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Can rats replace crows on indoor maps?

Makes more sense to me. Still would work for Spies.
Could we have offerings that turn them into different animals? Chickens, Squirrels, Rhinos, Screamapillars?
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I approve
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Makes sense.
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The rats on Lerys already freak me out and I am sure that one on Hawkins sells me out on purpose anyway :I
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There are rats on Lery's?
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Yepp there are, you can hear them squeaking and in one of the bathrooms for sure you can spot them.
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Like a caterpillar that is just a giant mouth or a normal caterpillar that makes those cute little squeals
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I like that, or feature the different animals for liscensed maps, like for Midwithc it cpould be one of the smaller monsters from SIlent hill or for hawkins one of the smaller monsters from the upside down
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Or just get rid of indoor maps! ;)
Although is like to see a stormy rainy nap with varying weather in it. Hard rain coming down in a character's face, affecting visibility. Maybe lightning can strike a gen, with a 50/50 shot of either filling it 10% or popping it for -25%.
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I was curious too - looks like a Simpson's reference :)
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Rats might be too hard to hear more than a few meters away, but along as whatever makes noise can be heard as well as the birds, I'm not bothered.
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What if indoor maps had black cats that were napping on miscellaneous furniture?
They could freak out, jump up, and hiss. It would definitely add a lot more immersion to indoor maps.