Ebony and Ivory Memento Moris now require the targeted survivor to have been hooked twice



  • Ttwylerr
    Ttwylerr Member Posts: 106

    Because too damn bad they don't need to now quit crying.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    The take would have been fine without it; the problem was review bombing because it wasn’t in the game as protest; and the devs got scared and rushed it into the game without worrying about balance or how it would affect a game not designed for it.

  • Jane_Stain
    Jane_Stain Member Posts: 1

    Honestly, the new mori is what you get by sacrificing a survivor on a hook 3 times. I'm not for moris, but they are essentially the same result in base gameplay. Maybe they should be removed all together.

  • Ttwylerr
    Ttwylerr Member Posts: 106

    No hes not the complaining in this thread is absolutely childish.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Just remove moris and add them on the base kit. After the second phase on hook killers should be able to mori survivors.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    just make mori basekit now because they are useless you got to wait till 2nd hook and you get less points I also only bring mori normally for daily so mostly pointless this bring one now.

  • murnk
    murnk Member Posts: 6

    Are you trying to say that being able to practically determine which map you play on ISNT drastically changing the game? Tell that to killers dealing with Haddonfield offerings.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    -shudder in horror- haddonfield...that cursed a place

  • murnk
    murnk Member Posts: 6

    Countering a single perk that a survivor might be using (also assuming that if they do have it, they didn’t use it after their first hook) doesn’t justify 7000 blood points IMO

  • LeleLP
    LeleLP Member Posts: 153
  • LeleLP
    LeleLP Member Posts: 153

    The only people crying are mainly killer mains who believe keys should have been nerfed at the same time. Despite the fact that it has been announced that changing keys will require more time to do than Moris. People don't want to accept that so they're crying that this happened first. Just saying if you're this upset that Moris are changed then you probably relied on them a little too much instead of skill.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    If BHVR had actually thought this through they would have reduced the BP costs of the affected Mori's in the Bloodweb. In particular the Ebony Mori is less useful and therefore shouldn't cost 7000BP - the grind is hard enough as it is.

    To be honest, if they'd done that I'd have no complaints aside from the fact that there are a multitude of bugs (both long-term and many game-breaking ones introduced in the latest DLC) and they chose to spend time and effort on this?

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    Why is being upset with game changes, that negatively effect one side of the spectrum while leaving an advantage for the other side of the spectrum, considered childish? It's called being upset because its balanced one direction, and not equally across both playing field.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    The reasons why SWF is so often brought up is because it is an imbalance in the spectrum, and the reason why people complain about is because it's a loss that's OUTSIDE your control, you can't control the use of comms, you can't control 4 man small pp builds, you can't control 4 man OoO builds, and all of those things have such a heavy advantage on you as a player that sometimes no matter how hard you try, 4 ds's, 4 OoO's and 4 DeadHards, are just something so far out of your control that you can't stop that it loses competitiveness.

    You bring up competitiveness like its just about winning, no competition derives from a handfull things, and one of those things is a balanced and equal experience where one side doesn't have an advantage over the other. Mori's were a great counter to the 4 man OoO, or the 4 man toxic DS squad with BT, same way that keys were a great counter to having a Mori, or wraith camping the hatch before closing it in your face. Competition derives from balance, and competitive people get very upset when someone starts tilting the scales away from that balance.

    I am a killer main, i have over 2k hours, maybe 300 of those I spent as solo surv, 350 maybe in my usual swf dbd crew. The rest, was purely killer, I strive to be the best killer I can be, i play every killer, I'm trying to really hone my skills with the nurse after neglecting her for so long. And I can confidently say I have the skills to take on most matches and at least get a 3 unless there is a hatch leave.

    But when I get put up against an OoO team with 2 keys and 2 flashlights, and one key doesn't have a ring on it so if they die it stays and I'm struggling to keep up with an entire team watching me the entire game, pressure gens when they know I'm coming from 72 meters away and no matter how hard I try, or what new tricks I come up with to try and elude their watching eyes, there's not much I can do but accept defeat. And that, is where competition, and competitiveness no longer exists because its not an even playing field, because its not a fair fight, and that all happens because a 4 man can coordinate add-ons items and perks before a match even starts to ruin the experience of the killer, because it's "hilarious".

    And if I play a mori because it's obvious af its a 4 man swf bully squad, and they had intentions to do that to me than they deserved it, but now we can't even do that, now we really have to accept defeat while the other side of the spectrum is allowed to run free and continue bullying.

  • bigfootismydad
    bigfootismydad Member Posts: 86

    I am just north on the killer side of main (roughly 60/40%) and I think moris definitely needed to be changed. I just think this particular change was not well thought out at all. With the changes there is no benefit to using them now. I'm hoping this is a first pass by the devs and that they will continue reworking.

    Something that brings back the element of horror. Really that means making a condition beyond just hooks. It should be something along the lines of being after the first hook AND even then only after the hatch spawns. That way killers can't just tunnel someone out of the game early on. But yet the moris could still be useful to the killer in late game.

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475
    edited December 2020


    Keys at least requires doing objetives and now seems mori too.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,075

    I honestly dont care. Many stuff from the Survivor Bloodweb is not worth their price anymore. Every Iridescent Add On or Item (except for the Skeleton Key) is not worth 7k BPs either.

    I guess Killers will survive if they still have to pay 7k BPs for an Ebony Mori.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Moris still required an objective. And this change just makes them mechanically useless, unlike keys which still have a use.

  • MichaelAMyers
    MichaelAMyers Member Posts: 292

    Big facts Vetra :( Now we gotta work extra hard for a second hook+save.....

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113
    edited December 2020

    See that's the part you're missing, part of the fun is the competition in a game, madden, and sports game yes their fun but they play for the competitiveness, which is a massive part of the game for a lot of people. Competitiveness, sportsmanship, all make a part of what is considered fun in a game.

    And having fun, for me is a balanced and well treated game, not dealing with teams who try and specifically abuse control perks, that makes anyone else other than wraith and ghost face useless due to stealth mechanics.

    Like play as trapper and go against a team of OoO, your power is useless and you're just setting traps at loops where you're being looped than they just run to another, and your chases are already down to nothing but useless.

    Then go against an OoO team as deathslinger, they're running away before you even get there to take abuse of you're 110% movement speed.

    It's not fun to be constantly abused by SWF, and builds that are so broken that you might as well accept your defeat and chill in a corner cause no matter how hard you try, you aren't going to do that good, and get anything above a 1k.

    I'll say it again, running around and not being able to do anything without the team knowing your every move and running from your every move isn't fun, and having to run an extra 15 seconds just to start a chase against the 3 guys on a gen who started running the same direction because they all see you coming.

    And in terns of being your "that happens often" a pink mori can only happen as long as they have a mori, so only a few times, where ######### perks combos can happen infinitely and are only made worse by add-ons and items

  • Not that ultra rare. I have 10 on one killer and 22 on another......

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    Unlike Mori, they already had a big condition. Like most issues, it's really only a problem when its SWF. So maybe nerf them in SWF. The only time i ever got screwed by a key was when I shut the hatch and as soon as I shut the hatch the survivor literally reopened it and left. I laughed at it too because it never happened. Aside from that, Keys already have a counter. Franklins, Mori, they need to have people DIE to use it and have to have gens done on top of that. Keys are not nearly as much a problem as mori. I do however, believe that if they're going to nerf them, speed up the animation or award extra blood points for getting a mori. It's now literally only a flashy way to finish someone.

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    its less about how often you find them and more about the level of rarity they posess (which, in the case of the Ebony Mori is Ultra Rare).

    Ultra Rare things, on both sides, are ment to be the strongest things available for the character(s). they are ment to be gamechanging - which, with the two hook requirement, is barely the case for moris anymore (unless the killer hardtunnels off of 2nd hook of course, as hooking a survivor is usually faster than killing them with a mori - which means that the new Moris still support the "tunnel one target to death" playstyle. but not only that, its now also the only way of actually getting value from them)

  • druggedpug69
    druggedpug69 Member Posts: 155

    I'm so glad I spent all those bloodpoints on ebony moris. I'm so glad they're worthless now. I didn't even want to use the things I spent thousands upon thousands of bloodpoints on. That be crazy if I did. 😐

  • I agree with you what i dont agree with and devs knows this already and so do mods cause i have called them out in multiple places on this is making changes to the game (major not minor) to items or content after purchase such as the Ebony mori's. Im still on my first cup of coffee so this may be a little disjointed

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    You guys do realize that the patch notes are misleading right? Me and my friends tested this. You just have to be dead on hook to be moriable. So if you're a split second too late and your teammate reaches second state, they can be mori'd.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    The change is coming and needed scuzzy. The moris are maybe nerfed a bit too much, I would have preferred a "total hook count of 6+" condition. but as long as keys are changed so a 3 man can't escape till after they do all gens and there's an unlocking animation, then I'm okay with the current mori status quo