Chubby/Fat Survivor

I was just looking at the survivors and noticed there is no male chubby/fat Survivor, this is discrimination!
I know chubby and running does not fit but we are talking Killers/Entity etc. it's all fantasy anyway
Ash, Jeff, and Jane are all overweight. But the reason why you don't see any survivors who weigh more than them is because all survivors have the same hitbox. So anyone with more girth would cause issues as their model would extend beyond the default survivor hitbox. You'd have hits that don't actualy count as hits, as while the weapon hitbox contacted the model, it techincally missed the survivor's hitbox.
Another issue is that all male and female survivors share the same animations of their respective genders in-game. A fat or obese survivor would probably have to have slightly changed animations for it to look okay. Which is extra work.
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Jeff is probably the closest thing
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Why do you need a fat survivor in game? Why? Whats the point? ######### does it matter?
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If it doesn't matter one way or another, then there's no reason not to do it.
Jeff is overweight.
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Body diversity, they kinda all look the same
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Pretty much this.
we got Jeff and Jane and I would definitely like more survs with different proportions like those 2.
but they are restricted by their models/hitboxes. That’s also why we won’t see certain disabilities in survivors like people in a wheelchair.
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I would love to see a "bit" more overweight, I am talking clown!
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Jane's a big girl. And when she came out, she was glitchy, her body would sometimes bloat out like mad so that she sort of took up the entire screen while also being kind of invisible, it was weird. Anyway, I imagine that happened because her body type was so different from the other survivors', meaning it's not easy for the devs to program that stuff.
Like I said, Jane's a big girl. (It actually makes it a lot more difficult for her to hide.) Jeff isn't small, either. And Ash would have a big ol' gut but he wears a girdle.
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Clown is angry.
he would like you to apologize.
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OP was talking about survivors 👀
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Ash doesn't really look like he's overweight at all
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OK, I... was talking about another clown!
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jane and jeff are heavyset clown is thicc as well, you are just oblivious so you can complain about something
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Ash wears a girdle. I think you can actually hear it creak in-game, iirc.
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Oh, so Clown isn't good enough?
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This is a serious matter!
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But you can't play him as survivor 😢
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BHVR I hope you're taking notes
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Yes but you failed to notice that we already have an overweight survivor in fact we have 3 but as many have said one wears a girdle that one being ash the later being Jeff and Jane. We also have the new survivor Élodie who has a bit of a tummy it’s nothing major but it’s there.
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we don't have a REAL Chubby/Big/Fat/Overweight Survivor, they are more or les a bit overweight, unlike the clown who has a huge belly
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There aren't any because survivors spend an eternity running around.
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What about this man is overweight?
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View him for the side. You don’t have to be obese to be overweight.
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He's got a beer gut so his core is obviously out of shape, but I mean cmon now, he's a middle aged biker dude with a strong ass upper body. Dad bod sure, but I don't think the OP is looking for Dad bods else he'd be content with David.
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I'd like to laugh at a fat man that looks like Danny Devito running from the killer.
I'd play way more survivor just to laugh at the wheezing sounds when he runs or fat jiggle physics like on clowns belly lmao.
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That's what I am talking about 😍
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I would love to see a chubby survivor fast Vault, would be lit
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or just look at this guy from Friday the 13th
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I don't want to sound mean, but having ''fat'' representation isn't healthy, as people being fat isn't good at all.
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Yes of course thats true, but that's how people are and currently there is no representation of that in the game...
+the fat guy is a pretty common Horror Movie trope
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Them cakes better have physics.
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no its not
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Well, Jane very thicc, Jeff is a chubster, and Clown a fat boi, so I dunno wut you talking about
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It doesn't make sense for someone who's heavily overweight to run at the same speed and have the same hitboxes as survivors like meg and Kate etc.
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Is there overweight community that proud to be chubby? And they want their representation in game?
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The Clown does!
apart from that, when I look at Dwight and some other survivors, I am not sure how they run THAT much 😏
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Yeah, and it doesn't make sense. They can add overweight characters and make them as fast as meg, but it doesn't make sense.
Clown shouldn't be as fast as plague, Wraith, pig etc, but he is. Doesn't mean it makes sense.
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Clown used to be athletic in school if i'm not mistaken. And he also tall which make him walk faster than any survivor. And on top of that he is entity's servant which means he probably given some inner power to be equalised to the rest of killers.
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David doesn’t have a dad bod he’s incredibly well built, Jeff isn’t a biker ether nor does it say he’s middle age the fact of the matter is he’s overweight as he’s not muscular nor is he thin. He’s just not super fat or has a big belly, Jane is thicc so we can’t argue there and Ash wears a girdle. We have overweight survivors what op wants is more in line of the clown’s body shape all be it a lot more realistic then clown. I’m all for getting more chubby survivors (like Carl!) as we’re all built differently.
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They should add Carl.
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Jeff seems to have a bit of a dad gut to me.
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... I might actually play survivor if we can get a fat man added, it'd be fun(ny) to see what perks they give him.
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Yes, I feel this is missing from dbd
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Could we get a small chubby male survivor with a long beard then? As a fantasy fan I always wanted to play a dwarf in dbd.