Exhaustion perks need to have an ACTUAL downside.

Bard Member Posts: 657
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

If you use an exhaustion perk (except Head On or Adrenaline), you are effectively getting at least three bonus health states mid-chase per trial.

If you ever manage to weasel your way out of getting downed after using an exhaustion perk (killer abandons you after you sprint burst to Asylum, you get your DS off after getting "tunneled", or you unbreakable up), that number increases by one.

This is busted as hell, and with something this strong you'd expect downsides... but you'd be wrong.

"Downside" Number One: "Exhaustion"

All this means is that Exhaustion perks have a shared CD, so you can't have more than one extra life per chase (at least, not in this category).

Obviously "I only get one extra life per chase" is not a valid downside to that extra life, so lets move on to other "downsides".

"Downside" Number Two: "Outside Debuffs"

"If the killer exhausts me, I don't get my extra life!"

There are three killers with Exhaustion add-ons: Huntress, Pig, and Clown.

Pig doesn't count, because she only gets to apply the effect after she chases you.

Huntress and Clown can use their add-ons to counter Dead Hard, and maybe Lithe/Balanced if they're lucky (if the survivor pops the perk before giving LOS, not gonna happen). They CANNOT stop Sprint Burst.

There are two perks that can apply Exhaustion: Mindbreaker and Blood Echo.

Mindbreaker's effect is so tiny that you can shrug it off mid-chase, so it only serves to amplify other exhaustion effects. Hell, if you don't do that, Mindbreaker can even work against you by letting a Sprint Burst user 99 their perk more easily.

Blood Echo is actually pretty OK, but the "mass injury" requirement means it's only good on the select killers that have an easy time getting injuries on multiple targets... a large portion of which (Legion, Ghostface, Myers, and Wraith) are hard countered by Sprint Burst.

"Downside" Number Three: "But it's haaaaaaaaaard"

"I keep Sprint Bursting into the killer" or "I'm using Dead Hard on 150 ping", therefore the perks aren't overpowered.

Forgive me, but I'm gonna have to have a laugh at your expense.

The path around most loops is usually only about 8 meters. The ability to misjudge by a meter or get outplayed and then press E to course correct is absurd.

The distance between tiles, save for pre-programmed dead zones, is rarely more than 20 meters, so the ability to cover 18 meters in 3 seconds and then cover an additional 28 meters before the killer is actually able to close the distance you created is absurd; you're basically just guaranteed safety no matter where you go as long you aren't playing blindfolded.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
