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The main problem with the design of the Twins

SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Victor is the actual killer. Charlotte is just a chauffeur to get Victor into situations in which he can do most of the work. She has no abilities of her own and operates entirely separate from Victor. I think that there's a number of changes that can be implanted to make the Twin's better focused on cooperation between the two of them and to make them a better killer as a whole. Here are my recommendations:

  1. Victor reveals the aura of survivors he's attached to and can be recalled at all times

The 45 second timer in place currently is completely arbitrary and has no purpose besides weakening the killer. Survivors right now are still incentivised to kidnap Victor and leave Charlotte without a power for the better part of a minute. Even if 1 survivor can't do gens and another is chased by a (powerless) Charlotte, the remaining 2 can easily repair faster than the killer can get downs. This change is a clear necessity for the Twins to be viable.

2. Charlotte gets a 5% speed boost for as long is Victor is attached to a survivor

This is the change that provides some actual incentive for removing Victor. Although 5% might not seem like much, it can be the difference between hits and misses at most loops. It also punishes the survivor for holding onto Victor since, even if they aren't being chased, they're giving Charlotte extra movement speed to go after their team mates with. This change also makes canonical sense because Charlotte wants to protect her brother and is going to be exerting more effort to back up him up once he's latched onto a survivor.

3. Charlotte is no longer slowed down when switched to

This is a really important change. It makes Charlotte a threat even when controlling Victor since there's always the possibility that you can switch to her at any moment. This makes parking her at gens much more dangerous for survivors since they're risking getting hit if they start repairs and don't have a massive warning to avoid getting hit. Although I think the 3 second cooldown from switching back to Victor should stay, the slowdown from switching absolutely needs to go. Apart from being a big buff to Charlotte as I already mentioned, It'll also make the killer feel much better to play. It's very painful to sit through the cooldown as it is right now.

4. Victor's idle timer is massively sped up when he is left near hooked survivors

I honestly don't know how the devs didn't catch using Victor as a baby monitor when designing him, but it's almost completely broken. Survivors need to crouch before going for a save or else Victor will reveal them and be immediately switched to and get a free hit. This is the best way to play the Twins right now, the ultimate camping duo. This nerf is necessary so they get the following buff that will cement them and their playstyle.

5. Victor can no longer be kicked when landing a successful pounce

This change makes splitting into teams of 2 no longer a good idea if everyone is injured since Victor can no longer be punished for landing a pounce. This change will heavily encourage survivors to heal up finally give the Twins a definitive playstyle:

A duo that both serve different purposes. Charlotte for injuring survivors and pressuring gens, and Victor for disabling healthy survivors and downing injured ones. All while requiring good technical skill and map knowledge to play effectively. Just as a killer should do.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Couldn't have said it better myself

  • Healthore77992
    Healthore77992 Member Posts: 570

    That's all i wanted, they lacks that, they would be really good with those changes.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    All pretty solid changes. good job

  • Hekate
    Hekate Member Posts: 23

    Right now, landing Victor sometimes feels a little pointless. Like, the pounce is sometimes really difficult to land and I think that developers should reward the Twins' more for being able to do so.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    "Killer sided changes", what? Did you completely miss the part when I suggest nerfing Victor if he's used to camp a hook?

    You're confusing punishing the killer for doing well with countering their mistakes. You should never be able to kick Victor unless he's not being controlled or he misses a pounce. Kicking Victor after he lands a pounce is the same as stunning Huntress after she lands a hatchet. It's a nonsense design choice and needs to be removed.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited December 2020

    if the twins wasn't good at camping would you call this killer good or even decent?

    the answer that most people would say is no in fact most of the time when they argue why he is strong it revolves around some form of camping, it's never not mentioned.

    if they nerfed his camping and buffed other area's i would say that is pretty fair and better for the health of this game/killer.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    1. Oh no, no no no. If anything it should reveal survivors with killer instinct, not show their aura. But I feel its fine the way it is currently, if the survivor decides not to detach victor they are basically doing nothing, free pressure for Charlotte. 45 seconds of being an M1 killer with one survivor doing nothing is better than people realize.
    2. This change sounds nice, although, I would personally other kinds of buffs
    3. Thats just broken, sorry. Maybe it should be shortened, but not removed, if you remove it you are giving Charlotte full camping power. I would suggest rather giving Charlotte full control of her camera, thats where the real hindrance resides in my opinion.
    4. That sounds great, but it does not address the issue of Charlotte standing too close to a hook.
    5. I agree with this, you should not be punished for good plays.
  • CloakedInKoalas
    CloakedInKoalas Member Posts: 15
    1. Maybe, but there should be a heavy cooldown if Victor is manually recalled. Revealing Survivor's auras would be nice, but anything longer than around 3 seconds would be op.
    2. I totally agree here. There needs to be a small buff to Charlotte if the Survivors have chosen to kidnap Victor. A 5% speed buff would be great.
    3. That would make The Twins very, very op. Gonna say no to that one.
    4. Neither Victor nor Charlotte should be able to switch if they are standing in the vicinity of a hooked survivor. However, there must be an on screen message communicating that to players.
    5. Going to mildly disagree here too. Victor's vulnerability after a pounce is one of the few ways he can be countered. In the hands of an expert, The Twins is already nearly unbeatable. This would really send them over the edge.

    Great post though! It's interesting seeing everyone's take on what should be done to balance The Twins.