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What do I do when dealing with cheaters?

Sirris Member Posts: 43

I'm on PS4. I just turned crossplay off because I had a match where multiple hits connected (survivors made noise, got burst of speed, etc.) But didn't change health states. They also did 2 gens in 30 seconds which I know is impossible even if they had 2 on each as they brought 1 yellow toolbox with no addons and 3 medkits (some survivors were taking hits normal but 2 of them weren't which also makes me believe that they would have increased gen speed.

I have the footage recorded.

They were also very toxic at the end with teabagging and pointing. Yes Nea, you can teanag because my hits just bounce off you.

Best Answer


  • Speeddemonsaif
    Speeddemonsaif Member Posts: 143

    You can try to send it to bhvr post it to them and show proof and hopefully they ban the hacker.

  • Sif
    Sif Member Posts: 51

    You must have reported them ingame after the match though

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Record them and follow up with a report.