God I swear some of you just want to complain and are insecure with your own abilities! I know DAMN well there are lots of you guys on this forum who can ABSOLUTELY DESTROY swf and key users and some of you honestly suck. Thats how a game play base is but just quit acting like this mori nerf reflects anything. IT DOES NOT!!!
Jesus Christ we all know keys and Moris are too strong but keys are still weaker and need more changes. It isn't showing a double standard or survivor sided devs its simple freaking math. Oh you have like 15 issues needed to be solved and then you have 2 issues you WANT to solve? Well one of them requires half the time to fix all those 15 bugs and the other requires a value change. AND YOU HAVE limited TIME! So please get your guys head out of your rear and quit being belligerent. If they pushed back the updates you all would be upset and this change if it was warned so soon we all know killers would use Moris dont act like there is a double standard over a simple choice to pick the easiest problem for a limited time frame. The true double standard is complaining about how unfair it is and how everyone is using keys when you would do the same if it was keys changed first.
Also keys arent that hard to freaking deal with. I have made it to rank one like everyone else and the fact people lose all the time like they say is laughable. At least on MY servers I am am among the best survivors that I have PERSONALLY met. I can't even play solo without people dying or playing like noobs. Hell @azame can even vouch for this but most red ranks are trash and if you lose to them you have to get better. Some times the game throws unfair maps or what not or maybe an occasional good swf but its not all the time. And I have BARELY had a key make a difference survivor or killer match. And I am not even a freaking killer main. If you think you NEED a mori or key to win you are NOT good. If you think you need a mori to beat a key you are not good. Only when its a actual good swf or immersed survivors where its a major issue. Hell even moris aren't that bad to deal with if you have good teammates but its stronger and will always be. Moris are a more pressing issue but yeah the change should have happened at the same time but it didn't and don't act like the game is hopeless now. It makes you seem Like you're new to the game.
Also little PSA if you know where the hatch is there wont be 3 escapes and if 4 escape with a key you already lost before they used the hatch. Aint now way 4 people should live to all escape through the hatch. Grow some integrity and admit when you aren't that good or when your miss is your fault. On a lighter note, I like this forum and its members even if it is filled with toxicity and idiots. Some people are just really genuine or helpful and some are funny. All of you guys play this game like me and understand some things are wrong but I have faith in all of you I think that all of you can overcome these issues so please quit making the same threads and making this community worse just grow as a person and a player please
Stop complaining about people complaining.
We don't need 50 posts about people complaining about other people complaining on 50 posts.
You're just doing the same thing as the people you're complaining about.
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You can't tell me what to do mom!
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I'm really not happy with the way they've changed mori's...
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Can you explain, briefly why that is? Just the facts and not the emotive stuff that is getting spammed everywhere?
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Funny I don't see many posts doing what I am doing
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Fine honey, but you better eat your brusselsprouts or no more dbd!
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I mean yeah they lose their use honestly but I didn't wanna adress that in here. Thanks though because I realize I should have because even if most aren't talking about that some people are and that was a lapse of memory for me I apologize
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So about Moris...
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I dont like it because hooking is faster and it loses its power and now it gets countered with perks. I would much rather the hook 4 people before a mori would work
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Dude Zarr0ch made about a half an hour ago and its still on the front page on general.
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Ok that was amazing 😂
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Well too bad I didnt see it. Also even so moris have had 3 times as more posts than one of my kind which is why I brought that up
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Thx hopefully op didn't blow a gasket too bad... Seemed a bit frazzled
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Haha, I was just saying that to be an annoyance but honestly these are my real feelings on the matter
- Nerfing the mori's now have not balanced the game, they've created an unbalance as one side now has the ability to shorten match lengths in their favor while the other does not. It's not unreasonable to expect mori's and keys to be nerfed simultaneously.
- They didn't change their rarity. At this point they might as well remove them from the bloodweb completely and make them basekit across killers. It's not good we need to spend 4k, 5k, and 7k on offerings most will never now use.
- Keys are more prominent in the game now then they've ever been since the release of DBD. The timing to this nerf is highly questionable. Nerf to appraisal is helpful but the key uptick is still larger than usual(at least in red ranks). Now that the survivors see the developers will need to make a key nerf very high priority survivors are dumping all their reserves, a luxury that wasn't given to killers.
- Mori's first nerf was after first hook, years later the best they came up with is after second hook. There were better suggested fixes but dev's seemed to go with the one that was the very easiest, not what was best.
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I am OP ;) I wasn't upset btw its just I guess my normal disposition when talking about things I am annoyed at so it can convey a totally different set of emotiond than I am actually feeling so sorry about that
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Oh lol. I didn't notice. I'm glad you didn't have a stroke. I was just being funny
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I appreciate it
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Ah the old unabashed hypocrite stance.
There is no reason to talk to you anymore.
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sorry but no its not hypocritical. You can say that but you're wrong. There is an issue with making constant posts and this post is not constant. Therefore it is different. If there was 30 of these posts and 30 of mori posts then id be a hypocrite. At least understand common sense before you insinuate crap
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Well you stop complaining about people complaining about people complaining about moris
We don't need more post about people complaining about people complaining about other people complaining.
(P.s complaining)
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I know thats not for me but that gave me an aneurysm XD
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Why hello there
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Ouch my ears! You guys keep it to a dull roar in here? Please
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Sirry man
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It's ok... I've had time to calm down, decompress some. It just gets so loud in here.
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Ppl are scared the devs will bring mori's back if enough ppl complain.
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You may be right but geeze dude, rude beginning.
Seems more like you're complaining about others' complaining.
But to whoever is for some odd reason complaining about the Mori change and you're survivor - #########. If you're killer; it's literally the same - you just don't get to make quick games like most survivors do - with OR without a key.
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Some arguments are really dumb. At the same time, there are a lot of valid complaints about the Mori nerf. I'm just as tired of the community complaining about the Mori complaints by saying well the Moris needed a nerf therefore shut up. Meanwhile, the vast majority of the complaints have nothing to do with the actual fact that the Moris were nerfed and with the actual implementation of it.
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I just want them removed now they useless now.
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So the way I see it, they didn't announce mori changes for a reason. They already confirmed they would change both and have confirmed an update this next week. The keys are going to get a hard nerf that's unannounced with that update I'd bet.
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We already knew mori changes were coming we just didn't when and how they would be changed. Feedback is a great thing but feedback is also a bad thing. Gamers can complain all they want that a game studio did something they don't like but our opinions don't matter. Nothing I have heard from anyone complaining would make this game better. You all act like keys are a problem, when in reality keys aren't used that much and they're not game breaking like moris. Let's talk about hatch if there's 4 people alive hatch won't appear until all 5 gens are done and if it gets that far without a sacrifice you essentially already lost the game.
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I don't want them to bring it back to one. I want them to not do the laziest option to "fix" it. Now it's longer to kill than to just bring to a hook. Keys still needed a fix but since that would require effort because they put thought into appeasing survivors, they logjammed this through instead.
Here's a fix that retains Mori usefulness. Make a Mori give you a kill for every two hooks you get. If it needs a restriction above and beyond that, make it so that you can only use your banked kills against a survivor who's already been hooked once.
That solution took literally a minute to think up and it's still better than what they did.
Look, I get why the Devs do this stuff this way. There needs to be four times as many Survivors as Killers so of course they're going to favor the Survivors. But if they keep this up, there's not going to be people who want to play Killers, and then there's no game at all.
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The keys don't need no fixing. Just you and ppl who are upset cuz of mori nerf.
But I really like your idea of the mori, as oppose to what the devs came up with.
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Mori is faster than hooking, before the change. The only upside to hooking survivors before the change was the extra bloodpoints. Now, there is almost no reason at all to use Mori over hooking, because they're already on death hook or probably aren't escaping anyway. The animations are the only reason to use Mori over hooking, because some of them look pretty cool.
Honestly, the change was a little weird. They were other ways to change the Mori offering, but they went probably the easiest route. Not saying that the other changes would be better, because we can't test those changes. Honestly, no Mori is worth using right now because you get less of the much needed bloodpoints.
And you get rewarded for tunneling the survivor still. That was one of the major complaints about Mori's. Because the killer would tunnel a survivor to death. Now, you just tunnel a survivor the same way as you would without a mori, with a mori. They could have changed it to a different value, which was hook all survivors once before they can get moried. Pretty much the same as devour hope with one less stack you have to get, and without the speed boost and exposed status effect.
The new Mori just isn't good enough to be used, in general. You could use the same strategy as before, tunneling, and get the same result.
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General kenobi.
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Yeah well Some people need an aggressive approach but I never specifically targeted anyone I tried being neutral. Although survivors can have quick games due to gens but if you cant pressure survivors thats on you for the most part. That's why I even said so and brought up unfair maps
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Dude this change wasn't for survivors :/ can you guys stop saying that. You alienate the whole survivor player base I hope you know most survivors here actually want killers to be buffed and ######### right? Like I HATE clown but I know he needs a rework and I hate trapper because I cant loop normally but he needs to be stronger. As a survivor I can tell whats bad and this mori thing was done badly yeah but it wasn't because its survivor sided. Its because they had a whole ######### plethora of things to do and honestly this makes them non game breaking while I believe 1 hook on everyone would be better they just made this offering a cosmetic like half the people wanted
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In response to your first point: There was already an imbalance. Ebony Moris shortened the game WAY more than Keys do.
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Its probably because many people wanted it base kit and as a cosmetic. I agrer with you though but im more upset at the peoples excuses of how moris were needed and ot makes them look pretty sad
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It's not that they need fixing as much as at least given an animation that takes up time; if you're taking away the only way killers can make awful five minute or less games like survivors with keys do then it's of course going to cause controversy.
But hell, even without keys survivors can make those short and awful games.
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Thanks man but just a word of advice. Don't act like that over nothing your accusations against him were really unfair. Yeah he was a bit rude but not to the level you though and he has a less than favorable mindset but trust me man you need to control those response ive been banned before
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I may be bias here, but I really like keys. I am a solo player. I have no friends. I get killed by the killer and bullied by swf teams. I really need the keys. Plz don't nerf.
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Hey its fine man but they did need a change because the way they COULD break a game. I mean spine chill is fine but it CAN make a killer dc if the survs hold hostage with that perk that gives plenty of time to hide. Its just that moris were ALWAYS abused for the most part and keys weren't really abused but used in a swf with a map which made it hard to deal with unless you're a good killer
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Are you not good at the game? Not out of anger but I have been playing solo my whole time just about with some swf here and there and customs and if you need help I could help
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Im not sure if I'm good at the game. I mean I can breathe air and become red rank. Not necessarily becuz I'm good but becuz the ranking system is so broken.
I just do gens. I do gens even if there's 2 ppl left and the other is hiding. I rather work on gens than hide for 15 mins.
Dbd is the only game I play. I play nothing else. I started playing dbd when the Corona pandemic started they put me in home quarantine. Since than I been playing dbd non stop.
If u want to help, what platform do u play on?