I just had a game where a toxic OoO spent the whole game just disarming my traps. Just made me an m1 killer which defeats the purpose. Trapper is hard enough to try and set up.
Trapper needs addons which block aura reading abilities when placing traps or the devs need to stop listening to Otz. AKA the clipper killer.
its not trapper that is the problem its OoO although i do think trapper needs a buff
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How would you buff him?
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Don't buff him. He has one of the most boring gameplays in the world. he's good where he's at. People play him. He fills a niche. And he's not bad.
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Yeah, Trapper is a pretty weak killer. Some buffs should be to have the trapper sack base kit, disable the dead hard through trap BS, make it take much longer to help someone escape from a trap, give the trapped survivor the deep wound effect after escaping only by themselves, and disable maps to let survivors see the traps. I got these ideas from not otzdarva's video on how to buff the trapper, but even with these buffs that is still not enough to make him better than a c tier. Remember that survivors can just disable your traps. When playing solo queue, I personally take over being the designated trap disabler. It is pretty effective.
Oh yes and OoO needs a nerf, it is BS. The devs' excuse for not touching it is that it is "very thematic" and fitting with the Halloween lore. Ridiculous, also they completely ignore DS.
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For a buff just give him the brown bag base kit so he can always at least carry 2 traps. Also open up more devirsity so you don't have to bring a bag add on like every single game.
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What means clipper killer?
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I don't feel like Trapper needs buffing - for certain, playing him requires a different strategy and very different tactics than other Killers, but I've faced some Trappers who are absolutely BRUTAL. Some maps are more difficult for them than others for certain (indoor maps can be painful as it can be harder to hide the trap), but the same is true for every Killer - some maps are better than others.
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Because Otz maisn trapper - he points out all the places we used to be able to put traps and it would clip through terrain. Its so easy to spot traps now.
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What if trapper could trap a gen? like dragons grip but when they stick their hand in they get trapped.
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Not sure how that would work in-game, and it is probably not the best change. He needs just a little more than just traps or for them to actually be very threatening along with the trapper himself.
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Indoor maps can be so hard. The traps sitck out so much - I wish you could spend an extra x amount of seconds to "conceal trap" - give it a blended texture or something
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Hard pass on buffing Trapper. His snowball is ridiculous as is and I get trap PTS for like the next ten games.
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Trapper only works on non indoor maps - and even then, some games outside have it rough.
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I was on a team that got its butt kicked by Trapper on an indoor map - they were super clever with trap placement. They put them down just around the corner of doorways, and at vault locations. The close quarters allowed them to keep the pressure on, thereby preventing folks from being able to crouch-walk or walk slowly to spot the traps. It worked really, really well.
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Whatever dude. People play Clown and Twins, but it doesn't mean they're not terrible killers. Trapper desperately needs a buff, like being able to carry 2 traps at base.
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IMHO, Trapper is the Killer who needs buffs to his basekit the most, and he´s been in this position for years. He´s one of my mains (if not my true main) and even compared to Clown his power is not amazing. It takes a considerable amount of dedication into Trapper gameplay to get decent results. He has one of the highest skill ceilings of any Killer, which is great, but his limitations compared to the threat level of his power are too much.
-rng based power
-very limited chase potential (you have to be an M1 Superhero to be a good Trapper)
-susceptible to meta survivor perks more than other Killers ( Dead Hard through Traps, multiple anti-slugging mechanics to prevent a snowball, Objects existence, DS triggers when trap grabbed, BT hit tanking while in a trap)
-Suffers more than other Killers from SWF - 1 guy sees a trap, everyone knows about it
-the worst early game and heavy limitations in regards to availability of his power
-the most addon dependant of all Killers
My wishlist for Trapper:
-Starts with 1 extra trap, 2 trap base carrying capacity
-reworked bags: Trapper Sack now gives +0/+1, Trapper Bag gives +1/+1, Stitched Bag +1/+2
- Bear traps: Now apply 5% hindered until fully healed.
-Increase rescue Time by 2,5 seconds ( now 4.3 seconds instead of 1,8)
-Increase espace time by 1,5 second
-first escape attempt now can be done after 4 seconds of stepping on the trap
-Increase disarm time by 1,5 seconds
-Stepping on a bear trap while injured causes 5% extra hindered until fully healed and deep wounds
-Stepping on a bear trap while in deep wounds applys the Honing Stone effect
-Dead Hard through traps removed
-Rainbow Map and red twine no longer reveal bear traps
-Range check for trap spawn : Traps now spawn no closer than 25 meters from the edges of the map
-Removal/Rework of Object, which is easier to do than giving Trapper something to not be absolutely devastated by the perk
-Longwood Dye Effect now basekit, the darkening addons will darken further accordingly
There you go, Trapper is now a solid mid tier Killer. Unfortunately I´m convinced none of this will ever happen, since BHVR seems to be happy seeing their poster boy, the literal face of DBD, being one of if not the worst Killer in the game for whatever reason. Still love him dearly for his theme and the gameplay he offers, but the balance of his downsides vs his power is tilted against him so heavily, it´s not even funny.
On a side note : I´d really appreciate if the DEVs could fix the Krampus skin. Edit: They did, awesome! Thanks and merry christmas!
Post edited by Slashstreetboy on0 -
Trapper is easily one of the most difficult killers to play as, especially without add ons.
Can shut down loops with traps if placed properly
Traps injured survivors and keep them in place while giving you a warning
Strong killer shack potential if the basement is there
Can re-arm traps without having to pick them up
At base, can only carry 1 trap at a time, and only starts with 1
Have to go out of your way to pick up traps on the map
Takes time to set up traps, time that survivors use to repair generators
Survivors can look at the ground where they run to make sure they don't step on any traps
Survivors can disarm traps
If you have no traps and choose not to pick one up because it's too out of the way, you're a powerless M1 killer
Anything else that I'm missing? I think Trapper needs a little something to make his game better. He is the poster boy of DbD after all.
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first off, that's an issue with OoO, not Trapper, though he does need buffs.
It's not Otz's fault for anything. If they actually listened to the man, Trapper would be in a much better state, and would probably be a very balanced Killer atm. And if they listened to him, they would know that the map reworks are garbage for Trapper, thus making a weak Killer weaker, cuz he can't hide traps at all. You can't blame Otz for using little tricks for Trapper. So what you can't clip a trap into the ground where it is virtually invisible? That's just bad design if it stayed.
TL;DR, OoO is the problem, not Trapper, but he needs buffs, and it's not fair to blame Otz
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Don't understand why you cant just grab traps from lockers.
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He does need a buff but not a game-breaking or a rework.
Maybe add more traps to the base kit so people can actually switch around addons and not only have 1 addon space cause they need a bag, make it so if a survivor escapes a trap they will have a deep wound since would make sense cause its a freaking bear trap so no chance escaping one without a bit of mending but also help slow game slightly.
It's only boring if it's a basement trapper since I always find it fun when its the kind of trapper that uses big brain and places very hidden traps. Also they did remove the hidden ability where trapper can avoid a pallet stun by setting up a trap so yeah they do kinda need to up his game a bit.
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Not sure how I feel about that. If the way they spawn around the map was improved, I don´t think this would be needed tbh, but a neat idea regardless.
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when trapped survivors get put into deep wound
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In notmal matches, Trapper can be really good... but the problem comes... with SWF, who are PLAYING WITH VOICE CHAT.
If SWF is good counter to traps, play with VOICE CHAT makes them really useful. They are playing tooguether, so they know not only where the killer is, also where he place the traps. They can dodge the traps along all the match and they can disarm again and again to bait you and make u take long walks along the map.
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The same survivor can't disarm traps with in a set time limit. Also maybe 30 seconds before they can disarm another one.
Trapper is really weak he's one of ths most useless killera on the game.
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He can disarm traps, i played recently as survi and cleaned 2-3 consecutives traps... 2 of them were 2-3 metres near...
But yeah agree, Trpper is one of themost weak killers in the game, and the weakest when u are playing against SWF... why? apart from the general advantage playing in SWF with VOICE chat, this against Trapper is terrible... all survis will know where the traps are, can dodge, disable it, bait the killer again and again....
Trapper needs a little buff or something new... also after the nerfed mori...
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But guys if u agree with something vote up so devs will see easier and will know who much people tink the same!!
not only in this post, in all... many people agree with something but they don't vote up
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Ive played trapper for abput 10 days on holiday from work.
Every match survivors are taking all the traps out. 5seconds for each trap or something is a joke.
Swf are the worst as all they do is say trapat building X. Trap at window X. Trap at bottom gem X.
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Yes, totally agree.
We need a Trapper buff, as it's needed a nerf of SWF
As i always say, the best choice for me, have 2 queues.
NORMAL QUEUE: u can play with all ur friends, to play just for fun and try new perks/addons/killers
RANKED QUEUE: u just can play in SWF of 2. With this we do SWF more balanced, playing as killer is more fair, and solo players will have similar chances than SWF.
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You do realize he hates trapper and says that trapper needs buffed, watch his 50 win streak and how frustrated he gets
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To play him with any degree of success you have to put countless hours into him to learn his good trap locations, and strats. even then he's a very weak killer, and relies too heavily on add-ons
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Why are you reviving 4 month old post...