Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

When Are The DEV'S Going To FIX AUTO-HEAVEN MAP! Way TOO (BUSY!) And Damaging To the Eyes!

Member Posts: 16
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

These new map update are god awful! They are so hard to see on and they burn your eyes. These maps should be banned now I hate new AUTO-HEAVEN they ruined it! I love the new Resort map though. The new AUTO-Heaven maps are very DAMGING to peoples eyes and will make them go blind if they stare at it long enough its way to BUSY!. I showed my eye Doctor yesterday those maps and he said the same thing they are very damaging to the eyes. Please fix this map ASAP! you Ruined my favorite map. Plus I am getting way to many people refusing to play this map or DC on it as well its not fun. Please fix this Map Dev's!!!!

  • DynastyFaytTTV
Post edited by Mandy on

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  • Member Posts: 890

    Are they damaging like the turbo white that old flashlights used to do? That physically hurt your eyes after 1 seconds of looking at it.

  • Member Posts: 2,187

    The coldwind farms were blinding me more tbh

  • Member Posts: 52

    imo they should add the blue back to macmillan's since that gave the map a bit more of a personality. now it just looks plain boring.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    They should have just kept the old green tint. These map remasters don't have to be one extreme or another (no tint vs tint overhaul). Autohaven is unnaturally green with its lighting and while it didn't hurt my eyes, it's very hard to see survivors and probably killers too.

  • Member Posts: 254

    I dont get it. Im playing on a ultrawide monitor and think these maps look better.

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    Wait, did you actually plug your Twitch at the end?

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Im pretty positive many people complained about the blue tint being removed from the macmillan maps, making them look too much like badham and yamaoka. I personally don‘t agree with that, but many People were complaining About that, which is probably why they kept the green tint in the new maps as much as possible.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I personally really like the new look of the autoheaven maps. They are darker and have a more fitting atmosphere for a horror game.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    I like the look of Autohaven and have no issue with the lighting at all. I do find more dead zones on this map. I wonder if the lighting changes more on the different settings, I play on Ultra and it all seems fine to me.

  • Member Posts: 2,559
    edited December 2020

    Macmillan is butt ugly rn. I say this because I get the map and I think, "What would a bristly, frostbitten-to-the-point-of-decay butt look like? This." I'm really not sure how they were able to have the settings with low graphics and low resolution make the map look worse than it did before, but BHVR accomplished it. And it now has more performance issues. More bland and tasteless but performing less well. Whoop-dee-doo.

    Same goes for Autohaven except that Autohaven has more of the weird plasticy-luster on everything because of all of the metal objects.

    On the other hand, Ormond's way better in terms of looks than before tho, so that's nice.

    Edit: I've chosen not to talk about lighting for good reason because that would be a fresh can of worms (this time far more subjective, I suppose).

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I genuinly have trouble seeing survivors I'm chasing right now on Autohaven. Its so bad I'm considering doing that Nvidia reshade thing and just cranking up the brightness as its really unenjoyable. What was the point of brightening maps and removing light offerings then backtracking to this?

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    I agree that Autohaven has too many random obstructions currently.

  • Member Posts: 18

    I like the new autohaven. However, I feel like the green should be reduced a little and the brightness slightly increased

  • Member Posts: 410

    I find the colours fine and I am always having issues with my eyes being strained, if anything is wrong with the map and others its how many deadzones there are.

  • Member Posts: 227

    idk about medicine, but i have a bad eyesight and i dont feel good playing on those new maps, i feel like it requires a very strong concentration of eyesight for seeing anything

  • Member Posts: 215

    Developers, take a look at this feedback again.

    My eyes are also hurt by these maps.

  • Member Posts: 48

    I have no issues with my eyes hurting/straining while playing on any of the reworked maps and my eyesight is pretty terrible overall.

    As far as the green tint, I was against keeping it at all. I would be completely fine if all of the maps had more "realistic" colorations, even if they looked a little more similar. The maps have plenty that sets them apart from one another. However, the majority of the community does not share my opinion (and that's fine). Many players in the community threw a fit over the lack of blue in the Macmillan maps and spammed the devs about keeping the green in Autohaven, so they kept it. I'm fine with that result as well. It's not too much to me and it doesn't take away any of my enjoyment.

  • Member Posts: 16

    Mandy I play on Ultra 4K PS4 Pro and never went back to PC since you lost my Legacy saved data. I am colorblind, but for all my friends who are killer mains and survivor main hate the lighting of the map. It makes it too hard too see and after awhile its starts to give you a burning sensation. You need too add something too not make it so green with a flashlight in your face. Majority of the consoles have this problem stop being 1 sided with only PC favered. As a Mod you need too see all platforms not just 1. I have friends from all and we all feel this way. Randoms even message me sorry we can't see you on the map due the lighting.

  • Member Posts: 227


  • Member Posts: 16

    If your on PC you can't see majority of the color problems for Switch, PS4, XBox since the only make the programs for PC mainly that is why I left PC.

  • Member Posts: 176

    I kinda agree, the Autohaven maps are too dark and I feel really tired after playing on them, trying to see things. And idk but the darkness level gives me a feeling you wanted to hide not exactly the best quality texture(even if that's not the case, I just don't see why you want people not be able to see anything).

  • Member Posts: 269

    It is too dark. So I have to use other program when I play this map.

    You need to check lightning problem. Please listen user's feedback...don't ignore plz..

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