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Why do some Survivors not adapt to RuIn-Undying-Tinkerer?

Member Posts: 4,082
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

I've seen the posts Ruin+Undying+Tinkerer lame. No skill. To easy. But don't they fail to realize the counters and flaws. Tinkerer stealth is easily countered by Spine Chill you can swap dead hard for one perk. Bone problems bring a map. Don't have a map okay run Detectives or Small game. You can still bring DS, BT, UB. I know most Survivors have realized and changed to the meta. But I sigh sadly at the survivors who can't learn to change to a system that has counters. Cause they want it their way.

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  • Member Posts: 9,702

    A lot survivors for some reason don't realize they can split up and work on gens separately and that build struggles.

    A lot of killers who run that build in my experience tend to immediately go for the tinkerer activation and there's not much a killer can do if multiple gens are proccing tinkerer.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    You pretty much answered your own question. It's the same in any game, not just DbD. People will refuse to adapt and actually attempt to learn new things. They'd rather cling to what they know and scream OP and demand nerfs than just learn to play in another way. It's unfortunate but these days people don't seem to want to put any effort into games

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    Are you really bending yourself this out of shape because I mentioned DS? Lol. Swap it for Iron Will as an anti-tunnel perk if that will allow you to see my point without lasering in on one irrelevant perk.

    And here’s the counter for DS: chase someone else. Simple, easy, doesn’t even require a perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 159

    The issue is that when I go up against a top tier/high mobility killer like blight or spirit, it becomes SUPER opressive, especially in a solo queue environment (which is how I play 90% of the time)

    I run small game to help but I'm usually the only one running a perk like this and the only one doing totems so it becomes very awful to deal with.

    I've adapted but again in solo queue against top tier killers running this build it's annoying and oprressive

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Small game is a perfect counter to ruin/undying imo. While repressed alliance is a more aggressive approach if you just wanna power through those 2 perks.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Most survivors have not adjusted because there is no such thing as adjusting to an unfair advantage. Tinkerer and Undying sound more like hacks than actual perks. A cheat code you type in telling you when an objective is almost complete. It is ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 2,452

    You dont need many perks to counter it. Maybe something to find totems.

    The problem is time. I play solo, sometimes you can hear the totem explosions left and right and the killer has no chance to stop all, but other times i am the only one who finds totems. The killer can easy interrupt one person and sometimes i need to cleanse more than three.

    Tinkerer without ruin is easy. You dont need spinechill, bc you know the exact time when you are triggering tinkerer.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    A major difference being that survivor perks can be avoided, but there is no avoiding Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer. Killer can bait DH or not tunnel DS and those perks are now magically voided. You can't ignore those killer perks because they stop the objective from being worked on.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    Didn't you know? Holding M1 is hard.

  • Member Posts: 1,623

    Holding M1/R1/RB is boring... that's why survivors rush gens. Who wants to be in a "game" where you just need to sit down and just seeing a progress bar and ocasionally having skill checks? That's boring, that's why I prefer to be chased by the killer even if I die. It's not fun if the killer is AFK either. Survivors do need another objetive more interactive than just holding M1.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    Ruin Undying Tinkerer is annoying bc you are dedicating resources to perks that might not be there. Not all killers use them and with the new/reworked maps the totem spawns are quite hidden. I run Detective's Hunch bc the effect of those perks can be devastating when left unchecked, but it kinda sours when the killer goes pop/Corrupted.

  • Member Posts: 967

    I played all day today and haven't encountered ruin/undying.

  • Member Posts: 464

    It's a non-issue if I'm with my SWF. We have a dedicated totem hunter, ez pz, while others keep pressure on gens.

    It's a different story in solo. YOU can prep, have a map and a perk for it. But the moment a killer decides to harass you in particular, your team is probably screwed. Because you can't expect randoms to prepare like you, or be coordinated. This perk combo has carried SO MANY boosted killers I could run for quite a while because my team couldn't get gens done quick enough before the killer just ran away because of tinkerer. The combo doesn't need to be nerfed, but something needs to be done about solo queue, as those are the biggest victims, especially if it's against something like Freddy or Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    So you're calling survivors out about their crutches while they complain about killers crutches? Like really? Maybe everyone should just play the game and stop bitching about the other sides perks.

  • Member Posts: 292

    Same reason the original Ruin was changed to it's current state. I guess it's faster to complain enough to get something changed than to actually be better.

  • Member Posts: 422

    Why can't survivors just accept ruin+undying and why can't killers just accept ds+unbreakable. They're good perks and are there to be used.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Don´t worry, i´m sure the Undying Ruin combo will be hit hard, because of how often it gets used in comparision to the DS Unbreakable combo.

  • Member Posts: 767

    I don't wanna adapt to ruin undying just like i don't wanna adapt to ds and unbreakable. Yes you and me use it on clown which is fair but there are people using it on spirit which is more than disgusting.

  • Member Posts: 74

    all perks are technically cheat codes by that logic lol. Dead hard gives you a dash and invincibility, DS makes it so you are borderline invincible for a minute. Every perk alters a base kit part of the game... how is seeing someone’s aura on a totem from a perk that’s only purpose is protecting another perk a “cheat code”. I guess we should also nerf/delete surveillance since you shouldn’t ever be able to see when ppl are on gens. How about we remove “of the abyss” from demo too since that can be used to see who’s on gens?

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    What you call adaptation I call straight-up unfair. Imagine if DS got buffed to be an 10 second stun, but Enduring worked with it again. Imagine if Unbreakable was hard-countered specifically by chainsaw killers. Imagine if Dead Hard was disabled by brown meme-addons that make your power worse for a Bloodpoint bonus. Imagine if OoO was permanently disabled by Knockout.

    What are you complaining about survivor meta perks for? Just run Billy or Bubba with Enduring/Knockout and their non-instadown saw add-ons while makin sure to only ever down with an m1. Sheesh, killers. Complaining with no adaptation. Git Gud.

    And let's not get into the fact that doing bones in solo que is a ######### death sentence if I've ever seen one. Doesn't matter your build, too much can go wrong completly outside of your control, to the point that it's actually better to just slam gens and hope for the best.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    What is unfair about holding m1 for a few seconds to get a ton of points?

    Like... really?

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    It has counters but the problem really lies with solo vs swf.

    Your saying if you hate the Ruin, Tinkerer and Undying build you should run Spine Chill and Small Game/Detectives Hunch. So take into consideration a solo q player picking their perks.

    Perk 1: Spine Chill (Tinkerer + Stealth Killers)

    Perk 2: Small Game/Detectives Hunch (Ruin + Undying)

    So now you only have 2 slots to fill in with other popular solo q perks:

    • Kindred (Helping Teamates coordinate to save you)
    • DS (Tunnelling + Teammates not having BT)
    • Bond (To help find teammates for healing or other purposes)
    • Windows Of Opportunity (To find out what pallets have been wasted)

    I'm deliberately ignoring a lot of really good perks like Dead Hard, Unbreakable, Sprint Burst, BT, Adrenaline and Iron Will.

    Personally I don't think the Ruin, Undying and Tinkerer combo needs touched but I think the devs really need to give solo q players a lot more information.

  • Member Posts: 11,534
  • Member Posts: 15,095

    When i play solo, i see a totem, i cleanse a totem. Costs me 10 seconds and gives me 1000 bloodpoints (1500 for lit totems).

    So, where is the problem?

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Well, you are not alone. There are supposed to be 3 other survivors. When everyone cleanses 1 totem and looks for another, hex perks are not a problem.

    Don´t blame the killer for useless teammates.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Who said anything about useless teammates? I'm talking about a complete lack of information.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    The game was designed to be played alone, with a complete lack of information.

    Take Detectives Hunch if you want to know how many totems are still active.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    The game isn't designed to be played alone, or I wouldn't consider solo que opponents free wins. And if you want to talk about the rest... See my original comment. You shouldn't ever have to take one thing to counter a other, not in a casual game.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Then don´t take it and count cleansed totems when you see them.

    Detectives Hunch just makes finding those totems easier.

    Remember, it shouldn´t be to easy, because you are permanently removing a killers perk. Imagine the killer could do the same thing.

  • Member Posts: 951

    Because survivors dont want to have to try to win and there are a ton of circumstances where DS+Unbreakable means the killer is put in a lose-lose scenario yet noone seems to care about that.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    And you've both gone wildly off topic and are pretending you can easily track totems.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    So, to respond the original question.

    No, apparently only killers want/have to adapt. Survivor mains don´t seem to want to adapt.

  • Member Posts: 567
    edited December 2020

    Survivors don't want to change their behavior, they want easy wins instead.

    I'm running distortion to get undying totems without getting interrupted and it works so well.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    "Adapt" and "get forced to run specific perks" are two very different things.

  • Member Posts: 231

    Who says we haven’t adapted? Never used to run prove thyself, but that and bond makes for some good gen rush before killers can get any tinkerer value. That or DS, UB, Soul Guard, whatever filter perk really punishes people for running hexes or those that slug (Twins) nut killers will still whine about that too.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    No one forces you.

    Unlike killers that are forced to take 2 perks to even have the slightest chance against gen rushers.

  • Member Posts: 714

    The point is that the game need more variety, I get bored after a couple of games facing the same killer or perks.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Yes, more killers should be buffed to have finally some variety.

  • Member Posts: 4,531
    edited December 2020


    Ruin + Undying is garbage.

    Well there, I've said it. I'm a killer main and I'm so sick of using these perks. I have used R+U on multiple different killers (Freddy, Legion, Blight) and every. single. time. Undying gets broken first. Like seriously, it is an unspoken rule buried in the code of this game that Undying most be the fist totem broken in the match? In fact I just played a Legion game last night in which I used four hex perks and Undying STILL got cleansed first. I started using Surge + Pop a while ago and I must say, they are far better than Ruin + Undying. Also, as a survivor, this exact same thing happens. I will check to see if the killer has Ruin (which they do), and so I'll sit on the gen minding my own business and then I'll hear one of my team mates cleanse a hex in the distance, so I'll check to see if Ruin is still there which it is, followed usually followed in less than a minute by Ruin. Until then I will keep my opinion on this topic. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Of course it´s garbage. It would have been OP with the old Ruin. But on the new one? Just ignore it and hold m1.

    I wonder how long it takes, until survivors realize that.

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