/rank 2 survivor but I’m still not a strong looper. It’s not really my play style. While a lot of people love actively engaging in the killer, I get more of a thrill from seeing what I can get away with right under their noses.
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If you are not running a combination of DS, Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, Adrenaline, Borrowed Time and Unbreakable with maybe one of them changed with something like Iron Will and you are in Red Ranks, you are a liability to your team.
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Guess i'm lucky cause I have taken DS out of my builds because i almost never get to use it.
5 -
The only one of those that I ever use is BT. And Iron Will. But rarely together and a lot of times not at all. If everybody uses those perks it makes things boring. Your concept of what’s good for the team is pretty limited. If every player has builds meant for hook saves and direct confrontation with the killer then you do it at the sacrifice of escape. Someone still needs to be working on gens and cleansing totems while you attend to that BS and that usually falls to people like me. There is room in this game for more than one play style.
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Same here. I got so little use out of it that I would often screw up the skill check because I would forget that I even had it. I prefer perks that are less situational and more of a benefit across the game.
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It's not really the effect of DS that's good, it's the chance of DS being in the game, on any survivor, that makes it effective against good killers. And...the opposite applies to less-good killers because they don't take that into account and will pick you up anyway so basically it is a requirement, you may as well only have 3 perk slots as a solo queue survivor because of DS, just like you only have 3 perk slots as killer because of BBQ. It's almost like if we made these abilities, that are both related to hooks, a default mechanic or something...
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Is stealth really a good option? there are multiple killer perks and ability that make being stealthy really hard.
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Agree, it they deactivate pgtw if the killer hit someone
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If you don't want to run DS then git gud. I run it maybe once in 50 games? And I would say I pip and/or escape more then half the time without it. Its not necessary, its only a crutch for people who need to practice.
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Where are they?! Where is the person holding a gun to your head making you run this perk?!!
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As a Killer main, I try my best to not tunnel because I know how frustrating it is, but.. if you do the following things, you bet your ass I'm tunneling you.
-Bring a Key
-DS me when I didn't tunnel you.
-"Click Click Click, Teabag, please give me attention"
-The survivors are rushing generators hard and I have no chance to win without it.
In general, tunnelling should be discouraged, but so should gen rushing in my opinion then, since they're the both sides of a single coin.
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Aww but stealth perks like Urban Evasion and Tenacity are also whined about. They claim both these perks are also unfair and if you're stealthy you're not doing anything it's honestly a no win situation
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Why are you chasing the recently unhooked survivor again?
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youve seen some of me playing blight, it isn't even a matter of chasing a recently unhooked survivor, I have hooked half a team before going back after the 3rd survivor just to get dsed anyway, its not a matter of tunneling its literal blanket invincibility even when not tunneling that makes people upset
2 -
I did see you play blight...and absolutely destroy a team at 5 gens. so now tell me what's one 5 second stun gonna do ontop of your skill as blight, ruin undying, tinkerer, and oh yeah apparently 180 flicks. Please tell me how you are losing the match.
4 -
Use what you want! I run self care (in case they pack FD), sprint burst, urban evasion, and kindred. This is my safest build for my play style as a solo survivor and I'm a red rank. Taking risks is what it takes, and these perks help me save teammates and myself really well! I'm not ashamed of people hating on some of them, because if you utilize your perks, any of them can be amazing. Good luck, and have fun using the build you like :)!
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I know everyone likes to point out that chases are the "only fun thing" about the game, but like you could try to hide y'know. Sneaking is an option. You don't have to carry DS if you don't plan on ever getting caught in the first place.
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it does emotional damage
0 -
I Love your response.
Absolutely Love it.
0 -
Hey! I'm not boring! >:(