What is your head canon (your own story) for a survivor/killer?

PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

I'd really be interested in your head canons 😁



  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    The way you personify Claudette makes her very similar to the way I personify Quentin.

    I think my Quentin would be along the ones that would get along with your Claudette 😂

  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    I personally think of her as ADHD, but you know, Autism and ADHD are linked together and happen a lot to be both at once

  • MerGirl2003
    MerGirl2003 Member Posts: 110

    She could very well be ADHD. I just prefer the Aspergers headcanon as I was diagnosed with Aspergers when I was four and it's nice to be represented, especially with a more empathetic character like Claudette, as opposed to a more self-centered one like Sheldon Cooper for example.

    Also I love your headcanon, I can perfectly picture them having sparing sessions between trails!

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Feng Min isn't exactly a lone wolf it's just that she knows very little to no English so communicating in any way shape or form with the survivors is impossible for her.

    Due to this she genuinely is very wary of helping any of them. This could be a potential reason as to why she didn't even bother to help that random girl and continued running in Benedict's journal

  • PfoxandtheHound
    PfoxandtheHound Member Posts: 49

    I like to think that after trapping and killing the miners with the cave in Evan found he had progressed from trapping mice to humans...but there was only one thing even more intimidating and respected he could trap and kill to progress. His father. The monster incarnate that he lived in fear, hate and awe of.

  • Keezo
    Keezo Member Posts: 454

    Frank is a weeb. Joey is a brony. Julie eats nothing but ASSparagus. Susie just wants to be your friend, stop pallet stunning her!

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Ace hides evil behind his smile and charisma.

  • Tingly4Trapper
    Tingly4Trapper Member Posts: 53

    Trapper is pansexual and aromantic. Years of abuse and betrayal have led him to abandon the ideas of romance and commitment. He's DTF anyone and everyone, but cringes at the idea of a relationship. Based on some of his cosmetics, I can't see Trapper being 100% straight tbh lol.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Yui is a ninja, who deceived her "gang" to get to her real target. Then the entity stepped in, and got Legion on accident.

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715
    edited February 2020
    Post edited by WRussoW on
  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Despite nobody except Ash talking in the game, Claudette is the only non-social survivor, setting up a perfect friendship with Bubba.

    Nea is always present in every trial. Sometimes, she just a crow.

    Jane tends to fall over a whole lot, so she wears pillows on her bum.

    Amanda admires the Unamed Thompson and secretly loves his gadgets. She'd rather saw pig's heads off than hang them by the ankles from a tree.

    Demogorgon has a secret 7th portal he placed in every trial so he could teleport and visit every killer.

    The Oni is waiting to teach Run to use Hamon properly.

    Herman despises Phillip for stealing his love interest, Sally, despite Sally not liking Herman and Phillip being friendly towards him.

    Trapper was supposed to be a survivor, but he messed up to many skillchecks.

    Huntress often takes care of Amanda, helping her overcome previous addictions from her past.

    Dwight and David are gay together, but Dwight might "Dead Hard" away because he isn't ready for something serious.

    Jake and Nea are best friends. Probably because he knows her secret.

    Jeff is always playing songs with the Legion, though he doesn't know that they killed his father, a janitor.

    Trapper is lonely and Demo's visit is the highlight of his day.

    Nea is secretly a trainee for the Entity, ready to take over in the years to come after the Last Blight.

    Meg can't run the 100 meter faster than Billy, but can faster than Oni. Although after that race you can hear a lot of "Aura..." Backstage.

    Jed liked taking pictures with people, but could never understood why they ran away, so he went violent.

    Dwight enjoys his stay in this realm of the Entity. He feels less if a loser here.

    Ri and Yui get along well. Yui has a shorter temper than Rin though and will often consult Doctor for her anger issues at "Shocks Anonymous." There are to patients besides Yui.

    Ace, Ash, Bill, Adam, David, and Adiris meet up every trial for a poker match. Adiris gets sick usually and then the night is over...

    Feng listens to everyone's stories of their love's and documents what their realities might be like.

    The killers work with Vigo and Benedict to keep them hidden throughout the trials.

    Freddy, Michael, Amanda, and Bubba all meet up every night as they talk about the ones they used to kill, while Demogorgon sleeps at their feet.

    Tapp learned to crawl faster and recover because Boone would help him of the ground.

    Tapp and Michael both are best friends, looking for something they will never reach...

    Clown gained weight from Bubba's BBQ and Chili. Lisa, Bubba and him are the only ones though.

    There's a Battle of the Bands every once in a while where most everyone shows up, except Adiris, who claims she is too sick to participate.

    The bands consist of

    The Legion 5

    Susie, Joe, Frank, Jeff, and Julie

    Well Dressed-Hags

    Lisa, Sally, Herman, and Phillip.

    A Boy and his Interdimentional Piranha Plant

    Trapper, George the Demogorgon


    Laurie, Nea, Claudette, Jake


    David, Dwight, Ace, Adam, Bill

    Sprinting Forward

    Meg, Yui, Rin, Billy, and Oni


    Steve, Nancy, Quentin, Ash, Feng

    Solo Tenacity



    Mike, Clown

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    You just have a good mindset. The way you describe your own head canon is interesting and I'd like to see more of it

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I like to imagine between trials (or maybe even during) survivors and killers are trying to find a way to escape permanently or hinder the entity. You kind of see it with like, Vigo and the lore notes left by people we haven't had in the game yet etc, but I mean survivors and killers actively yet subtly protesting.

    Oops I let that survivor get the hatch. Oops they escaped. Oh no how awful.

    Then you just have Myers that doesn't care and just tombstones people.

  • yutycorn
    yutycorn Member Posts: 246

    Some of my stories are just better left unheard of >.>

  • ohgod
    ohgod Member Posts: 23

    The killers, the survivors and the entity fear the return of Johny

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    Trapper helped Vigo truly escape the trials and the Entity once upon a time.

    It was daring and bold; an escape effort only possible due to both Vigo and Evan's intelligence and determination to beat the Entity. Evan knew he'd be left behind, but was willing to help to spite the Entity.

    Rather than simply killing Evan or disposing of him in the Void, she twisted his body and shattered his mind; flaying and ripping to pieces Evan MacMillan before putting him back together again so she could do it all over again.

    A lesser person would have died; become a useless lump of flesh.

    But Evan's will was as strong as the metal now twisting through his body. His mind and his identity were gone; ripped into mush by centuries of unrelenting agony, but a bit of him remained: the cruel cunning and vicious instinct of animal.

    The only part of him the Entity needed.

    He serves like a dog, not a man; yearning only for the temporary relief of his still constant suffering when he serves his master well.

    When a new Killer is brought into the Realm; the Entity uses the Trapper to introduce them. A grotesque living puppet of meat and metal: a symbol of both the Entity's obscene glory and her boundless malevolence.

    To any confused or rebellious newcomer the voice of Evan MacMillan rasps out the Entity's only warning, "Hunt. Hurt. Hook. Serve or suffer."

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Feng Min is lesbian this is one of the main reasons have family considered her the Black Sheep. ( Even though her gaming career contributed to that too)

    Due to her family hating her for her sexuality she felt an overwhelming need to prove to them that she can excel this is why despite them hating and her only really seen them on the holidays.

    The idea of her failure in gaming dwindling what little respect she built up about her career choice in their mind go into overdrive practically ruining her life.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Kate Made the survivor theme, and Legion comes up with other Killer themes in their free time.

  • MerGirl2003
    MerGirl2003 Member Posts: 110

    I know I already posted in this thread, but I’ve come up with some other random head canons in my spare time.

    • Upon her arrival in the fog, Yui knew very little English, and was barely able to communicate with her fellow survivors. Adam often has to translate for her, but teaches her some basic English phrases between trials, enough for the most necessary communication.
    • Yui is a lesbian and only came out after her father had kicked her out, as she feared he would react negatively. She has harbored several secret crushes on female classmates in school.
    • Loretta Lawrence(Jane’s “mother”), was actually Jane’s father’s second wife. Jane is actually the child of him and his first wife. They divorced during the pregnancy and he remarried very soon after. After he and Loretta divorced he didn’t like bringing either marriage up, never telling Jane much about either, leading to her confusion. (Thanks to VolantConch1719 for the idea for this one)
  • SeeYoureWrong
    SeeYoureWrong Member Posts: 88

    I think Wraith, by his idle animation, killed Azarov, and after coming to his senses, realised he liked doing what he did, but is timid in his natural state. Like for the cosmetics where he is made from trees, he likes nature and doesn't like people. The bell makes me think he found it in the woods from old long gone tribe. i hope the next tome is about the good old fashioned bing bong boy

  • TheFreak1012
    TheFreak1012 Member Posts: 8

    I like to think that the very moment Rin reached out and found the entity she was remade right before her father by the entity into The Spirit. Her father tried to stab her again but his blade went straight through her doing nothing. What followed was a chase completely reverse the one that had just happened. Rin's father begging for her forgiveness as she chases him screaming. Eventually she cuts him down and starts swinging wildly. She ends up doing something like her mori but for much longer and more intense. Once she screams at him after she is satisfied the entity calls out to her and she enters the entity's realm. The entity didn't give her time to process the event before throwing her into a trial. She didn't kill a single one. She was distracted, thinking about her father. So the entity decided to start whispering lies to her. Things like "David once pulled the limbs off a man and never got arrested for it." The entity went one by one spreading lies about the survivors until Rin was convicted that she was called to purge this world of people like her father, she wasn't going to let them hurt anyone. After that she willingly served the mysterious voice. She was a bit put off by their screams and pleas at first but the entity assured her that justice was a terrifying thing to those who deserve it's sting the most. She took every chance she got to kill one of the survivors similarly to how she killed her father.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471
    edited March 2020

    Deathslinger is a huge animal lover. The vulture on the lobby screen is his little buddy. He's named him Nibbles and he comes when called to perch on his shoulder. He picks scraps of meat off of corpses to feed to him after trials. If he's on Campbell's Chapel, he might let the last survivor have the hatch just so he could cuddle with Maurice, against Kenneth's better judgement. Caleb also hangs out at Gas Heaven with the others. Susie looks up to him a ton, and she loves his stories of the outlaws he used to hunt. Piggyback rides are almost mandatory after he comes back from a trial. He used to let her play with The Redeemer until she accidentally shot Danny in the leg. Both of them got a strict talking to from Phillip and Kazan after that little stunt.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    Caleb Quinn is a genuinely sympathetic man that has a very high sense of honor. When the mist is removed from his eyes, the only killers that he'll associate with are Evan, Philip, Rin because he knows that they themselves are victims of the Entity just like himself. He detests the "outlaws" in the realm and harasses them often, refusing to let the bounty hunter part of him die. When it comes to survivors, he gets along with everyone because he knows that they are innocent.

    Put the mist back on, however...

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    The survivors wear each others clothes because they get bored of the same outfits

    KATARI Member Posts: 4

    Susie (Legion)

    Susie was your typical sophomore. normal you could say. She didn't want to kill the janitor, as soon as Frank started yelling at her to kill him, she bolted. Slightly tearing up due to what she has seen. Frank would not be happy, knowing that she might tell. He wanted her dead. Julie and Joey we're completely against it. But after some manipulating and saying of how she's a witness now, they agreed. Susie was not safe, and she knew that. She may have done illegal things with them. But murder is where she drew the line. Susie began to feel an anger towards him, for everything he did to her. Treating her like the lesser child

    A being they called the entity called to her. Offering her safety from the group. But, there was a price. People would be killed... By her... She was very hesitant. But the entity explained everything. And she agreed. The Legion never found her. She was long gone, in another realm. Doing the entities bidding

  • Arial
    Arial Member Posts: 134

    David probably would have been a nurse/doctor in an alternate timeline

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    I like the idea that not all of the killers or survivors made it to the trials.

    Herman Carter is the individual responsible. He plucks some of the killers or even survivors from the campfire, liberally experimenting on them elsewhere in the realm of the entity. Will they ever escape?

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    *gestures vaguely at the ongoing deathslinger fanfic she's writing*

    Are you asking for specifics ?

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    Some of the survivors are depicted as shy, solitary or lone wolves, but i like to believe all of them would bond really well over time and would become like a big family. Here are mines:

    Dwight- was a coward when he first arrived causing a lot of people to hate him, but as the time passes he kinda overcome this (he is still scared, but he tends to sacrifice himself a lot and the others started to respect him a lot)

    Claudette- was really shy at the beginning but started to open herself more, she and Jane usually are the one to go when you're looking for advice (she also gets along really well with Quentin)

    Meg- most energetic one, she's always trying to lift the other's spirits taliking about home. Shes usually either talking about memes or jogging with yui.

    Jake- pretty quiet and not really talkative but still managed warm up to the others, he is usually at the border of the campfire (gets along well with Claudette and Laurie)

    Im going to stop now because this is getting too long :3

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    I like to think that ace and feng are bestfriends in the realm like feng is a lone wolf and doesn't help others BUT ace this idea started when the lunar event started because they showed us ace and feng hiding from huntress idk they seem like bestfriends to me

    And i like to think minotaur is an actual killer same with krampus and lisa alessa and cybil are actual survivors

  • sotd_coauthor
    sotd_coauthor Member Posts: 45

    I like to think that Frank, Susie, Joey and Julie don’t swap their masks, and only use the ones that are specific to them, so like Julie would never use Susie Wiry Smile or Joey would never use Franks Day of the Dead one.

    Also I think every member of the Legion had killed someone before the janitor, and they were all gathering the entity’s attention before they killed the janitor because that is when they became “the Legion”. To me it kinda explains why they were all taken at the same time and why they are always together between trials