Ebony and Ivory Memento Moris now require the targeted survivor to have been hooked twice

As per patch notes:
- Ebony and Ivory Memento Moris now require the targeted survivor to have been hooked twice
No mention of keys... funny that.
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This came from nowhere.
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let's go
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Alright, they're worthless offerings now. GG.
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Is this live or?
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they just shifted from ridiculously OP to absolutely useless.
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Key nerf next pls. :)
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Its next patch which will hit live servers today: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/kb/articles/271-4-4-1-bugfix-patch
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I never run moris so I don’t care on a personal level. But thank god they did this out of the blue without announcing it first.
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Cool cool, I'll prepare for the face camp. thank you
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Its good that this Change comes out of nowhere. Otherwise the next days would be mori-spamming nightmares.
Regarding Keys - they will get changed as well. Someone will come up with it, but Devs said in one Livestream that Keys and Moris might not be changed during the same Patch.
Arent you someone who was defending Moris for the Animation? Thats what you still get - an animation. So nothing to complain about from your side.
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Why was this released before a key change?
Also, great, now the offering is weak
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LOL, i used them like that anyway XD
Now they basically let you be PH with any killer sure it's a nerf but it lets you get past a survivor holding onto DS which makes it easier to kill a survivor.
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And nobody's going to use moris now because they're useless, so I won't get to see them. The issues are not unrelated.
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So now they’re completely useless and a waste of BP. Might as well just remove them from bloodweb and make it baseline.
Also no key nerf? Smells like bias towards a certain side, especially when they didn’t announce this.
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Exactly. I'm extremely disappointed about keys not being touched though. I can't defend the devs for that.
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I thought if Moris were going to changed they were going to put through the ptb first. Now at least I can feel less bad when I use a mori for a mori daily.
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As much as I appreciate that, there’s no point in the Ebony mori being an ultra rare offering anymore lol
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I'm glad they were nerfed, but I think they were nerfed a little too much. I still feel the better solution is to require everyone be hooked once before using them.
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I'm a survivor main, so how have I been using moris?
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I don't wanna be THAT GUY..but we have waited a long time expecting some interesting mori change and key as well..only for the most unimaginative option to be your final choice while keys remain untouched while offerings to control the hatch spawn are now in the game as well..this is frankely very disappointing and I know you've heard this a lot, but recently events haven't helped in avoiding disappointment..I say this as a player who's tried to give every doubt i can while being constructive but this is just outrageous
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I cannot wait for shitshow these forums will become in a couple of minutes with everyone claiming survivor sided devs.
Come, enjoy some popcorn with me
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It should be even more nerfed. I would say twice hook requirment + every survivor was hooked at least once.
Time to destroy these trash keys.
Thanks BHVR, but it's not enough.
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I expected this. But I also expected it to come with a huge bloodpoint bonus for successfully using one. Hopefully they just forgot to mention it in the notes.
There needs to be a point to bringing Moris or they will simply never be seen again.
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They’ll change them, it’s just a matter of time. It seems like they prefer to make big balance changes one at a time to see what effect they have on the state of the game. Changing both at once would probably make it difficult to analyse what impact the changes have on escape/kill rates, if any.
I might actually use moris occasionally now. I can do the various challenges, trophies and dailies without having people Alt+F4 on me. 😁
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I would grab the popcorn but I already did it lol
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Glad this was done without announcement. And to the users above, keys and moris are not the same thing. I’m glad the moris got changed. This isn’t tit for tat.
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I thought same thing when I saw that on the patch notes. 😂
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Yessss it's about time
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The more reasonable change would have been requiring all survivors to be hooked once before they could be used.
Requiring 2 hooks means they are now just useless offerings filling up the blood web.
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They should remove moris and keys...
Or at least : we shouldn't be able to put these offerings and keys until they find a real change..
These offerings were use most of the time by very selfish players. I'm sorry for them. Or not. (like key players.)
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Don't pay BHVR money and they will nerf the keys.
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Stop crying, so many people are talking about that.
People in this forum can't talk on the same discussion about the same subject ?
If keys were changed before moris : survivors are crying
If moris are change before keys (in this patch) : killers are crying
Why are you all crying ?
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Moris are stronger than keys so I’m glad they went first.
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that’s a good thing lol. moris were a guaranteed win for the killer lmao
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Keys while annoying are not nearly as game changing as moris were.
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my survivor queues were already back up to 7-10 minutes, now they're gonna be thirty minutes and moris are a literal waste of bloodpoints LUL. good job guys. If I have to wait 20+ minutes again like that whole first week after crossplay came just to get a match as survivor and find I'm facing mostly rank 3 to rank 1 killers afterwards I'm uninstalling permanently lmfao. Only the sweatiest are gonna wanna play killers after troll with friends bumped up in popularity after the crossplay addition and the matchmaking update goofs.
This game isn't gonna die since too many already play it, but brace yourselves for queue times approaching if not passing 20 minutes as survivors for at least a couple of months. Thank god I've preloaded Cyberpunk, roflmfao. These devs man. It's as if they honestly don't play their own game at all.
Never forget the time that smug guy went to korea and said killers are fine, to be promptly embarassed on livestream playing the hag lmfao. That's the kind of decision making that goes into these updates sometimes, people who actually don't know how to play their own game deciding what's 'best for us'. I have enough clueless politicians already deciding 'what's best for me' and don't need the stress of playing killer in this game any more nor waiting 20+ minutes in queue as survivor just to find only the sweatiest players are willing to play killers any longer after that long of a queue on top of stress outside the game.
To quote Clueless, "Di... I'm audi." It's really too bad that license BS killed Friday the 13th, since that game could have obliterated dead by daylight in a better world. And it even has the bots that DBD is gonna need next week to shorten survivor queue times a little bit.
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Rejoice for the day has finally come, now we just need those key changes and the game will have it's two worst explosive unfun options gone.
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Get the first hook mori's in now boys; before it's too late
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Yeah but now Mori's are so SO much weaker than keys, hence why people tended to use Mori's more in lobbies with 2 keys or more
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Ok, now time for the keys and I will be a little bit happy.
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"survivors are OP". No boring killers with ebony mori now.
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I only mori for the daily/challenge and when I do it's usually on death hook. Though ebony moris are now really expensive filler.
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Guess it’s time to change the Mori trophy descriptions from kill 1/all 4/15 Survivors to:
- Waste some Bloodpoints or get lucky
- Waste at least 7,000 Bloodpoints or get insanely lucky
- Waste a lot of Bloodpoints or have the luck gods favor you. Wow, you must really like that animation to waste all those points on them!
I was on the verge of buying the new chapter because of all the bug fixes. Guess I’ll go another few days without the Twins.
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Well.. I am happy I got the achievement out of my way before this change.
this change is definitely healthier for the game than it was before. But it’s kinda.. underwhelming..
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Cool... Now my best option for dealing with SWF is to take the dc penalty...
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Keys will get changed as well. During the Q&A where the Devs answered this question, they also said that the Changes might not come in the same Patch.
But I doubt that it will take long for them to nerf Keys.
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On a totally unrelated note, there seems to be a lobby error, that causes survivor queues to skyrocket.
More news at 6.
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That's the Spirit!
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