We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

No, the devs don't deserve any mercy



  • LARI
    LARI Member Posts: 66

    They deserve this flack for not having a brain capacity to delay this appalling dogshit of a dlc. 146 confirmed bugs, ptb issues being ignored and we were told they will fix said issues in future patches like how ######### dumb do u have to be to think that u can get away with this #########? As a company how can they just say "yeah we know the bugs are in the game and the new killer will be underwhelming but hey we're just going to fix it later after u give is money for the chapter". The game can be literally unplayable if u come across some bugs (u can get stuck in one place as Victor and can't recall him, legions frenzy doesn't work after 1 hit or u run at walking speed etc) shits dumb as #########

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited December 2020

    The issue as I see it is that there is little to no solid reason for any studio that might be capable of making a competitor to do so. Any AAA studio would look at the graveyard of asymmetrical games that exist, and the fact that DbD has survived and possesses so many horror license, and I can't see them feeling it's worthwhile. Especially when asymmetrical games, namely Predator and Friday the 13th, with major franchises behind them crashed and burned.

    Meanwhile, after looking at Last Year, Hide or Die, and probably a couple of others, indie developers would likely have little push to jump into the genre.

    The asymmetrical genre hasn't exactly been a long-term success for anything except DbD (and maybe Evolve, before that). Hell, even BHVR's other attempt, Deathgarden, failed horrendously . . . twice.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    This is an org-wide failure, from the product managers who develop the schedules, down to whatever development practices the company uses (and I mean that in the sense of "developing employee skills"). But you shouldn't think for a second that anybody deploying this buggy code is beaming with pride at how disappointing their product is. I guarantee you that every single developer in the trenches wishes they had more time to work on their releases.

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    Look at it like this, you walk into Best Buy for example. You see a nice 70 inch TV you want to buy. The salesman says you can have the TV at full price however only half the screen works. They will fix it for you in about 6 weeks.

    Would you buy the TV? Of course not! They were wrong to release the chapter in the state its in.

    Imagine how much better the company would be received by the community if they said, "we know you are all excited about the new chapter. However we know it has too many issues to release now. We are going to push back the release to make it right for our customers." "We apologize for any inconvenience. We will keep you updated."

    That right there would show the community you care about them over money. Even if it's blowing smoke it still would paint them in a more positive light.

    Now they are in damage control. BHVR make better judgments. Its not all about money.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I agree that it would probably take a strong license, yes.

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    They're not with Starbreeze anymore. This is their most successful (if only successful) game. Before Starbreeze and after Starbreeze, their patches are buggy. Continued growth as a company but their patches are still buggy. Stop making excuses for them.

    The only thing that has improved are their killer design mechanics. QA most certainly hasn't and the fact that they don't wait until their updates meet a certain level of polish is telling of how little they think of the player base.

    And they don't have any competition after all this time somehow and you guys constantly enable them to get away with broken patch after broken patch so who can blame them for not improving?

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    they literally have to give a green light before uploading to the platforms and confirming any release date, also it's an og chapter, not licensed, bhvr had the rights to do whatever

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited December 2020

    But a strong license wouldn't even be worth it to most studios, not with the associated costs for said license and not for this gaming genre. The genre has had two real successes: Evolve and DbD. Even asymmetrical games already based on licenses, Predator: Hunting Grounds and Friday the 13th, failed to survive. And Friday the 13th was in a bad place even before they used the lawsuit as a reason.

    The issue, and likely what will keep DbD from having to deal with any "serious competition," is that the genre really hasn't shown itself to be successful outside of two games that I know of (if there are others, I admittedly do not know them). And heck, Evolve is even a memory, now.

    Did the Resident Evil one even do well? I didn't follow that one as I'm not a player of the series.

    And even right now, yes, DbD keeps its Steam numbers up, but they're also doing so with MSRP reducing sale after sale after sale. And of course, console numbers are boosted by DbD being in the respective subscription passes.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I would argue that Friday the 13th and Predator were both terminally botched because they shared a developer. I've never played Predator so I can't comment, but they dropped the ball hard with Friday the 13th. Resident Evil 3 had a one vs. many multiplayer mode attached to it, but it was very much a "you get this mode too" afterthought for the main game, and I really wouldn't consider it a point of comparison.

    Behaviour hit the jackpot with all of the licensing deals, and that is probably what has kept this game as solvent as it is. I definitely do think there's a lot of room for a developer who knows what they are doing, and can support this type of thing as an ongoing game-as-service, to make a mark here.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,702

    We don’t know that exactly. maybe the dev team said they need more time (pretty sure they did that) but they were ruled over because the bugs can be fixed with hotfixes and are not worth the hassle of postponing the release.

    releasing something especially on PS or XBox isn’t really that easy.

    They advertised the content, which won’t get changed much in the near future. But it was never said that this version was bug free. Bugs were expected by the community and they listed most of the known issues. There will be hotfixes for them. The chapter is also very much playable. I got use out of every (bugged) perk and played the Twins without major issues.

    i am not saying this release was okay in any way. They should have delayed it. But there is no need for just pure hatred and no mercy for the devs. You gotta see the whole picture. QA and bug fixing should have been better, especially on the issues that were already known before the PTB started. And after this backlash they will have to improve on it. But that’s mostly thanks to constructive criticism, not because of the insulting fraction or the ones blindly buying everything.

  • SharkPiledriver
    SharkPiledriver Member Posts: 37
    edited December 2020

    Better than not buying it would be for the people who did to ask for refunds. You can't count how many people don't buy the DLC, but you CAN count how many people DID and asked for a refund. Whether you get the refund or not is not the point either.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    If Activision-Blizzard and CDPR of all companies can delay their games this much, there's no way BHVR wouldn't be able to delay their DLC. I refuse to believe BHVR are a worse company than the 2 I mentioned.

  • druggedpug69
    druggedpug69 Member Posts: 155

    I can't wait for the next killer release. I bet every time you play them it deletes your game permanently

  • Cerebral_Harlot
    Cerebral_Harlot Member Posts: 280
    edited December 2020

    That would be an improvement. The new patch only occasionally blue screens right now and that is just temporary.

  • CloakedInKoalas
    CloakedInKoalas Member Posts: 15

    BHVR needs to realize that they are destroying their reputation. People who are only peripherally aware of DBD, and who might be potential players (i.e. customers) are hearing of these awful game-breaking bugs and are steering clear of the game. I was trying so hard to play The Twins the other night on my stream and everyone watching could only wince whenever I hit a game-breaking bug, which was no joke 2 out of every 3 games I played. Bugs destroyed Fallout 76 and damaged Bethesda's reputation forever. The same thing is beginning to happen to BHVR. This is business school 101 on how to destroy your own company. They need to issue a public apology, fix all the problems, and adjust their company internally to ensure that their quality goes way up and this never happens again.

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    I can't recommend DBD to any of my friends right now. I used to, but now? This game is really bad. Horrible bugs, and horrible on newer players. That's what makes new players or casual players leave more.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,702

    I imagine there is a difference between a full game release and release of DLC like DbD chapters. But I could be wrong of course.

    i hope after this disaster, they will figure out a better plan if a chapter turns out to be this buggy.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Yes, I don't understand why the devs would release a literal broken chapter. It is harming them more than helping them and makes BHVR as a company look like a joke. But hey, if you want to go ahead and vote them for the labor of love like they so kindly hoped for I can't stop you.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Well, Activision-Blizzard did also delay the Shadowlands expansion, as well. It's out now, of course, but was delayed by several weeks due to being a buggy mess in end-of-Beta. And that was an expansion product with preorder money also long since paid by the customers. So, BHVR has zero excuse.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,702

    They didn’t try to make any excuses, a dev said he can’t talk about the reasons why this happened and that was it..

    i just tried to see a possible explanation. We don’t know how they are bound to their releases on the different platforms. I at least know that’s the ‚devs are lazy‘ and ‚devs don’t care‘ arguments are not correct.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    I agree on the Devs part. Such a thing as a delay is not a Dev decision, it's a higher-up decision. And to be honest, the higher-ups at BHVR seem about as decent as Robert Kotich.

    This fiasco is not on the Devs, it's on the management.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I disagree entirely. The game has very unique code, which would make some bugs unexpected. The design team did a great job, but the bug-fixing team didn't discover every single bug on the twins, since they seemed fine on the ptb. Now that they're released on the live patch, they're stressing out trying to find every single bug, recreating it and finding solutions. So, the devs don't deserve to be called out as bad programmers and such, but should be helped by the community.

    But hey, that's just my opinion.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    Two issues:

    • Victor bugs were present on PTB, and are found in the forums prior to production release.
    • Simply playing a few matches with Twins is enough to see the major bugs. They also released a new map - saying that they didn't run Twins on the new map at least a few times before release is a farce. Certainly they did, certainly they saw the bugs and said "it's good enough, let's go live".
  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319


  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    Friday the 13th was shaping up well until the stupid 'license' issues popped up around Jason everywhere and killed any further development into it.