Nerfing moris is the worst thing bhvr could've ever done.

Lemme explain if you can only mori on second hook moris become uselsss especially on pyramid head where he his special mori for second hook state. If you die on third hook state what the ######### is the point of moris. Bhvr litterally buffed flashlights and nerfed moris and didn't do a thing to the keys god damn this game is way too much survivor sided. ALSO WHY IS BHVR LISTENING TO THE ENTITLED SURIVVIORS THEY ARE JUST TORTURING US POOR KILLER MAINS.
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I'm getting heavy Yerv vibes from this post.
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Mori's have been an offering that's been complained about for a long time (as are keys), and we declared some time back that we would be making adjustments to both of these items. We didn't say it would be the same time, in fact the key rework is going to take some time longer as the mori was a much quicker fix to implement as it was just a change of conditions whilst keys might need an animation rework, addon pass etc
Also, it's fair to say that mori's are stronger than keys - a mori can end a match much quicker than a key can as there's more conditions to being able to use a key, gens have to be completed or the killer has to have killed the other survivors etc, there's infinitely more gameplay around keys than there is mori's - perks also can affect keys, whereas there's no counterplay to a mori at all.
81 -
Killer main. I approve of Moris getting changed (even if it is not quite how I would have done it).
39 -
I hate moris as a killer. Don't use them. only for rift challenges and even then only on death hook. They're cheap and universally used as an excuse to tunnel one player out early for an easy game.
Best balance change in a while.
26 -
One: Could have waited for both to be ready.
Two:Moris are now useless and serve no function in improving the killers power.
Three: There have already suggestions about making moris based on the total number of hooks to activate.
20 -
I disagree. Moris were a problem for a long time, and they shouldn't be used to steamroll a game for free.
19 -
*Best thing BHVR could have ever done.
They were essentially free wins that carried a LOT of killer that used them.
It may be weaker but it's still decent to avoid DS after their second hook,flashlight/pallet saves and situation where you can find another hook near you.
30 -
Killer main. I’m happy with the mori change and I sacrifice survivors with keys all the time. What are you scared of? 😱 😱 😂
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The problem over all is, they where nerfed to uselessness, and the fact keys didn't get a similar treatment.
3 -
Keys WILL get a similar treatment. Besides, mori's shouldn't be powerful. Offerings shouldn't have a huge effect on a match. Perks, items, and addons? Yes. Offerings? Not really. Mori's were too strong and them being useless is fine. As for keys, they are less of a problem, but still a problem nonetheless
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I disagree. Voice chat in swf has been a problem for a long time, and it shouldn't be used to steamroll a game for free.
Wow, that's a great template there.
15 -
I play 50/50. A majority of killers would use moris to just tunnel people off first hook and remove them from the game, making it hopeless for survivors unless the killer really sucked at the game. This was incredibly unhealthy for the game and felt awful to be on the receiving end of or watch it happen to your teammates with nothing you could do about it.
Moris still aren't bad. It saves you from having to pick the person up on their last hook, risking a save, and having to spend the time walking to a hook and hooking them while completely ignoring DS.
While I still would like to see moris require everybody hooked once, this is one of the best changes BHVR has made to the game, period.
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Mori after 1st hook just promoted tunneling to get 1 person out of the game asap and snowball from there.
Keys need a change but have way more conditions to be met. The survivors still need to play well to get full value from them.
It's not the same thing. I play both killer & survivor. Red mori has always just been an easymode win button whereas I've died a ton while having a key.
They're both problematic but not even comparable.
2 -
If I find keys in a lobby, I put on Franklins. There's outplay there for the killer, plus keys have a lot of conditions to complete before they become super useful in the game, unlike the way mori's were. They are really not comparable in the slightest.
22 -
Every one talks about this "Problem Mori" game but how many times did it actually happen? I've been playing this game for a year and a half and think I only saw a game or two where the killer Moried everyone in a first few min. I feel like it was I thing we all feared but it never really happened.
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Sure. But WHEN? How long will it take? Mori's got nerfed before, and keys did not. Keys never have been. It makes it hard to keep up hope that they ever will be.
1 -
If you have two kids fighting over cookies or pudding for dessert tonight and you give the pudding now, because it’s quicker and easier, it pisses off the kid wanting cookies. Instead, you could delay the pudding until both children can be given their respective dessert. It’s easy to feel like there is a favored child in the family. You pick one child’s wants over the other’s repeatedly and the kid will have some resentment. It’s basic parenting.
then again, kids grow up and move on one day.
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Who knows. In the meantime, we just have to wait. It's all we can do. If it helps, just imagine any survivor who escapes using a key as someone saying "We would have lost anyway, I forfeit". It makes keys a million times less frustrating, even a little satisfying
0 -
half/half player here, I have always though moris needed a nerf, but actively didn't want this exact nerf to them. A charge system or needing all survs to be hooked once was my preference. Never really used moris so I personally won't be affected but I am sad that my instinct when I see a mori on a killer will be to laugh at them for thinking that does anything for them anymore.
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I'm glad they nerfed them (for balance reasons) a killer could bring a ebony mori and force survivors to depip with less than 12k bloodpoints.
Also they're nerfing keys .
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My waiting will involve not playing this game and playing something else that has better balance.
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Keys have nothing to do with moris.
Keys are going to get nerfed, but it'll take time.
Nerfing moris is the right choice. If you think they're useless, you don't play this game at all
5 -
And that is your choice. I've stopped playing Overwatch until they can get their balance together. What was it that Mathieu Cote said?
"Maybe, take a break? Play survivor for a little bit. Maybe you're burnt out. O-or play something else for a change? Go play Civilization or something"
3 -
Killer main says moris is the worst thing bhvr could've ever done.
2 -
But why is it going to take time? Why didn't they wait for both to be ready so both sides of the community felt included? Both frustrate the opposing side. Both where seen as OP. But because one was 'simpler' it had to get pushed out? After Mori's had already been nerfed and keys never have been? In fact they are stronger now then they used to be because of how hatch can spawn even with no generators are done and the killer closing it does not prevent a key from being used.
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Mori's are now insurance against DS and a fancy way to get bloodpoints.
Which tbh is good enough for me.i will probably start using them more now
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I'm actually not burnt out, I just got back into the game. But this one sided game is making me quit in protest more then being done with the game.
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I was just making a joke, but yeah, I understand.
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moris were in desperate need of a change.
its better for this games health that they got nerfed.
though i wish they would have done something different than the two hook requirement...
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Killer main here, I am not bothered about a mori nerf as I rarely use them. I always found ivory mori's unfair to survivors, even the toxic ones, and I get less bp at the end of the match for using them.
Both mori's and keys should have been changed at the same time though imo.
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My guess is key would get 'adjustment' but still viable. Ebony is completely worthless now though so this seems fair to me /s
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The killer doesn't have to mori everyone immediately to make the match awful.
Just tunneling and removing the first person they've found (like killers with moris ALWAYS do) and thus turning it in a 3 vs 1 early on already made it near impossible to win as survivor
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Can you put on Franklin's when a survivor swaps their item to a key when there's 6 seconds remaining?
Maybe you can change to a killer who's more efficient at protecting items, oh wait you can't. But survivors can still quickswitch at any time and to any loadout they want. Incredibly hypocritical how one sided these updates are. Victor back to being a joke and keys are even more powerful now that moris are out of the way and Hoarder does absolutely nothing.
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Yeah but one problem, Eboni mori's aren't the only mori's. If you can only use a mori after the second hook, theres no point to having mori's be anything but ebony. Since they can no longer take people out of the game early.
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TF you on mori's should be nerfed along with keys.
a single offering shouldn't destroy survivors and honestly they are still useful since you can ignore DS if a survivor still has it.
It basically makes all killers have PH's ability to tunnel off final hook and while it is worse than before its was nerfed this was necessary for the balance of the game.
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Oh boo hoo
4 -
wheres to counterplay to finding a key in the middle of a match
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The new killer perk for example, lowers the rarity of items
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Thats been removed it no longers does the decrease rairity its in the same patch notes as the mori nerf
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Imagine having to use Moris to get wins in 2020 when most survivors are potatoes and there's Ruin/Undying.
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It would be better if every single survivor has to be hooked once before you can Mori. Better against tunneling AND less hooks required.
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Iam gonna put link to my poll right here
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Oh shied I missed that actually, I jumped straight to the bugfixes
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This is instead one of the best changes they made
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This was just such a scummy move on the dev's part. You could have put this in the ptb so people would know about the change in advance. But you intentionally didn't because you knew we'd burn through these things with the key-gate issue we are dealing with in the game right now.
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Just a very serious question for killer mains, as a 80/20 surv/killer player. Why are some killers so deathly afraid of keys? you still have to do all 5 gens? and if you use an offering to place the hatch somewhere then the killer sees that too. They usually end up getting like 1 Survivor out which is a killer win anyway. You got your pip and 3 survs probably lost theirs.
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It isn't the avg killer main would have spammed moris every game because "protest"
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I personally think greens didn't need anything and pinks should only have worked if EVERYONE had been hooked at least once.