Probably never going to touch killer for a while

For reference I tend to play killer for challenges but while doing the rift challenges I've noticed I've somehow made my way to rank 2 and im a few pips away from 1. So I thought I might as well and try for the rank 1 killer achievement but good lord these survivors are vicious in high ranks. I've had nothing with but 4 stack SWFs that will do nothing but bully the killer while one person does the gens. Even when I try to get to said person I just can't keep anyone down long enough before im swarmed and can't do a thing. I understand that they are doing it because its probably the most fun aspect of DBD for survivors as everything else is just a loading bar simulator and the joy is messing with the killer.

I can see why there are less and less killer mains, its because no one wants to go up against these people. I've been playing this game for years and everytime I try and play killer, it's just soulsucking. I want to enjoy it as I love the variety said killer has while the survivor side is just reskins.


  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Idk how other killer mains are but I beg to differ, I love to have challenging opponents not boosted survivors.

    And here is something that can work for you mainly since Idk who you use, use stbfl and slug, they will regret it when they try to "bully" you.

    And there are less killers now a days because most of our bugs never get fixed, example nurse crow sounding bug, still there, been like 2 years maybe more.

    Myers bug took a very long time to get fixed.

    killer takes more time to learn since there are a lot of killers and ways to play them, many killers will have horrible times while playing and probably quit or quit that side then survivors complain that queues take forever them not realizing that it's them bm'ing the reason why there are less killer players.

  • Punisher2001
    Punisher2001 Member Posts: 49

    There's was a dedicated poll performed with the goal of being the most comprehensive and accurate polling of DBD players in its history, and the outcome showed that there is a severe lack of killers playing today because of Rank 2 survivors being good at the game and dicking on killers with a single team member or even playing cooperatively as a team, which was statistically proven to mean that the swf group is being toxic and not that the killer is unremarkable