Tome challenges make people do toxic things on both sides :(

Yet I don't think people put 2 and 2 together. I see lots of complaints about things that the Tome challenges are literally asking people to do. I do my best to avoid ones that I feel are toxic to the gameplay but some have to be done. I honestly wish they would think these challenges through a little more but I doubt that will happen. So please read through all of the challenges even if you only play one side so you have a better understanding of what may be going on in your game. If anything it will save you some frustration and not take what the killer or survivor is doing so personal.
Hope you all have a wonderful day <3 Head Bobbing Piggy
True I've sand bagged many a match to get a rift as survivor.
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They probably can't code any more complexity into the game so this is the substitute for extra match goals, sort of artificial minor objectives to stretch the games out like undying become with ruin
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Honestly it doesn't need more complex things the game is not complex to begin with. I like having goals to keep it interesting especially ones that center around a specific killer or survivor. Keeps me from constantly using the same ones over and over. In the tome I like ones that go with the natural glow of the game but add just little bit to make you try harder than normal.
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The second I saw that one of the challenges was for Clown to hit people directly with his bottles, I shuttered. Sure enough, I've gone against at least a half dozen pinky finger clowns in the last couple of days. Not only does that add-on suck, but people who use it are typically tunneling campers too.
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It really is unfortunate but the more people are aware of what is going on the less salty (hopefully) they will feel. When I do those challenges I make it a point not to kill anyone and try to just have a good time.
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Oh no, I'm having flashbacks to the first tome when "sacrifice 4 Survivors in the basement in one trial" was a challenge. The first person caught basically couldn't play the game haha.
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The worst part about that challenge was the number of survivor who would disconnect to deny killers the challenge, meaning they had to attempt it multiple times. Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face.
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You can recognise when people use that add on.
They keep throwing bottles untill they run out or finally hit you with one.
I've vs 1 before the tomes even existed and he kept throwing them add me, when he missed 4 bottles and still kept throwing, I knew enough.
I just finished mine yesterday and only used the ones I always use.
I just aim a little bit better and the challenge was done within 2 minutes.
After that I just made sure they got in the toxic cloud.
That is why i refuse to do certain challenges.
Like for example in tome 1 where you have to use the perk noed.
I despise that perk because it is basically a killers hatch mechanic, it rewards you for bad play.
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Yes, there should be no dailies or tomes that demand subptimal or toxic behavior, no sacrifice requirements only hooks ect, i felt like such a jerk when i did a daily for two sacrfices with Trapper since he's lvl1 and i don't want to be stuck playing him camping was my best bet and i ended up doing it to someone with an event item and add-on, it feels terrible, just ask players to have fun, no do X so many times in one game, just make them take a few more times total, making players stressed and overly serious is not what the game needs, it needs to be fun for everyone, there is no need to make it trying or tedious,
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I did the NOED one with Freddy and Bloodwarden. I think I two-hooked most if not all of them during the match and most were injured when the last gen popped, so it wasn't like I did nothing and then relied on a perk that may or may not proc to get unfair kills. One of the survivors abused a bug during the match that wouldn't let me pick them up in a certain spot, so I definitely didn't feel bad about using legitimate means to sacrifice them.
NOED doesn't have to reward you for bad play. It's value is minimal if everyone's already injured anyway, and it's a counter to Adrenaline.
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No i agree it doesn't have to indeed.
But unfortunately it is run mostly by people who doesn't understand killer or how to counter certain loops, etc.
They mostly focus on 1 survivor and 1 survivor only.
So basically making a 1v4 a 1v1.
But i have come across really good killers and we had to really work for the gens, then fall victim of noed despite he played very well.
Even had a game vs a very good nurse and remained as the last one.
He closes the hatch and I just open the gates and as soon as they opened I got downed by noed.
I never said it isn't legitimate (although it probably refers to that particular survivor), I just don't like the perk because most of the killers that run it rely on it.
Which is probably how I should've worded it instead it rewards you for bad play
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I don't like these challenges like "Hook during EGC" where you basically have to throw the game to get it.
So I did Wraith with NOED, Bloodwarden, Infectious and Deerstalker. was invisible and let them do the gens, as soon as the last gen popped I slugged them until everyone was downed, opened gate and got my challenge. I've never felt like a bigger #########, but I did what I had to do. :(
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I love when people fall for that strat.
Some survivors are really oblivious to what is happening.
I had this seen as myers and bubba, pretanding to be afk, but as long as I haven't seen a killer all match I make sure I get out asap, or if the team let's me, do bones.
It is hilarious to spectate and see how those oblivious survivors fall victim
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I've seen a Oni do this in Midwitch. I found him just AFK inside the Bathroom breakable corridoor and was a little suspicious. Gens pop, the -other 3 were doing the usual t-bag routine, and suddenly all 3 were downed from nowhere. Turns out he blocked them into the corridoor and hadn't opened the top door. I was the only one to escape. Moral: Don't be clever when you think a killer is AFK.
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On Killer I want a rift task done I just let the Survivors know and BAM, done in one match zero toxicity
On Survivor I want a rift task done I end up spending 50 to 100 matches over a week or so grinding it out doing anything and everything in my toxic arsenal
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The challenges that I don't like are ones that you have to do the same thing multiple times in one trial. For example on this page, "Stun the Killer 4 times in one trial.
Good luck doing that unless you're lucky, the killer doesn't know about pallets or you're playing super toxic and abusing perks. DS counts as a stun so I'm going to have to bring that in to help. and people hate that.
The killer ones can be really annoying to both killer and survivor so usually if I have a one trail challenge, if I can I'll tell the team that's what I'm doing and not to worry about it.
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Just because other people use a perk in an un-fun way, it doesn't have to influence you or stop you from using that perk. I just went up against a Freddy who slugged me over and over and over again in an attempt to use Bloodwarden. Failed. Never proc'd. 4e. I still love using Bloodwarden myself, despite the awful way some killers attempt to use it. (Almost bleeding out as he camped me, that's how everyone wants to spend a match.)
As survivor, I dislike NOED mostly because it's usually me who does four totems and then dies at the end when NOED procs. But that's more my teammates' fault than the perk's fault. (Yes, yes, everyone. I know the other way of dealing with NOED is leaving totems up and then checking them after the last gen pops. But when teammates are super unreliable and you're the one who goes down to NOED first, it wouldn't help. You either stop it before it procs or you die. Solo q is suffering.)
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Yup I ended up having to farm for that one. I got lucky enough to find Survivors who knew about the challenge and let me get it. I imagine I'm not the only one who farmed it out.
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Hahaha exactly, but it is fun to watch especially when they're t-bagging.
I'm laughing my ass off and asking how they still fall for that 😂
That is what I appreciate from killers who do that.
At least they give me the opportunity to skip that lobby cause I hate farming.
I rather complete it during regular play than by survivors or killers get me the challenge without any effort.
Tbh survivor challenges are the easy ones,tho i managed to stun a killer 4 times during a match, but i can't get the 3 times challenge 😂
Luckily the survivors don't have a challenge compared to the 2 Billy ones.
Down 2 survivors within 30 sec with a chainsaw or 7 during a match
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Was that on ps4 by any chance on hawkings?
I know, it is not that because people use it in a unfun way.
It's just because I despise that perk entirely
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The match was on Autohaven. I thought the Freddy might be doing the pallet challenge from the way he acted and I was trying to help him since I had Windows of Opportunity. Turns out, nope, he was doing the other thing. While I was on the ground he kept nodding at me like I'd done something. Dunno, it was strange. But no biggie, got out the exit gate and had a nice new key to show for my 3 minutes and 58 seconds of being slugged.
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A few matches ago I went against a freddy who downed everyone and went to another survivor, he barely hooked someone.
I think he might have had about 4 hooks.
I knew something was up and yup he was using noed.
I 99 the exit and he opend the other 1.
As fast as I could opened the one I 99 and tried to escape.
0.5 sec to late 😂
Turned around and got away from the exit (benefit of playing both sides 😬) and went for the hooked person and all 4 of us got out.
That's why i thought you and i were in the same match because of this coincidence.
But yeah i have been slugged so many times too, I even got slugged and never been hooked, eventually died on the ground.
Not sure if I had pissed him of as a survivor or killer and wanted revenge or something or he was genuinely a toxic Ahole