General Discussions

General Discussions

Known issues with this chapter: 2, electric boogaloo



  • Member Posts: 4

    I know about had no fun gen (haddonfield). It blocks a path directly on opposite side from the gen but if you run on left or right, and not straight away from gen, you can move without any problem. I think you meant that, or its 2 different bugs

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Here is a bug found on Twitter, at a pallet, if a dying state survivor and the killer are on the same side of the pallet and the killer breaks the pallet the same time you vault it, the pallet will break and the killer will pick up the survivor at the same time. During this grace period the survivor cannot move until the killer moves

  • Member Posts: 1,073

    This. For context, yes the rock is blocking the hook.

  • Member Posts: 1

    A bug with one of nea's skins (idk which one) makes her hair stretch through the floor

  • Member Posts: 366

    I was playing a custom game against a Claudette on ormond. I was Oni, and there was absolutely no chase music at all, even though I had bloodlust going up

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Multiple rounds as survivor if the killer downs me when I'm working on wire end of a gen it seems like they can't pick me up. Other survivors are able to heal me up off the ground. If I move away from the gen the killer can pick me up. Doesn't seem to be an issue on lever sides. Not sure what it's like from the killers pov.

  • Member Posts: 320

    Here’s some bugs with Yui cosmetics that have existed well before 4.4 since we’re at it.

    -Yui’s Sakura 7, Pink Striped Jacket, and Road Rash Jacket (Defaults and Prestige Torso) clip into Yui’s character model when performing most actions

    -Yui’s Patched Up (Hallowed Blight legs) does not connect properly to other skins, leaves a gap of empty air between legs and torso when running or interacting with objects

    Honestly the fact that a character’s default cosmetic is bugged should be an embarrassment to Behaviour but it’s not even a surprise for us anymore.

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