Pls Devs don't Nerf keys

Mandy has to 100% right. Keys are so much weaker as Moris the only thing Keys (maybe) need is a 3 secound Animation. They have so much and also hard conditions. So pls don't make them useless. With the Mori change the game is so much less toxic now and I'm Happy with that.
Destroy the Key.
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No!!! (ŏ﹏ŏ)
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She has a point, you don't just bring in a Key and get granted a free escape. You work for your escape, and if the killer is crap anyways you don't even get to use the key.
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Exactly!!! Thank you :3
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No, at red ranks is a key fest escape, and rn i decided to don't play for this reason
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Corrupt them all.
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Just Play some rounds with survivor and then you have fun in this game again :3
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I said NO!!!! .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.
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"Let's keep unhealthy game mechanics cause stats says you have nothing to worry about"
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What about Keys is unhealthy? You still have to earn your Key escape.
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Ends the game early, allows multiple Survivors to escape, offers zero counterplay ect ect
"You still have to earn your mori, you still had to chase and down a Survivor so it's okay since you earned it." That logic is flawed.
Mori's were much worse than Keys, but that doesn't mean that Keys aren't badly in need of a redesign too.
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I mean,you can still use Left Behind and just AFK till your whole team dies and still escape with a key 👀
Also by that logic,why should we change Iridescent Head?You still have to hit your targets
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What about the killer. Did he earn those chance to get a 4k by doing his job only to get robbed because three survivors couldn't do the last generator and opted to getting away via hatch?
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They can turn a 3-gen around because someone has luck. Basically you have another Tool as survivor to recover from mistakes which would otherwise cost you the game.
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Barley, tbh you can just hide and let everyone die at 5 gens if the game is going downhill then take hatch escape with 0 effort put into the match. I had a lot of team8s that done this before.
Also, I had so many games both as survivor and killer where you get a 3 gen and it's just you and someone else left but that doesn't matter cause one of them looted a chest and got a cheap "get out of jail" card :p
It's a cheap and outdated item that does no longer fits with DBD. Devs should balance this game out so people actually have to do 5 gens if they want to win. Not just by hiding letting everyone die and escape with hatch.
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The reason keys are unhealthy is because they allow survivors to skip the stage in which the killer is strongest, the hardest part of the game for them.
Killers cant protect all 7 gens, its simply impossible. Only once some gens get done, the game starts to shift and protecting the gens turns doable. Especially if the survivors make the mistake of doing all the gens in one location.
But since survivors dont get punished for their mistakes in this game, they can just skip doing the last gen (the hardest one) as soon as one survivor dies. The last three survivors just skip the last gen and the killer has no chance to stop them.
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You can do literally nothing but hide in a locker all game and use the key to escape. If this is really the only change that will be done with mori's in the near future then they need a hard nerf.
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Just use Franklins :/
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I say this to everyone now, If you have a problem with Keys, then use Franklins. >:O
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Am I the only one who actually hates keys as survivor as well? 3 survivors left, 1 gen left and the 2-man swf jump through the hatch in front of the killer. Cool, thanks guys, see ya later!
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That's an awful advice. Survivors can counter Franklin's easily by dropping item somewhere and picking it up when hatch spawns.
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and if they just put the key somewhere.
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Franklins simply increases the objectives a killer has to keep track on. 90 seconds until the item is lost. If you smack them at a bad spot you will have to go out of your way to secure it's destruction, 90 seconds semi camping an item on the ground will lose you the game the same way camper should lose all their games.
And survivor already learned to play around franklins by dropping the key until needed.
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keys Need to be re worked. Only fair since Morris were merged. That being said it doesn’t mean keys are going to get the same treatment as the Mori nerf. We don’t know what exactly the changes they are going to make with them. We will just have to wait and see but rather we want them worked on or not they already have stated they are.
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Here we go again. You have a history with this posts. Is it so funny to troll people?
I understand its interesting to see the opinions on controversial topics and a lot of people ask this questions without trolling, so many would believe you are not trolling.
But most of the time you create a topic where one half of the community argues with the other one and both think the other side are idiots. In the end nobody changes his opinion and the community is more divided.
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Because it gives 2nd chances... And for you to need a 2nd chance, you had to fail first... So "earning" is a pretty big word. Especially when talking about something like keys. You don't have to go out of your way to meet the requirements to get a key escape. All you need is to complete at least 3 gens for you to take someone with you. Last time I checked 3 is less than the total amount of gens you normally have to complete to escape. Again... How exactly did you earn your escape?
*There is a BIG difference between earning and meeting the conditions*. When you say you earned it, the underlying meaning actually is that you accomplished something for you to be rewarded but in this case you just failed to do the main objective. It just so happens that you met the necessary conditions; conditions which are easy to meet with a decent team...
So why is it unhealthy? Well for one,
you didn't earn anything. You just got away because an item you brought in lowers the amount of completed gens necessary for you to escape.
Let's say you did 3 gens and 2 survivors died in the process. It's clear the killer has the upper hand in this match, it's just a matter of time before the killer finds one of you. In other words: you lost.
The key changes this and allows you to get away while the killer was actually winning. *The losing side wins because they brought an item to the game*. If an item can turn the tide this drastically then yes, it's unhealthy for the game.
And at last
a lot of different strategies and killers have a weak early game but rely on their late game potential. It also just takes away the chance for a killer to turn the game around if it's actually going the survivors way when there's like 1 gen left or they're all done.
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Franklins does not work. Period.
It is an awful perk and you should feel awful for suggesting it. It doesnt do anything.
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That's exactly what he wants lol
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I though survivors were againt the idea of robbing someone from playing full match. Keys allow that, so they should be render equally usefull as mories are now.
Keys are only weak when the players using them are incompetent. Good team with a key is as powerfull as pre-nerfed mories were. There's no excuse to not nerf them equally hard.
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Even if you add a 3 second animation, you know that it is considered a nerf right? Since it went from better to worse. So keys will be nerfed, no matter what.
Also they're op as #########. Except the broken key, which I like.
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I guess we are all supposed to take your word for it? The streamers I watch dont run into these so called “key fests” so you must ha e some really bad luck or you over-exaggerate
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Is 2% really accurate? Key escape is like 20% of my escapes.
I should run a trial run for better accuracy. I can't be going by feelings. But I feel like key escapes are like 1/5 escapes for me.
But yea, I'm against nerfing keys. But I was also against nerfing mori's but they rather nerf killers than survivors I guess.
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I agree nerfing keys is a poor decision. They ahould nerf hatch. Make hatch spawn at one survivour left or all gens done. Simple elegant still has an important purpose of bypassing nonsense door placements or theoretically reopening a closed hatch. Not hard to code you just need to change hatch variables which unless the code is in some sorry state should be pretty easy
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You say that like survivors wont know once you have it to drop the key somewhere so they dont lose it then come back and get it. So counters flawed.
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Oh I diden't know that
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Keys aren't that much weaker than old mori's, they just ######### suck when your team does. Same as old mori's sucked when the killer did. I've beat more than my fair share of old mori's and more than my fair share of keys and both are are absolutely busted. At least one's gone, now the other needs to vanish too.
Sure, 4 escapes with a key without comms is hard. With comms it isn't. 3 is easy, you just 3-gen yourselves and let someone die. 2 is a given. 1 is practically guaranteed.
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sure, but only if we revert the mori changes.
eigther nerf both sides OP stuff or leave it all in.
i dont see why you, as the survivor, should be allowed to ruin my, the killers, gaming experience, but i in return arent allowed to ruin yours. that would be quite hypocritical.
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I have over 80% escape rate if i bring key in duo SWF, even higher if 3 or 4 man. Nearly impossible to kill all SWF survivors if there are key involved, as you cannot protect the generators, key, hatch, and then hooks simultaneously. It's not uncommon to lose first 3 generators beginning of the match if survivors spread out to repair gens, after that they need just one gen and it's guaranteed 3- man escape.
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I agree. I depipped SEVEN TIMES today from a chest key.
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"Imagine complaining about keys"
This post was brought to you by Franklin's Demise gang
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The reason I don't like keys is when survivors purposely let you die on hook so they can get the hatch to spawn
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I hate people who base their opinions off the limited and flawed stats the devs give us. By that logic, OoO is fine, Nurse is UP, Freddy is the best killer in the game, and people rarely t-bag.
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Sure. We'll just facecamp survivors who have keys
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I hope they next fix the Facecamp issue :)
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Screw keys.
In its core key is a "Press X to win" button. Those are inherently unhealthy.
Yes, it has conditions and sometimes can be countered, but when the conditions are met it's literally an instant win. I want that changed or removed.
Imo it should be turned into amulets or something like that and repurposed for aura reading so most of its addons would still apply.
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I won't fall for it again, I won't fall for it again...
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How can you depip because of a Key? I want to see that :/
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Yes, of course, that the survivor can see the aura of the murderer for a complete of the key without the murderer knowing it is weaker than the mori and super fair, of course yes
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They are pretty busted. Especially against good survivors who purposely rank down to bully newer killers and get 4 man escapes in front of them. They need a nerf, and they need it soon.
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Depip for purpose? That's Sounds like a lie.