Pallet Effect - Wounded

Hi there!

So recently the pallets we're made further apart and in some maps, continuous pallets are less accessible, making pallets more valuable and should be respected by the survivors who uses them. In the current state, pallets are good but not that great. Killers can straight up ignore the pallets (or avoid them by juking) as there's less penalty to the killer's side aside from the minor stun with Blood Lust removed after the stun. Thus, adding a little penalty to the killers hit by the pallets not only makes the killers have to respect them more often, it also provides a little bit more room for survivors to potentially get away or rewards the survivors for timing the stun instead of wasting them blindly. The DE-buff won't be game-changing but it will add some aspects to the game non-the-less.

New Effect : 'Wounded'
When a Killer is hit aka stunned by a pallet, 'Wounded' status effect is applied onto the killer. When inflicted with 'Wounded', Killers gain a DE-buff where they are not be able to gain Blood Lust during chases for x amount of time. Getting hit with another pallet while 'Wounded' effect is active increases the tier of 'Wounded' up to a tier of 3. Getting hit with a pallet while in Tier III 'Wounded' does not increase its tier but resets its timer.

Tier I/II/III : Killers are unable to gain Blood Lust during chases for 60/75/90 seconds.*
The actual countdown of gaining Blood Lust starts after the 'Wounded' status effect has ended.

I really think this will spice up the game a little bit so tell me whatchu think :chuffed:
This status effect is a nerf to the Killer's side, yes but it won't be that big of a deal to the skilled killers like ya'll are!

Thank you for reading and feel free to leave some constructive criticism below! o/


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Killers already lose bloodlust when they break the pallet. Why should pallets be made even safer?

  • ItsTrixinity
    ItsTrixinity Member Posts: 5

    So that survivors can prolong the chases and delay the game a little.

  • TerminalEntropy
    TerminalEntropy Member Posts: 71

    Prolonging chases actually shortens the game, you're supposed to hide, bait by making noise (pallets once were described as option of doing that, but who remembers that now), not by safe chase maneuvers. If something needs a buff it's survivors vanishing from sight options.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Dev's stated they want chases to stay around a minute, that's why we got vault changes and bloodlust 3 was removed. Besides if your gonna suggest more time for distance, a increase in stun time would be much easier. What you proposed forces a chase reset every time.
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i dont think survivors should get any buffs in the chase cathegory. this should be killersided af. a chase should also only give them the opportunity to lead the killer away from their teammates and buy them a bit of time, not actually escape the killer.
    i think instead of buffing the chase, they should buff the stealthgame and make it easier to hide from the killer.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @ItsTrixinity said:
    So that survivors can prolong the chases and delay the game a little.

    Ehm when the community talks about slowing down the game, then they are talking about ways to delay the game as killer.
    Not even additional tools to prolong chases.... yikes

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737


  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @Acromio said:

  • TerminalEntropy
    TerminalEntropy Member Posts: 71

    It's not longer chases that you need but more reliable options of getting out of sight. I'm sure this would look nice on streams too -.- Prolonging game by shifting chases in survivors favor, damn politicians.

  • Whispers23
    Whispers23 Member Posts: 111

    Prolong the chases is the worst part for the killer and it doesn't slow down the game because the killer will be chasing one target while the others working on gens.

  • Aviema
    Aviema Member Posts: 45
    edited October 2018

    When pallet hitboxes get fixed you can buff them all you like. Right now the hitboxes of those little ######### is incredibly misaligned.

    EDIT: Wait a minute, a full minute? You need to do research into how DBD's meta game functions before you start making suggestions like this. It seems like you came up with an idea and then just thought a minute sounds like a good amount of time for a killer not to have access to bloodlust.