Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Hex: Undying rework idea

Member Posts: 58
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hey! I had an idea for Hex: Undying rework due to the nature of the perk seemingly being frustrating for both sides (survivor side having to cleanse 5 totems at times, killer sometimes losing undying first)

Hex: Undying

A Hex totem that draws upon the power of all other totems in the trial, causing them to be blocked by the entity while this totem remains on the map.

When this totem is cleansed, it reveals the auras of all other totems on the map for 5 seconds. The entity releases the hold on all other totems on the map after 10 seconds, causing them to become unblocked.

This is kind of like, Corrupt Intervention totem version? Could be a cool concept, while less frustrating than current undying.

Post edited by Mandy on

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  • Member Posts: 967

    I like how it is now. I like doing totems. If u team w me. I can clear totems from most games on my own.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    This completely kills the core design of the perk the main design of this perk is to basically make it a hex protecter perk that’s it this idea could make another perk though

  • Member Posts: 58

    Oh I agree, I don't have a problem doing all 5 totems on the map. Most of the community would disagree though

  • Member Posts: 967

    I'm not sure why. It's really not that hard. Midwich and swamp can be tricky. Other maps are easy.

  • Member Posts: 1,604

    Thats rubbish

  • Member Posts: 17

    If by "Most of the community" you mean baby survivors who never made it to purple ranks then yes. I and pretty much everyone Ibknow who plays this game always clense the totems when we see it, be it for the bp's, inner strength or just to counter the possibility of NOED. If you see a totem, clense it, if you see it while in a chase, come back after and then clense it. Undying doesnt need a rework.

  • Member Posts: 2,207

    I think a more basic approach to the perk would be better, while that version sounds ok, it's still liable to an unlucky (or lucky) totem spawn, making the effected side cheated out just because they got unlucky. It does have an indication it's in the match though, which would let survivors know that you have it. It would be pretty hell trying to find it on midwich or Lerys.

    Personally, I would remove the Hex status off of it, and either:

    A) Make it a corrupt intervention for totems, blocking them at the start of the match for about 2 minutes, guaranteeing a decent duration on your totem.

    B) Make it transfer a cleansed hex totem once, resetting its stacks. Have an added, small effect so it works with perk tiers.

    I would personally go for A, makes it more consistent for both sides and more fun.

  • Member Posts: 197

    The only problem I have with Undying is the aura reveal. That simply should not be bundled with a Hex insurance perk.

  • Member Posts: 136
    edited December 2020

    That would completely nullify its use with Haunted Grounds. I love the multiple usage of Hounted Grounds with my Hag. :-)

    Since this is the only Totem Build I play at all.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Thrill of the Hunt: noti when a Hex is being touching + count total remaining totem + 1sec cleansing time for each totem available

    Undying: show aura when near any totem for 2m + transfer other Hex into another dull

    Undying has stronger info (show aura on all totems, while Thrill giving noti on Hex only). The 2nd benefit is much stronger than Thrill too.

    To my opinion: Thrill give noti when a Hex being touching. Then Undying only give aura when survivors being near a Dull, increase the aura reading time to 5 or 6 sec.

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    Pass..the perk is far more balanced than any survivor meta perk

  • Member Posts: 890
    edited December 2020

    If they ever rework/nerf it. A "simple" change would be to have whatever hex perk that was broken moved to and overwrite undying.

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