How can I juke Victor?

I just played against a quite decent Twins player, and they never missed a pounce. I tried loops, windows, trees, going from side to side, not even pallets worked because he massively respected them but he's so quick you can't capitalize on that; basically nothing worked for me... have you guys found a good way to dodge Victor that I might be missing?
Best Answers
I've got a way try running behind a vehicle or anything that when victor pounces into he dies, when he's about to pounce move asap so he lands on the vehicle and instantly dies.
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He's weak against slopes, particularly basement stairs (assuming he's below). Vaults and dropped pallets give you some room as well, since Victor is forced to pounce through or go around, but eventually he will catch up anyways. Talking about abnormal tiles, if you know pounce land distance well enough, you can stay relatively safe around some god windows/god pallets - Victor either pounces over and gets destroyed, or goes somewhere else.
The best way to deal with Victor is to have a teammate around ready to kick him and heal you from the dying state before killet gets there. Chase-wise you are always facing an equivalent of frenzied legion (but with an ability to down people) - unless the killer messes up, you can't avoid getting hit.